Is Sharron Angle fatally gafe prone?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Sharron Angle: Fatally gaffe-prone? - The Week

As Nevada Senate candidate Angle's regrettable public comments on rape and other issues add up, could she now be her rival Harry Reid's "biggest asset?"

Sharron Angle, the Tea Party–backed Republican taking on endangered Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), is providing plenty of grist for Reid attack ads. After slamming Reid for saving a Las Vegas resort project that could create 22,000 jobs, then walking back her criticism of BP's $20 billion oil-spill victims' account as a "slush fund," Angle raised eyebrows by advising a hypothetical 13-year-old rape-incest victim to steer clear of abortion and make "a lemon situation into lemonade." Is Angle blowing the GOP's easiest shot to pick up a Senate seat?
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Sharron Angle: Fatally gaffe-prone? - The Week

As Nevada Senate candidate Angle's regrettable public comments on rape and other issues add up, could she now be her rival Harry Reid's "biggest asset?"

Sharron Angle, the Tea Party–backed Republican taking on endangered Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), is providing plenty of grist for Reid attack ads. After slamming Reid for saving a Las Vegas resort project that could create 22,000 jobs, then walking back her criticism of BP's $20 billion oil-spill victims' account as a "slush fund," Angle raised eyebrows by advising a hypothetical 13-year-old rape-incest victim to steer clear of abortion and make "a lemon situation into lemonade." Is Angle blowing the GOP's easiest shot to pick up a Senate seat?

She flip flopped on the slush fund remark within hours. Apparently she has a gaffe repair crew on fulltime alert.
Sharron Angle: Fatally gaffe-prone? - The Week

As Nevada Senate candidate Angle's regrettable public comments on rape and other issues add up, could she now be her rival Harry Reid's "biggest asset?"

Sharron Angle, the Tea Party–backed Republican taking on endangered Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), is providing plenty of grist for Reid attack ads. After slamming Reid for saving a Las Vegas resort project that could create 22,000 jobs, then walking back her criticism of BP's $20 billion oil-spill victims' account as a "slush fund," Angle raised eyebrows by advising a hypothetical 13-year-old rape-incest victim to steer clear of abortion and make "a lemon situation into lemonade." Is Angle blowing the GOP's easiest shot to pick up a Senate seat?

She flip flopped on the slush fund remark within hours. Apparently she has a gaffe repair crew on fulltime alert.

She is getting Palinized to the point she is not allowed to say anything without prior clearance...

Thanks Tea Party
Another WOMAN for the left to HATE on, from the Party that spew they champion women's rights.

you just can't make this shit up.:lol:
Another WOMAN for the left to HATE on, from the Party that spew they champion women's rights.

you just can't make this shit up.:lol:

Especially since the Female Republican candidates oppose womens rights
Certainly not as much so as the number 2 guy to have his finger on the button, or number 3.....
Even if she is twice as verbally clumsy as Joe Biden I don't think this is going to do Reid much good. The race is now between a well meaning imbecile and a crook who looks to shaft his constituents every chance he gets. I would vote for the imbecile rather than the sell out, the double dealer, the thief.

And Reid helped put her in the place of his opponent. That hasn't been forgotten. In Nevada she is probably getting more sympathy for this kind of thing than derision.
Even if she is twice as verbally clumsy as Joe Biden I don't think this is going to do Reid much good. The race is now between a well meaning imbecile and a crook who looks to shaft his constituents every chance he gets. I would vote for the imbecile rather than the sell out, the double dealer, the thief.

And Reid helped put her in the place of his opponent. That hasn't been forgotten. In Nevada she is probably getting more sympathy for this kind of thing than derision.

I wonder when Reid is going to ask Angle why she switched from Republica to Democrat during Reagan's Presidency. That should be good comic relief.
Sharron Angle: Fatally gaffe-prone? - The Week

As Nevada Senate candidate Angle's regrettable public comments on rape and other issues add up, could she now be her rival Harry Reid's "biggest asset?"

Sharron Angle, the Tea Party–backed Republican taking on endangered Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), is providing plenty of grist for Reid attack ads. After slamming Reid for saving a Las Vegas resort project that could create 22,000 jobs, then walking back her criticism of BP's $20 billion oil-spill victims' account as a "slush fund," Angle raised eyebrows by advising a hypothetical 13-year-old rape-incest victim to steer clear of abortion and make "a lemon situation into lemonade." Is Angle blowing the GOP's easiest shot to pick up a Senate seat?

Harry [It smells like tourists in here] Reid is no slouch himself when it comes to stupid statements.

I'd rather have an innocent dumbass in Washington then a dishonest one any day.
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How sad is it that the lefts main concern for WOMENS rights is, ABORTION.

that should tell you a lot about the type of people they are.

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