Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:
Now where are all of those Tea Baggers rushing to her defense? I don't get this....can someone shed some light on the situation? This makes no sense?
While there are people who do not like Reid and what he stands for, how could those same people see Angle as a better alternative?

Do Angle supporters really trust someone who is afraid to stand up for what she believes in?

She's essentially saying, stop telling the people of Nevada how I really feel. Let me lie about it until I hopefully get in office.

Doesn't this go against the Tea Party ethic, or are they ok with politicians lying and deceiving the people as long as they're on their side? How does this make the Tea Party movement any different than the 2 party system, and wouldn't that render their movement irrelevent?
Anything and anybody is better than the terrible trio know as obie, pelobi, and reabi.
Anything and anybody is better than the terrible trio know as obie, pelobi, and reabi.

So you're willing to admit that you will support a liar and a deceiving politician, as long as they agree with your views by and large?

You've essentially rendered yourself ineligible on the topic of transparency. Just so you know.
I'd want to know if he is simply linking to them or is he using media "reporting" techniques to slant her opinions in his favor. I'm guessing it is slanted heavily in his favor.

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

This is exactly the kind of slant that I am talking about. Killing Social Security? If she believes in reforming Social Security, that is not killing Social Security.

I don't think I will take Jon Summers' interpretation of her views to be worth a whole hell of a lot.

Anything and anybody is better than the terrible trio know as obie, pelobi, and reabi.

So you're willing to admit that you will support a liar and a deceiving politician, as long as they agree with your views by and large?

You've essentially rendered yourself ineligible on the topic of transparency. Just so you know.

you support the biggest liar, deceiver on the planet, you willing to say yes you support obie wan?? go ahead I dare ya.
Anything and anybody is better than the terrible trio know as obie, pelobi, and reabi.

So you're willing to admit that you will support a liar and a deceiving politician, as long as they agree with your views by and large?

You've essentially rendered yourself ineligible on the topic of transparency. Just so you know.

do you or do you knot support obie wan? go ahead make yer declaration. :eusa_whistle:
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:

i even heard repubs talking about her on tv saying she sounded like a mental patient. :lol:
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:
Sharron's Underground Bunker

Sharron Angle's Underground Bunker
thank you
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:
Sharron's Underground Bunker

Sharron Angle's Underground Bunker
thank you

Thank you for the link.

Not much to go on since it is all coming from her opponent and not her own positions themselves. I suppose that if I really cared and was going to have to chose between her and Reid, I would have to go to her site myself... but I must say, that I am typically turned off by smear campaigns.

I'd want to know if he is simply linking to them or is he using media "reporting" techniques to slant her opinions in his favor. I'm guessing it is slanted heavily in his favor.

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

This is exactly the kind of slant that I am talking about. Killing Social Security? If she believes in reforming Social Security, that is not killing Social Security.

I don't think I will take Jon Summers' interpretation of her views to be worth a whole hell of a lot.


Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.
I'd want to know if he is simply linking to them or is he using media "reporting" techniques to slant her opinions in his favor. I'm guessing it is slanted heavily in his favor.

"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."

This is exactly the kind of slant that I am talking about. Killing Social Security? If she believes in reforming Social Security, that is not killing Social Security.

I don't think I will take Jon Summers' interpretation of her views to be worth a whole hell of a lot.


Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.

I'd want to know if he is simply linking to them or is he using media "reporting" techniques to slant her opinions in his favor. I'm guessing it is slanted heavily in his favor.

This is exactly the kind of slant that I am talking about. Killing Social Security? If she believes in reforming Social Security, that is not killing Social Security.

I don't think I will take Jon Summers' interpretation of her views to be worth a whole hell of a lot.


Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.


actually, you're ignoring the part that actually matters:

the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security,
you support the biggest liar, deceiver on the planet, you willing to say yes you support obie wan?? go ahead I dare ya.

I don't blindly support EVERY decision Obama makes. I know I'm new here, but you'll see that.

Considering the circumstances, Obama is making a tremendous amount of progress in less than 2 years in office. Time will tell though.

But if the Tea Party folks are to be genuine to their position, they should now frown upon what Angle is doing. She's letting the "machine" change her, when she and her followers were supposed to be the ones that took a stand against the "machine".
I'd want to know if he is simply linking to them or is he using media "reporting" techniques to slant her opinions in his favor. I'm guessing it is slanted heavily in his favor.

This is exactly the kind of slant that I am talking about. Killing Social Security? If she believes in reforming Social Security, that is not killing Social Security.

I don't think I will take Jon Summers' interpretation of her views to be worth a whole hell of a lot.


Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.


I disagree that Reid or his campaign lied. Angle has NO solution to SS other than the fact that she feels the need to protect "seniors". Therefore, if she only wants to save "seniors", where does that leave younger people like me? She has no plan, and she is dodging the media. Reid is only using what Angle has put out publicly.

Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.


actually, you're ignoring the part that actually matters:

the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security,

No, that is what matters to you. Is that because you favor Reid?

Why is a better Social Security Plan so frightening to Democrats? Why is it that you seem to support Reid putting words in Angle's mouth?


Thank you for the link.

Not much to go on since it is all coming from her opponent and not her own positions themselves. I suppose that if I really cared and was going to have to chose between her and Reid, I would have to go to her site myself... but I must say, that I am typically turned off by smear campaigns.


If an opponent lists your own words and you send a cease and desist notice, that is an alarm bell of significance going off.

Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

While the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security," it’s wrong to say Angle’s proposed plan for Social Security “cuts benefits for everyone coming into the system.” Estelle James, a consultant to the World Bank and a Democratic member of a presidential commission that studied Social Security in 2001, said in an e-mail to that the impact on benefits would depend upon an individual’s investments and market performance.

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.


I disagree that Reid or his campaign lied. Angle has NO solution to SS other than the fact that she feels the need to protect "seniors". Therefore, if she only wants to save "seniors", where does that leave younger people like me? She has no plan, and she is dodging the media. Reid is only using what Angle has put out publicly.

I do not know what Angle's position on Social Security is. All that I know is what Reid wants to tell us and by reading his site, that IS a scary thing. If I had a vote in that election, I would want to know what her position is, but I sure as hell would not be taking the Reid campaign's word for it.

Forgive me, but Reid's campaign seems to be dishonest here, not that that surprises me for any politician. The Reid campaign is editorializing her point of view and I believe they are doing so in a smear campaign attempting to bring about fear in the minds of seniors.

Reid Attacks Angle on Social Security |

So then, basically, the Reid campaign lied?

Personally, I am for the privatization of Social Security. However, I think it needs to be done slowly and we need to wean ourselves off of it. We cannot leave seniors or those who have worked a lifetime and been promised it in the lurch. We took tax dollars from them and promised to take care of them. We have to fulfill that promise, but doing so would not preclude a formula to wean us off of it.


actually, you're ignoring the part that actually matters:

the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security,

No, that is what matters to you. Is that because you favor Reid?

Why is a better Social Security Plan so frightening to Democrats? Why is it that you seem to support Reid putting words in Angle's mouth?


Think people are suffering now? Consider what would have happened if the private sector had had the opportunity to invest people's Social Security into plans they put people's 401ks into. :eusa_whistle:

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