Is Romney losing the Teavangelicals?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Is Mitt Romney losing the evangelicals? | Power Players - Yahoo! News

In a close election, like the one Barack Obama and Mitt Romney appear to be locked in, the winner is often decided by turn out. That is, when the party faithful are enthusiastic and energized , they come out to vote in large numbers. But if they're not excited, or angry, or otherwise energetic, they stay home. And the other guy, or gal, wins the election.

This year, Mitt Romney is trying to fire up two major groups of Republican voters who have been instrumental in recent elections: evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party movement. And frequently, these people are one and the same, hence the term coined by journalist David Brody: 'Teavangelicals.'

Is Mitt Romney losing the evangelicals? | Power Players - Yahoo! News

In a close election, like the one Barack Obama and Mitt Romney appear to be locked in, the winner is often decided by turn out. That is, when the party faithful are enthusiastic and energized , they come out to vote in large numbers. But if they're not excited, or angry, or otherwise energetic, they stay home. And the other guy, or gal, wins the election.

This year, Mitt Romney is trying to fire up two major groups of Republican voters who have been instrumental in recent elections: evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party movement. And frequently, these people are one and the same, hence the term coined by journalist David Brody: 'Teavangelicals.'


Not as fast as O'Bummer is losing Independents...LOL!!
I guess it's a rule of dirty politics. When you have a bad candidate try to split the opposing party. I saw the A.P. op-ed disguised as news. The radical left has been at war with Christianity for decades and now thy think they know how they are going to vote. Where are they going to go? To the quasi muslem president who sat in front a radical anti-American preacher for 20 years? Get lost lefties.
Is Mitt Romney losing the evangelicals? | Power Players - Yahoo! News

In a close election, like the one Barack Obama and Mitt Romney appear to be locked in, the winner is often decided by turn out. That is, when the party faithful are enthusiastic and energized , they come out to vote in large numbers. But if they're not excited, or angry, or otherwise energetic, they stay home. And the other guy, or gal, wins the election.

This year, Mitt Romney is trying to fire up two major groups of Republican voters who have been instrumental in recent elections: evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party movement. And frequently, these people are one and the same, hence the term coined by journalist David Brody: 'Teavangelicals.'


Not as fast as O'Bummer is losing Independents...LOL!!

You are missing the point.
So called teavangelicals are coming out in force. They will vote for Romney,but will concentrate heavily on the House and Senate races.
I think the opposite i think the tea party and some independants are so done with Obama the GOP will reap rewards they havent earned completely. I think this all helps Romney so much and others will take credit they dont deserve but the real reason everyone will agree on is Obama.
You are missing the point.
So called teavangelicals are coming out in force. They will vote for Romney,but will concentrate heavily on the House and Senate races.

They will vote for Romney ...

the reluctance is showing, is the point -

House races are for them to keep, those they already have.

both sides are energized for the Senate.

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