Is Palin tarnishing her brand?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Is Palin tarnishing her brand? - The Week

Sarah Palin has been called the new face of conservative politics and a possible Republican presidential candidate. But, lately, she's made a series of controversial endorsements that has political analysts and even some Republican strategists questioning "the shrinking powers of Palin's fairy dust." Vaughn Ward, her gaffe-prone pick for the Idaho congressional GOP primary went down in flames despite a 6-to-1 fundraising advantage and an "11th hour" Palin intervention — and her pick for governor in South Carolina, Nikki Haley, has been embroiled in accusations that she had an affair with a political blogger. Is Palin damaging her own image with ill-considered alliances?
In the midst of one of the most precipitous political crashes in the Mountain West, Sarah Palin made a mad dash into Boise on Friday, urging the election of a man who had plagiarized his campaign speech from Barack Obama, had been rebuked by the military for misusing the Marine uniform and had called the American territory of Puerto Rico a separate country.

And why not? Vaughn Ward, the Republican congressional candidate from Idaho, has the dubious character trifecta of the Palin brand: bone-headed, defiant and willfully ignorant. When told that Puerto Rico was not a country, he said, “I don’t care what you call it.”

On Tuesday, this Palin protégé was routed in a huge upset, despite a big early lead in the polls, a 6-to-1 fundraising edge and that Friday fly-in by the former half-term governor, who has Idaho roots.
Not long ago, she was most popular governor in the United States, with approval ratings in Alaska that crossed party lines and races. Earlier this month, a Rasmussen poll found that 50 percent of those surveyed in Alaska now have an unfavorable view of Palin, and a plurality of her fellow Alaskans would not vote for her for president.
Congrats RW

Has she referred to the 57 states or called people from Michigan "Michianers" or referred to "corpse-men" yet?
Palin is proving to be a political kiss of death
You guys spend an awful amount of time on someone you deem irrelevant and bimboish.

Probably watch American Idol and Survivor too I'm betting.
Has she referred to the 57 states or called people from Michigan "Michianers" or referred to "corpse-men" yet?

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Gaffe[/ame]

And Dems care so little for life, including their own, they lined up to give this fucking retard their Health Care proxies
Palin is a diversion. The Republican/conservative haters are working fervently to tear her down, embarass her, ruin her, basically make her an unviable candidate in 2012. Why they feel so threatened by her eludes my comprehension. They will continue to do this, distracted by their hatred, and will be shocked when someone from the rubble of Palin's career and mounts a successful run for the White House.

Palin is a decoy...
The attacks on her man in Idaho, Palin told a half-empty arena in Boise on Friday, were “a violation of our press freedom.” In fact, it was the press — led by the venerable Idaho Statesman newspaper — simply doing the thankless job of trying to keep politicians honest. The real piling on came from Idaho conservative bloggers, who were unrelenting in pointing out how the Palin candidate lifted his campaign speech almost word-for-word from Obama’s stirring 2004 Democratic convention address.
Stirring? Obama hasn't uttered one word that could even be remotely construed as "stirring" except by an idiot in dire need of an idol.
Obama seems to be blessed with the Clinton factor... one campaign appearnce and your toast.
OMG OMG Obama's in trouble. Oil spill...Chicago vacation.....Sestak has loose lips.. the press ..the press.. I know..

SARAH PALIN THREAD!! That'll take the heat off Obama. :)

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