NJ Governer Chris Christie tells it straight!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
I love this guy! First he eats this whining teachers lunch (yeah he's fat, we know) by applying common sense.....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsGfU4b3Hnw&feature=related]YouTube - NJ Governor Chris Christie vs. NJ School Teacher Rita Wilson[/ame]

Then he shreds this liberal crybaby like a head of lettuce.....(he likes to eat, we get it!!)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV525Y1mKt0&feature=related]YouTube - Chris Christie Vs. Liberal Reporter[/ame]

He's literally larger than life! (yeah he's fat, we know!) We need a whole bunch more conservatives that tell it like it is. I love this guy!!

He is going after the NJ State budget with a chainsaw, and he doesn’t care who complains about it. When he’s done, the only thing bloated in New Jersey government will be him ( yeah, he’s fat).
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The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.
That whinging teacher in the first one actually makes a salary of over $86K per year.

He handled it perfectly.
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.
We'll see what happens in four years. Personally, I think w need more people like Christie, People that are committed to doing the right thing and are not worried about winning a second term.

Christie is going to do the right thing- he is going get the budget balanced, lower taxes, put New Jersey back on track economically - and the election will take care of itself.
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Maybe...maybe NOT. People across the nation are responding positively to Christie...You say they aren't happy? How so?
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Aparently you only listen to the left or the NJEA....

You should broaden your scope....
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Maybe...maybe NOT. People across the nation are responding positively to Christie...You say they aren't happy? How so?

His polling has been around 35% to 45% approval.

Lower than Obama's.
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Aparently you only listen to the left or the NJEA....

You should broaden your scope....

No, I've been listening to polling.

I work in NJ and NY politics. It's my job to follow that stuff.
The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Maybe...maybe NOT. People across the nation are responding positively to Christie...You say they aren't happy? How so?

His polling has been around 35% to 45% approval.

Lower than Obama's.

Right now Obama's are @ 42%...and tanking. I'd rethink. Christie is being totally honest of Government. Obama isn't. Whom do you think will win?

Me? Christie. Hands-Down.
The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Aparently you only listen to the left or the NJEA....

You should broaden your scope....

No, I've been listening to polling.

I work in NJ and NY politics. It's my job to follow that stuff.

Then you'd know that 35% to 45% in a massively blue state is pretty darn good...

Do you suck at all your jobs or just the one following "that stuff" in NJ?
What polls do you follow, Mr. Stuff Follower?

A recent article on Governor Christie:
RealClearPolitics - Can Chris Christie Fix New Jersey?

Still, when the question was submitted to voters in April, 60 percent backed Christie's reforms. His popularity ratings are in dispute (Rasmussen pegs him at 53 percent approval, whereas a Fairleigh Dickenson University poll has him at 43 percent), but he is gaining traction in a state with a 700,000 Democratic registration advantage.

That was a 2 minute google search.... They're obviously paying you too much to "follow stuff" if you're getting your facts wrong....
The more I see of Christie, the more I like him. Did you catch the story about him vetoing the state budget **2 minutes** after it was passed? 2 minutes!!! That sends a message!!

Seriously, We need 49 more State Governors and 1 President exactly like him. We'd "take a bite" out of the fiscal crisis we are in. Christie 2012!!!

The only problem is - the people of New Jersey aren't happy with him at all.

He's going to be a one-term governor - at least that's my prediction.

Keep in mind....NJ always hates its governors.

Christie has to do what he thinks is right and let the political chips fall where they may.
I am a NJ Rep and a member of the NJEA. Awkward position to say the least. But boedicca - Ms. Rita Wilson does not make 88K. I checked it out on app.com. There is noi Rita Wilson working as a teacher in NJ as of last year. The story is bogus and she may have given a bogus name. I can't post the link but if you go to app.com data universe you can search teacher salaries. No such person. I will not post my salary but its less than 60K. 14 yrs and Ma plus 30.
What polls do you follow, Mr. Stuff Follower?

A recent article on Governor Christie:
RealClearPolitics - Can Chris Christie Fix New Jersey?

Still, when the question was submitted to voters in April, 60 percent backed Christie's reforms. His popularity ratings are in dispute (Rasmussen pegs him at 53 percent approval, whereas a Fairleigh Dickenson University poll has him at 43 percent), but he is gaining traction in a state with a 700,000 Democratic registration advantage.

That was a 2 minute google search.... They're obviously paying you too much to "follow stuff" if you're getting your facts wrong....

LOL! :lol:
I am a NJ Rep and a member of the NJEA. Awkward position to say the least. But boedicca - Ms. Rita Wilson does not make 88K. I checked it out on app.com. There is noi Rita Wilson working as a teacher in NJ as of last year. The story is bogus and she may have given a bogus name. I can't post the link but if you go to app.com data universe you can search teacher salaries. No such person. I will not post my salary but its less than 60K. 14 yrs and Ma plus 30.

The problem with the NJEA is they have been too wrapped up in tenure and seniority to really stand up for teachers as a whole. I have looked through th APP salaries to see what teachers in my sons school make.
The highest salary earners are always the older teachers with years in the system. We all know who the best teachers in the system are .....they are bunched in salary with teachers of similar tenure but not similar performance

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