Is Michael Brown A War Hero?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
The way Michael Brown has been revered and eulogized it would seem he discovered a cure for cancer while saving America from an alien invasion. But the truth is Brown was nothing but a belligerent young punk, an ordinary ghetto thug who got what he deserved.

The simple fact is the way the Black community has rallied to celebrate this low-life bully reflects badly on all Black Americans because it shows them to have absolutely no sense of social responsibility. Michael Brown was no hero and to treat him like one reveals a twisted sense of social values.

It is normal for Brown's parents to mourn him. And it is reasonable for the Black community to protest against what they feel is inappropriate police conduct. But to ignore the fact that Brown was an anti-social, bullying thug who was killed because he thought it was okay to attack a cop, to collectively attempt to portray him him as an innocent "child," says something about the contemporary Black community that can't help but detract from all the positive progress it has made in the recent past.

It says they have no sense of social decency and propriety.
No one has treated Michael Brown with "reverence", nor has anyone called him hero.
The rhetoric attending the entire Michael Brown issue plainly suggests Brown was just an innocent child who some racist cop decided to kill and went ahead and shot him without cause.

As I recall there were several Congressional Medals of Honor awarded posthumously to U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't believe I've ever heard the names of those recipients and if I did it was so infrequent and quietly pronounced I've forgotten. Can you recall any of them?

I'm quite sure we won't forget the name, Michael Brown. They had everything at his funeral but a bagpipe parade and a fireworks display.

No one has treated Michael Brown with "reverence", nor has anyone called him hero.

News item:

Brown’s uncle, Pastor Charles Ewing, gave a passionate eulogy and made parallels of his nephew’s life and that of the life of Jesus Christ.

“Michael Brown was 18 years old. He was shot around noon. Our Lord and Savior hung on the cross — now compare our time frame 12 o’clock to the Jewish time frame which is at the sixth hour. Michael Brown died on August the 9th. Jesus hung on the cross between the sixth and the 9th hour.”


No one has treated Michael Brown with "reverence", nor has anyone called him hero.

News item:

Brown’s uncle, Pastor Charles Ewing, gave a passionate eulogy and made parallels of his nephew’s life and that of the life of Jesus Christ.

“Michael Brown was 18 years old. He was shot around noon. Our Lord and Savior hung on the cross — now compare our time frame 12 o’clock to the Jewish time frame which is at the sixth hour. Michael Brown died on August the 9th. Jesus hung on the cross between the sixth and the 9th hour.”



Drive by post that doesnt address the person quoted
Who deserves to be shot for no reason? Anyone else?
No reason. You're quite sure of that? The cop just decided to shoot somebody and Brown was convenient.

Ok then What did Brown do to "get what he deserved"?

Response: *crickets*

In my opinion, this is enough. But if it's not enough for you, add attacking a cop to it.

Whats enough? This deserves getting killed you're saying?

Oh btw...has anyone come forward to say this was Brown or are we just going with he's big and black so it must be him?
No one has treated Michael Brown with "reverence", nor has anyone called him hero.

News item:

Brown’s uncle, Pastor Charles Ewing, gave a passionate eulogy and made parallels of his nephew’s life and that of the life of Jesus Christ.

“Michael Brown was 18 years old. He was shot around noon. Our Lord and Savior hung on the cross — now compare our time frame 12 o’clock to the Jewish time frame which is at the sixth hour. Michael Brown died on August the 9th. Jesus hung on the cross between the sixth and the 9th hour.”



Drive by post that doesnt address the person quoted

Directly addressed and refuted the post quoted.

You just didn't like it, so, as an obedient partisan ideologue, you tried to deflect.

Too bad.

The family has made a circus out of this whole thing. As soon as I heard the family (I believe his grandfather) asked Sharpton to come there, that's all I needed to know about them. Crap...there were about 500 people at his funeral, and I bet not more than 100 of them even knew him! Also unbelievable is that they had Sharpton give the Eulogy.....he didn't even KNOW the kid! Then the ass-wipe in the WH sends 3 people to represent them....WHY??? Why are they trying to make this thug out as some kind of hero?

And nobody is even thinking about the cop that shot him. I heard he was a guy everyone liked, never got in any trouble, been with the force for several years. Nobody cares what he could be going through....or his family. His entire career (at least in Mo) is over. But the racists won't care, he's guilty no matter what the outcome proves.
Who deserves to be shot for no reason? Anyone else?

He was shot for a good reason. Why do you defend stupid?

And what reason is that? The Police themselves havent even given a reason so any reason you give would be made up

If it's true that no reason was given, how can you say he was shot for no reason? Because no reason was given you just assume that there is none?

You liberals pukes make absolutely no sense. Do you even think before you post?

If I were the one being attacked, I would have shot his dumbass too.
No one has treated Michael Brown with "reverence", nor has anyone called him hero.

News item:

Brown’s uncle, Pastor Charles Ewing, gave a passionate eulogy and made parallels of his nephew’s life and that of the life of Jesus Christ.

“Michael Brown was 18 years old. He was shot around noon. Our Lord and Savior hung on the cross — now compare our time frame 12 o’clock to the Jewish time frame which is at the sixth hour. Michael Brown died on August the 9th. Jesus hung on the cross between the sixth and the 9th hour.”



Drive by post that doesnt address the person quoted

Directly addressed and refuted the post quoted.

You just didn't like it, so, as an obedient partisan ideologue, you tried to deflect.

Too bad.


The Family of the deceased spoke well of him. You're right this is unusual
The family has made a circus out of this whole thing. As soon as I heard the family (I believe his grandfather) asked Sharpton to come there, that's all I needed to know about them. Crap...there were about 500 people at his funeral, and I bet not more than 100 of them even knew him! Also unbelievable is that they had Sharpton give the Eulogy.....he didn't even KNOW the kid! Then the ass-wipe in the WH sends 3 people to represent them....WHY??? Why are they trying to make this thug out as some kind of hero?

And nobody is even thinking about the cop that shot him. I heard he was a guy everyone liked, never got in any trouble, been with the force for several years. Nobody cares what he could be going through....or his family. His entire career (at least in Mo) is over. But the racists won't care, he's guilty no matter what the outcome proves.

I don't really blame the family, per se. This is the environment that Sharpton, the Left and the PC Police have created -- you jump on any opportunity like this with both feet, running with it as long as you can, separating the races as much as possible. It's a part of contemporary American black culture, and yet another example of how black Americans have been victimized by the Left.

They deserve much better, especially considering this country's history.

When it all washes out, it will be known that Brown was a wise ass black thug who got what he deserved. Another dead punk for the pile, BFD.
Who deserves to be shot for no reason? Anyone else?
No reason. You're quite sure of that? The cop just decided to shoot somebody and Brown was convenient.

Ok then What did Brown do to "get what he deserved"?

Response: *crickets*
Didn't heed a police officer after attacking said officer, fleeing and then rushing him?

But wait, I forgot facts need not be determined for you to make a tool of, never mind.
Who deserves to be shot for no reason? Anyone else?
No reason. You're quite sure of that? The cop just decided to shoot somebody and Brown was convenient.

Ok then What did Brown do to "get what he deserved"?

Response: *crickets*

In my opinion, this is enough. But if it's not enough for you, add attacking a cop to it.

Whats enough? This deserves getting killed you're saying?

Oh btw...has anyone come forward to say this was Brown or are we just going with he's big and black so it must be him?

With all due respect, Closed? Have you been living under a rock for the past week?

There isn't any question but that was Michael Brown on the tape. He's there with his little buddy, Dorian Johnson, also on the tape.

Think about how this all went down. Michael Brown commits a strong armed robbery of a convenience store at noon time walks out of the store and then walks down the middle of the street refusing to get out of the way even when a police car comes by.

Who does that? Who commits a blatant crime like that and then doesn't even try and avoid a confrontation with the police? I'm sorry but this narrative that Michael Brown was a "good kid" who was shot for no reason is laughably inaccurate. Michael Brown was a street thug. Did he deserve to be shot for what he did? I can't tell you that because I don't know how it went down but I can tell you that his actions prior to the shooting are what caused the shooting.

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