Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?

Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Yes, I'm being provocative. (I'm bored with all the ridiculous discussion of people trying to demonize Israel for defending her borders from violent rioters talking about marching to Jerusalem ripping the hearts out of Jews. Ugh.)

So let's talk about the future of Gaza.

There are real humanitarian concerns here. There are real security concerns here. Neither are being addressed by Hamas or the citizens of Gaza. Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting that Israel incorporate Gaza into Israel. My thinking is more that if everyone is saying Israel is occupying Gaza anyway -- why doesn't she actually go back to occupying it? Temporarily. Preferrably with the support of the at least some of the Gazan people. Possibly as a Mandate overseeing an economic revival, a re-building of infrastructure, a reduction in violence and a re-education of the next generation.

Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
Can you be any more evil? End the blockade. End the occupation. You're not defending anything. You're the aggressor. An occupational force, cannot claim self defense. Stop dehumanizing the Pals. You are not the victims. You are the bad guys.
We do know it is not going to happen. The change in extreme Muslim mentality.

Let us see what getting rid of the Iran threat, more Arab countries having some sort of ties with Israel, etc may do in the future.

Once they can see that they cannot destroy Israel by any means, they may start working on wanting to really build Gaza.
They can't build anything in Gaza, because you fuckers won't let any building materials in to the area.

And stop trying to provoke Iran into a war.
Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Judaism is not Zionism.
Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do know it is not going to happen. The change in extreme Muslim mentality.

Let us see what getting rid of the Iran threat, more Arab countries having some sort of ties with Israel, etc may do in the future.

Once they can see that they cannot destroy Israel by any means, they may start working on wanting to really build Gaza.
They can't build anything in Gaza, because you fuckers won't let any building materials in to the area.

And stop trying to provoke Iran into a war.
Iran has been stopped from wanting a war. So has Hezbollah, by the way.

Here is the nothing which is being allowed to be built in Gaza:

'Blue Beach' offers Gazans a glimpse of the good life

Gaza Strip luxury hotel cost £29m to build but has no guests who want to stay | Daily Mail Online

Gazans excited over territory’s new indoor mall

Another Luxury Mall Opens its Doors in Gaza
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Judaism is not Zionism.
You have shown how much you know about either.

Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do not have an attitude about Muslims.

Islam is self explanatory:

Submit or die.

Jews spent 1300 years under Islamic control. They know very well what groups of Muslims like the ones in Gaza want from Jews:

"Drop dead".

It has never been the same about Jews towards the Muslims, whoever they may be, which over a Million Muslims living in Israel, and Zero living in most Muslim countries goes to show.

If Jews/Israel felt the same way as the other side does, there would be ZERO food, medicine, etc going into Gaza. Zero.

Because that is exactly what Hamas, Jordan and others would have done. Actually tried to do during the war in 1948 and did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel allows all religions to go to the Temple Mount. The Muslims only allowed some Muslims to go to the Temple Mount between 1948 and 1967.

Facts are important. They do not change.

There is no way to compare what Muslims have done and continue to do in order to take away Israel from the Jews, and all that Israel has done to make Muslim's lives better.

Who in their right mind allows the enemy into their country for jobs, health care and education?

Israel does.

There is no going into Gaza and Areas A and B for Jews. They get killed at first site.

Muslims get jobs, etc in Israel.

Jews get kidnappeed, murdered in Gaza and Areas A and B, if they ever enter by mistake.

Enough of this endless attempt at comparison between Muslims and Jews.
Iran has been stopped from wanting a war. So has Hezbollah, by the way.

Here is the nothing which is being allowed to be built in Gaza:

'Blue Beach' offers Gazans a glimpse of the good life

Gaza Strip luxury hotel cost £29m to build but has no guests who want to stay | Daily Mail Online

Gazans excited over territory’s new indoor mall

It's so nice there the UN says the area will not be able to sustain life by 2020.

Another Luxury Mall Opens its Doors in Gaza
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Who tells you this crap.

You're the aggressor.

I think you are trying to re-define the definition of "Aggressor" just solely to fit your argument.

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State,

----------------------------------------- or -----------------------------------------
In any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.
SOURCE: Article 1, A/RES/29/3314 (XXIX) Definition of Aggression

The use of the term "Aggressor" implies one state against another state.


State against State: What "STATE" used an armed force against what "STATE?"
When did the conflict begin?

An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense. Stop dehumanizing the Pals. You are not the victims. You are the bad guys.

"Nothing in the present Charter of the United Nations shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations."

Since the time of its independence, Israel has been locked in conflict with one Arab entity or another.

Israel has made peace with two neighboring Arab States and has established permanent International boundaries. Israel is currently in a dormant period under the temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement with two other neighboring states.

Israel has not invaded Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
We do know it is not going to happen. The change in extreme Muslim mentality.

Let us see what getting rid of the Iran threat, more Arab countries having some sort of ties with Israel, etc may do in the future.

Once they can see that they cannot destroy Israel by any means, they may start working on wanting to really build Gaza.
They can't build anything in Gaza, because you fuckers won't let any building materials in to the area.

And stop trying to provoke Iran into a war.

Oh please. They can't build anything in Gaza except 15 million dollars worth of tunnels.
You the jews made Gaza a humanitarian concern. Don't blame them.

Not blaming anyone. Asking who is going to fix it.
Those who created the problem - "the international community".

I agree in principle. Not sure how we are going to enforce that.
The circumstances are going to enforce that. "the international community" cannot endlessly feed rapidly growing Palestinian population.
Israel will not allow Hamas to be peaceful.

[In 2005] Hamas continued to gain council seats in further municipal elections in May. But rather than encouraging Hamas’s engagement in the political process, Israel continued to seek to isolate the group. Instead of encouraging Hamas to moderate its behavior, Israel continued to attempt to provoke the group into a violent response. Israel sent the message to Hamas that its steps towards moderation and political engagement would bear no fruit. When Hamas cleaned the streets, Israeli bulldozers and tanks destroyed them, and when Hamas erected streetlights, Israeli soldiers shot them out.
Israel will not allow Hamas to be peaceful.

[In 2005] Hamas continued to gain council seats in further municipal elections in May. But rather than encouraging Hamas’s engagement in the political process, Israel continued to seek to isolate the group. Instead of encouraging Hamas to moderate its behavior, Israel continued to attempt to provoke the group into a violent response. Israel sent the message to Hamas that its steps towards moderation and political engagement would bear no fruit. When Hamas cleaned the streets, Israeli bulldozers and tanks destroyed them, and when Hamas erected streetlights, Israeli soldiers shot them out.
More from the BDS sucker.