Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?

More from the BDS sucker.
That's all you got is namecalling.

BTW, Israel doesn't allow shit for medical treatment.

Just because Israel did not allow as many permits for security reasons, does not mean that there is no medical treatment at all as you keep attempting to imply.

Less is not the same as nothing.

Israel does not have to give ANY medical treatment at all, jobs or allow those who do not live in Israel to come for education.

But it does.

And it will continue to close its borders whenever Hamas or Fatah choose to incite its citizens to attack anyone, Jews, Muslims, Cristians, Druze in Israel or in Judea or Samaria.
One cannot lead a blind man to water.
Little whiny Israeli's can't take the criticism.

Why? Because you know you are wrong.
All you are doing is telling us that indeed you are a member of the BDS organization.

All you do is post their talking points against Israel, written or said by those who wish to destroy that country and give it to the Arab Muslims.
We do know it is not going to happen. The change in extreme Muslim mentality.

Let us see what getting rid of the Iran threat, more Arab countries having some sort of ties with Israel, etc may do in the future.

Once they can see that they cannot destroy Israel by any means, they may start working on wanting to really build Gaza.
They can't build anything in Gaza, because you fuckers won't let any building materials in to the area.

And stop trying to provoke Iran into a war.

Oh please. They can't build anything in Gaza except 15 million dollars worth of tunnels.

That is what you have condemned them too, travel in the tunnels as the IDF is watching every move they make.
Oh please. They can't build anything in Gaza except 15 million dollars worth of tunnels.
They wouldn't need the tunnels if you end the illegal and immoral blockade.

That video made me feel very sorry that the Palestinians having to go that route, they are trapped like caged birds that just want to live.

By all means, feel sorry for all the Arabs who are stuck with Hamas as their leaders.

The leaders who instead of taking all of Gaza, as given to them in 2005, and 2007 by Israel and the elections they had.....
chose to continue the Husseini clan's Jihad against the Jews having any sovereignty over their own ancient homeland, simply because that clan believes that all land conquered by Muslims must remain in Muslim hands. all not bother with the details.
Jordan, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah, has always stressed that Jerusalem’s fate should be decided as part of the final-status negotiations.

As part of the Hashemite custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, the statement said, Jordan will continue to exert political, diplomatic and legal efforts to limit the consequences of the resolution and to affirm the eternal and immortal right of Muslims and Christians in the Holy City.

Earlier in the day, Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani stressed in a statement that the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem and Washington’s recognition of the city as the capital of Israel represent a clear breach to the UN convention and all relevant international legitimacy resolutions, especially Resolution 478.

Momani, who is also the government spokesperson, highlighted that all UN resolutions stress that East Jerusalem is an occupied land and that the city’s fate is a final status issue.

The minister said that Jordan is still committed to its unaltered stance that rejects the US decision and considers it null and void, adding that the Kingdom, along with most countries, condemns the decision, especially since 128 countries voted against it in the UN General Assembly and Security Council.

He said that East Jerusalem is the capital of the future independent Palestinian state and it is the key to peace.

Relocation of US embassy to Jerusalem jeopardises peace — King

Jordan is not on the Israel side.
We do know it is not going to happen. The change in extreme Muslim mentality.

Let us see what getting rid of the Iran threat, more Arab countries having some sort of ties with Israel, etc may do in the future.

Once they can see that they cannot destroy Israel by any means, they may start working on wanting to really build Gaza.
They can't build anything in Gaza, because you fuckers won't let any building materials in to the area.

And stop trying to provoke Iran into a war.

Oh please. They can't build anything in Gaza except 15 million dollars worth of tunnels.

That is what you have condemned them too, travel in the tunnels as the IDF is watching every move they make.
The only thing they ever wanted from the tunnels, even out of Egypt, was to smuggle weapons to attack Israel and the Jews.

They could have built another Arab State, like Jordan did, but chose to attempt to destroy Israel instead.

The Egyptian army says it has destroyed nearly one-thousand 430 tunnels during the past 18 months. The tunnels are used by Palestinians to bring in supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip. Dozens of people, mostly Palestinians, have lost their lives during the tunnel destructions which have intensified since the 2013 ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi. The Egyptian army claims that these tunnels were used to smuggle weapons to militants in the Sinai Peninsula. But according to a report by the World Food Program, the tunnels represent the main supply route for the much-needed goods in Gaza. The coastal strip has been under the Israeli air, sea and land blockade since 2007. The Egyptian cabinet has approved a law which bans digging or using tunnels for communicating with or supplying Palestinians with goods.

Jordan, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah, has always stressed that Jerusalem’s fate should be decided as part of the final-status negotiations.

As part of the Hashemite custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, the statement said, Jordan will continue to exert political, diplomatic and legal efforts to limit the consequences of the resolution and to affirm the eternal and immortal right of Muslims and Christians in the Holy City.

Earlier in the day, Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani stressed in a statement that the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem and Washington’s recognition of the city as the capital of Israel represent a clear breach to the UN convention and all relevant international legitimacy resolutions, especially Resolution 478.

Momani, who is also the government spokesperson, highlighted that all UN resolutions stress that East Jerusalem is an occupied land and that the city’s fate is a final status issue.

The minister said that Jordan is still committed to its unaltered stance that rejects the US decision and considers it null and void, adding that the Kingdom, along with most countries, condemns the decision, especially since 128 countries voted against it in the UN General Assembly and Security Council.

He said that East Jerusalem is the capital of the future independent Palestinian state and it is the key to peace.

Relocation of US embassy to Jerusalem jeopardises peace — King

Jordan is not on the Israel side.
We are not discussing Jerusalem on this thread.
Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Israel should step out.

Step out of all occupied territory.

Israel should step in.

Step into the 21st century and join the rest of the international community!

What Trump's Jerusalem Decision Has Wrought

If only they would behave themselves in Gaza, the Israelites would welcome them with open arms and make them citizens and they could have health ins, clean water and sewage plant, schools, etc. just like the west bank residents do.
Step into the 21st century and join the rest of the international community!

We're pretty much at the forefront of the 21st century.
International community likes to blame Israel for the things they do themselves.

That must be a new thing...

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