Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?

No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do not have an attitude about Muslims.

Islam is self explanatory:

Submit or die.

Jews spent 1300 years under Islamic control. They know very well what groups of Muslims like the ones in Gaza want from Jews:

"Drop dead".

It has never been the same about Jews towards the Muslims, whoever they may be, which over a Million Muslims living in Israel, and Zero living in most Muslim countries goes to show.

If Jews/Israel felt the same way as the other side does, there would be ZERO food, medicine, etc going into Gaza. Zero.

Because that is exactly what Hamas, Jordan and others would have done. Actually tried to do during the war in 1948 and did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel allows all religions to go to the Temple Mount. The Muslims only allowed some Muslims to go to the Temple Mount between 1948 and 1967.

Facts are important. They do not change.

There is no way to compare what Muslims have done and continue to do in order to take away Israel from the Jews, and all that Israel has done to make Muslim's lives better.

Who in their right mind allows the enemy into their country for jobs, health care and education?

Israel does.

There is no going into Gaza and Areas A and B for Jews. They get killed at first site.

Muslims get jobs, etc in Israel.

Jews get kidnappeed, murdered in Gaza and Areas A and B, if they ever enter by mistake.

Enough of this endless attempt at comparison between Muslims and Jews.
This an example of exactly what I mean, stopping Hate is a two way street. It means confronting the distortions, false memes and mischarecterizations of the other.

Arab Israeli’s suffer discrimination when it comes to getting jobs in Israel by the way.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do not have an attitude about Muslims.

Islam is self explanatory:

Submit or die.

Jews spent 1300 years under Islamic control. They know very well what groups of Muslims like the ones in Gaza want from Jews:

"Drop dead".

It has never been the same about Jews towards the Muslims, whoever they may be, which over a Million Muslims living in Israel, and Zero living in most Muslim countries goes to show.

If Jews/Israel felt the same way as the other side does, there would be ZERO food, medicine, etc going into Gaza. Zero.

Because that is exactly what Hamas, Jordan and others would have done. Actually tried to do during the war in 1948 and did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel allows all religions to go to the Temple Mount. The Muslims only allowed some Muslims to go to the Temple Mount between 1948 and 1967.

Facts are important. They do not change.

There is no way to compare what Muslims have done and continue to do in order to take away Israel from the Jews, and all that Israel has done to make Muslim's lives better.

Who in their right mind allows the enemy into their country for jobs, health care and education?

Israel does.

There is no going into Gaza and Areas A and B for Jews. They get killed at first site.

Muslims get jobs, etc in Israel.

Jews get kidnappeed, murdered in Gaza and Areas A and B, if they ever enter by mistake.

Enough of this endless attempt at comparison between Muslims and Jews.
This an example of exactly what I mean, stopping Hate is a two way street. It means confronting the distortions, false memes and mischarecterizations of the other.

Arab Israeli’s suffer discrimination when it comes to getting jobs in Israel by the way.

If you're talking about Israel proper, that's not what I've seen there. There are Arab doctors and lawyers and professors. Have you ever been to Israel?
Just because Israel did not allow as many permits for security reasons, does not mean that there is no medical treatment at all as you keep attempting to imply.

Less is not the same as nothing.

Israel does not have to give ANY medical treatment at all, jobs or allow those who do not live in Israel to come for education.

But it does.

And it will continue to close its borders whenever Hamas or Fatah choose to incite its citizens to attack anyone, Jews, Muslims, Cristians, Druze in Israel or in Judea or Samaria.
Israel won't even allow Palestinian medical staff into Gaza to treat the wounded, yet you expect people to believe they'll let the wounded into Israel for treatment? Get real.
All you are doing is telling us that indeed you are a member of the BDS organization.

All you do is post their talking points against Israel, written or said by those who wish to destroy that country and give it to the Arab Muslims.
BDS is a beautiful thing. It holding Israel accountable for its crimes against humanity. You don't deserve a country!
By all means, feel sorry for all the Arabs who are stuck with Hamas as their leaders.

The leaders who instead of taking all of Gaza, as given to them in 2005, and 2007 by Israel and the elections they had.....
chose to continue the Husseini clan's Jihad against the Jews having any sovereignty over their own ancient homeland, simply because that clan believes that all land conquered by Muslims must remain in Muslim hands. all not bother with the details.
You don't respect sovereignty and its none of your goddamn business who Gazans choose to represent them.
The only thing they ever wanted from the tunnels, even out of Egypt, was to smuggle weapons to attack Israel and the Jews.

They could have built another Arab State, like Jordan did, but chose to attempt to destroy Israel instead.

The Egyptian army says it has destroyed nearly one-thousand 430 tunnels during the past 18 months. The tunnels are used by Palestinians to bring in supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip. Dozens of people, mostly Palestinians, have lost their lives during the tunnel destructions which have intensified since the 2013 ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi. The Egyptian army claims that these tunnels were used to smuggle weapons to militants in the Sinai Peninsula. But according to a report by the World Food Program, the tunnels represent the main supply route for the much-needed goods in Gaza. The coastal strip has been under the Israeli air, sea and land blockade since 2007. The Egyptian cabinet has approved a law which bans digging or using tunnels for communicating with or supplying Palestinians with goods.

You are such a liar. Israel is actively trying to destroy all the Palestinians in Gaza and you're trying to act like Israel is the one being attacked.
Yes, I'm being provocative. (I'm bored with all the ridiculous discussion of people trying to demonize Israel for defending her borders from violent rioters talking about marching to Jerusalem ripping the hearts out of Jews. Ugh.)

So let's talk about the future of Gaza.

There are real humanitarian concerns here. There are real security concerns here. Neither are being addressed by Hamas or the citizens of Gaza. Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting that Israel incorporate Gaza into Israel. My thinking is more that if everyone is saying Israel is occupying Gaza anyway -- why doesn't she actually go back to occupying it? Temporarily. Preferrably with the support of the at least some of the Gazan people. Possibly as a Mandate overseeing an economic revival, a re-building of infrastructure, a reduction in violence and a re-education of the next generation.

Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
Nothing else is working...they would need to offer a long term plan...with a goal at the end. And get rid of Hamas.
Hamas is a creature of conflict. If there is a peaceful solution it will lose its reason for being.
The only thing they ever wanted from the tunnels, even out of Egypt, was to smuggle weapons to attack Israel and the Jews.

They could have built another Arab State, like Jordan did, but chose to attempt to destroy Israel instead.

The Egyptian army says it has destroyed nearly one-thousand 430 tunnels during the past 18 months. The tunnels are used by Palestinians to bring in supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip. Dozens of people, mostly Palestinians, have lost their lives during the tunnel destructions which have intensified since the 2013 ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi. The Egyptian army claims that these tunnels were used to smuggle weapons to militants in the Sinai Peninsula. But according to a report by the World Food Program, the tunnels represent the main supply route for the much-needed goods in Gaza. The coastal strip has been under the Israeli air, sea and land blockade since 2007. The Egyptian cabinet has approved a law which bans digging or using tunnels for communicating with or supplying Palestinians with goods.

You are such a liar. Israel is actively trying to destroy all the Palestinians in Gaza and you're trying to act like Israel is the one being attacked.

That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do not have an attitude about Muslims.

Islam is self explanatory:

Submit or die.

Jews spent 1300 years under Islamic control. They know very well what groups of Muslims like the ones in Gaza want from Jews:

"Drop dead".

It has never been the same about Jews towards the Muslims, whoever they may be, which over a Million Muslims living in Israel, and Zero living in most Muslim countries goes to show.

If Jews/Israel felt the same way as the other side does, there would be ZERO food, medicine, etc going into Gaza. Zero.

Because that is exactly what Hamas, Jordan and others would have done. Actually tried to do during the war in 1948 and did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel allows all religions to go to the Temple Mount. The Muslims only allowed some Muslims to go to the Temple Mount between 1948 and 1967.

Facts are important. They do not change.

There is no way to compare what Muslims have done and continue to do in order to take away Israel from the Jews, and all that Israel has done to make Muslim's lives better.

Who in their right mind allows the enemy into their country for jobs, health care and education?

Israel does.

There is no going into Gaza and Areas A and B for Jews. They get killed at first site.

Muslims get jobs, etc in Israel.

Jews get kidnappeed, murdered in Gaza and Areas A and B, if they ever enter by mistake.

Enough of this endless attempt at comparison between Muslims and Jews.
This an example of exactly what I mean, stopping Hate is a two way street. It means confronting the distortions, false memes and mischarecterizations of the other.

Arab Israeli’s suffer discrimination when it comes to getting jobs in Israel by the way.
Arab Israelis are not the subject of the discussion.
There are many Jewish Israelis who are unemployed and poor in Israel, as well.

Israel does allow thousands of Arabs from the P. A. areas to come into Israel for jobs they cannot get in the P. A. , or the P. A won't give them.

It used to be the same with Arabs from Gaza until Hamas took over and has done nothing but attack Israel.

Thousands of Arabs from Gaza are still allowed into Israel for medical care.

It is not a vice-versa situation as no Jews are allowed to work, or get health care or study in Gaza, or Areas A and B of the P. A.

Just how do you propose for the Arabs to confront the Memes and distortions which do come from that side, based on Islamic teachings.

They do not get their ideas about Israel and the Jews from Israeli or Jewish behavior, and were chanting "Death to the Jews" long before Israel achieved Independence.

Many Muslims do not follow what Islam teaches about the Jews, and want peace with the Jews.

How to extend that to the leaders of the Muslim countries so that they will stop teaching their children and future generations to hate and kill Jews?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.
That is another thing that will need to be changed.

Muslim mentality towards the Jews in general.
And vice versa.
Sure thing.

Jews have kept Muslims under oppression and as dhimmies for 1300 years, attacking them, stealing from them, murdering them, so on and so forth.

Jews invaded Arab Muslims or Christian lands for the past 1400 years.

Jews expelled Arab Muslims and Christians from their homes for
the past 1400 years.

It would truly help if people would learn what Islam is. What Islam thinks. And what Islam wants.

Who is up for it?
Look at the attitudes of many here towards Muslims, and look at Israeli public opinion polls on Palestinians. it needs to work both ways, likewise if you want to understand Islam you should not depend on anti Islam sources. I do not go to Stormfront if I want to learn about Jews.
We do not have an attitude about Muslims.

Islam is self explanatory:

Submit or die.

Jews spent 1300 years under Islamic control. They know very well what groups of Muslims like the ones in Gaza want from Jews:

"Drop dead".

It has never been the same about Jews towards the Muslims, whoever they may be, which over a Million Muslims living in Israel, and Zero living in most Muslim countries goes to show.

If Jews/Israel felt the same way as the other side does, there would be ZERO food, medicine, etc going into Gaza. Zero.

Because that is exactly what Hamas, Jordan and others would have done. Actually tried to do during the war in 1948 and did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel allows all religions to go to the Temple Mount. The Muslims only allowed some Muslims to go to the Temple Mount between 1948 and 1967.

Facts are important. They do not change.

There is no way to compare what Muslims have done and continue to do in order to take away Israel from the Jews, and all that Israel has done to make Muslim's lives better.

Who in their right mind allows the enemy into their country for jobs, health care and education?

Israel does.

There is no going into Gaza and Areas A and B for Jews. They get killed at first site.

Muslims get jobs, etc in Israel.

Jews get kidnappeed, murdered in Gaza and Areas A and B, if they ever enter by mistake.

Enough of this endless attempt at comparison between Muslims and Jews.
Nice load of crap.
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Humanity, et al,

This conflict is not about the rights and soverenty of the Arab Palestinian people; and never has been.

• The actual Issues raised by the Arab Palestinian are used as platforms to rally support for the basic themes of destroying Israel. The leadership of the Arab Palestinians, is not concerned about the health and welfare of their people. Its sole purpose and sole source of authority for the Arab Palestinian strategies and objectives is outwardly implied to be Islam. But its true nature mask for nationalism is wealth and power.

• The principles by which the Israelis rally around are intented to promote the consturct of a Jewish National Home surrounded buy a defendable border to protect the citizenry from the threat of an external assault by hostile elements associated with the Arab League; which has been so immediately obvious and demonstrated. The Jewish people have the right to realize their self-determination in the land of Israel.​

The key, in a word, for the Israelis would be "sovereignty."

“The Arabs can fight, and lose, and return to fight another day. Israel can only lose once.”
≈≈≈≈ Golda Meir, Former Prime Minister of Israel (RIP)
Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Israel should step out.

Step out of all occupied territory.

Israel should step in.

Step into the 21st century and join the rest of the international community!

You say: "Occupied Territory." Israel has no footprint in the Gaza Strip. Israel, like so many other countries, reserves the right to control its borders and immigration relative to Gazan.

Application of the Convention
ARTICLE 2 [ Link ]
Convention (IV) relative to: (AKA: GCIV)
The Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

It is important to notice that "occupation revolves around partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party; which the Arab Palestinians were not.

Your concept --- "Step out of all occupied territory" --- is not valid. However, I'm not so naive to NOT understand that your intent is to have the Israelis withdraw from the (formerly occupied Jordanian territory before the recognition of the Palestiian State) West Bank. However, this issue was resolved by the Treaty of Peace between the High Contracting Powers.

The subtext to the reasoning is to further the protection of the National Hme Sovereignty:

JCSM-373-67 Israel Might be Justfied in Retaining .png

Most Respectfully,
Yes, I'm being provocative. (I'm bored with all the ridiculous discussion of people trying to demonize Israel for defending her borders from violent rioters talking about marching to Jerusalem ripping the hearts out of Jews. Ugh.)

So let's talk about the future of Gaza.

There are real humanitarian concerns here. There are real security concerns here. Neither are being addressed by Hamas or the citizens of Gaza. Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting that Israel incorporate Gaza into Israel. My thinking is more that if everyone is saying Israel is occupying Gaza anyway -- why doesn't she actually go back to occupying it? Temporarily. Preferrably with the support of the at least some of the Gazan people. Possibly as a Mandate overseeing an economic revival, a re-building of infrastructure, a reduction in violence and a re-education of the next generation.

Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
What a fucking imperialist blood thirsty mentality. You represent the filth of humanity are not happy with all the damage has been doing to the defenseless Palestinians you want more blood you fucktard ? European settlers style or nazi style ?
Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.

Part of the lie told to them by western liberals. The Muslims started the crusades and lost. Still pissed about it and trying to restart them. Only now the west is being attacked from within and not so able to defend itself.
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Humanity, et al,

This conflict is not about the rights and soverenty of the Arab Palestinian people; and never has been.

• The actual Issues raised by the Arab Palestinian are used as platforms to rally support for the basic themes of destroying Israel. The leadership of the Arab Palestinians, is not concerned about the health and welfare of their people. Its sole purpose and sole source of authority for the Arab Palestinian strategies and objectives is outwardly implied to be Islam. But its true nature mask for nationalism is wealth and power.

• The principles by which the Israelis rally around are intented to promote the consturct of a Jewish National Home surrounded buy a defendable border to protect the citizenry from the threat of an external assault by hostile elements associated with the Arab League; which has been so immediately obvious and demonstrated. The Jewish people have the right to realize their self-determination in the land of Israel.​

The key, in a word, for the Israelis would be "sovereignty."

“The Arabs can fight, and lose, and return to fight another day. Israel can only lose once.”
≈≈≈≈ Golda Meir, Former Prime Minister of Israel (RIP)
Can Israel step in? Should Israel step in?

Israel should step out.

Step out of all occupied territory.

Israel should step in.

Step into the 21st century and join the rest of the international community!

You say: "Occupied Territory." Israel has no footprint in the Gaza Strip. Israel, like so many other countries, reserves the right to control its borders and immigration relative to Gazan.

Application of the Convention
ARTICLE 2 [ Link ]
Convention (IV) relative to: (AKA: GCIV)
The Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

It is important to notice that "occupation revolves around partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party; which the Arab Palestinians were not.

Your concept --- "Step out of all occupied territory" --- is not valid. However, I'm not so naive to NOT understand that your intent is to have the Israelis withdraw from the (formerly occupied Jordanian territory before the recognition of the Palestiian State) West Bank. However, this issue was resolved by the Treaty of Peace between the High Contracting Powers.

The subtext to the reasoning is to further the protection of the National Hme Sovereignty:

Most Respectfully,

You are one of the most disgusting of the posters here. You post BS and propaganda that your pea brain dreams up.

You are posting bullshit the International Court of Justice has determined that Israel is still still occupying Gaza using as precedence the Nuremburg trials, "Hostages" case. Case closed.

"26. Israel maintains that following the 2005 disengagement, it is no longer an occupying power in Gaza as it does not exercise effective control over the area.

27. However, the prevalent view within the international community is that Israel remains an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control.

28. Although it no longer maintains a military presence in Gaza, Israel has not only shown the ability to conduct incursions into Gaza at will, but also expressly reserved the right to do so as required by military necessity. This consideration is potentially significant considering that there is support in international case law for the conclusion that it is not a prerequisite that a State maintain continuous presence in a territory in order to qualify as an occupying power. In particular, the ICTY has held that the law of occupation would also apply to areas where a state possesses “the capacity to send troops within a reasonable time to make the authority of the occupying power felt.” In this respect, it is also noted that the geographic proximity of the Gaza Strip to Israel potentially facilitates the ability of Israel to exercise effective control over the territory, despite the lack of a continuous military presence.

29. Overall, there is a reasonable basis upon which to conclude that Israel continues to be an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. The Office has therefore proceeded on the basis that the situation in Gaza can be considered within the framework of an international armed conflict in view of the continuing military occupation by Israel."

Opinio Juris » Blog Archive The OTP Concludes Israel Is Still Occupying Gaza - Opinio Juris
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Who tells you this crap.

You're the aggressor.

I think you are trying to re-define the definition of "Aggressor" just solely to fit your argument.

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State,

----------------------------------------- or -----------------------------------------
In any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.
SOURCE: Article 1, A/RES/29/3314 (XXIX) Definition of Aggression

The use of the term "Aggressor" implies one state against another state.


State against State: What "STATE" used an armed force against what "STATE?"
When did the conflict begin?

An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense. Stop dehumanizing the Pals. You are not the victims. You are the bad guys.

"Nothing in the present Charter of the United Nations shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations."

Since the time of its independence, Israel has been locked in conflict with one Arab entity or another.

Israel has made peace with two neighboring Arab States and has established permanent International boundaries. Israel is currently in a dormant period under the temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement with two other neighboring states.

Israel has not invaded Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
Colonization and occupation are inherently aggressive.
Is it possible for Israel to offer some carrots here? In the form of clean water, improved medical care, economic trade?
No. That is like buying a purse for a spouse with two black eyes. You are dealing with people (Muslims) who speak about the Crusades like last week's football match.

Part of the lie told to them by western liberals. The Muslims started the crusades and lost. Still pissed about it and trying to restart them. Only now the west is being attacked from within and not so able to defend itself.
Yes they DID start the crusades.

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