Is it OK to hate Israel based on what American Jews, among others, have done to America?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
I've read a few posts and threads by posters like William Joyce, Odium and many other white nationalists and I have to say they're all funny, fascinating characters at the same time as far as their thoughts on Israel's existence is concerned...

They harbor a strong resentment towards the american jewish community for the crucial role they played in the long-term process of destruction of the white majority in the United States after World Warl II.

Here's a recent thread by Odium:

Colombia recognizes Palestine as sovereign state - CNN

Good! I hope more countries follow this lead.

First of all... he got it right about the american jewish involvement.

Don't blame people like Joyce, Odium for your own lack of knowledge of the history of America's immigration laws in the 20th century.

They're just stating the historical facts although they have a tendency to unfairly put 100% of the blame on the american jewish community, conveniently "forgeting" to blame other actors who participated in those events like, for example, the US white political establishment in the 50's and 60's (Congress, the Kennedy family, Lyndon Johnson) as well as the prevailent political climate in the West just after WWII.

That's why I said in the title "American Jews, among others,".

There's an enormous amount of gentiles to be blamed too.

But the real problem regarding Israel, starts, at least in my view, when white nationalists like them apparently allow their justified resentment towards the american jewish community to influence their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of logic.

Take a look at what Joyce once said about the IP conflict:

"I'd have no problem with Jews being 10 times more racist towards the palestinians than they already are if they stopped objecting to whites doing the same in America!!"

I believe this is a wrong approach to the conflict....

The state of Israel and the destruction of America's racial composition are two completely separated, unrelated issues.... except for the "minor" fact that both historical events aim at creating a safer world for the jewish people and other racial minorities.

I know this is extremely hard to do when you are angry at the things a given group of people have done to your country but this is how I think everybody should position themselves on the right of Israel to exist:



I've read a few posts and threads by posters like William Joyce, Odium and many other white nationalists and I have to say they're all funny, fascinating characters at the same time as far as their thoughts on Israel's existence is concerned...

They harbor a strong resentment towards the american jewish community for the crucial role they played in the long-term process of destruction of the white majority in the United States after World Warl II.

Here's a recent thread by Odium:

Colombia recognizes Palestine as sovereign state - CNN

Good! I hope more countries follow this lead.

First of all... he got it right about the american jewish involvement.

Don't blame people like Joyce, Odium for your own lack of knowledge of the history of America's immigration laws in the 20th century.

They're just stating the historical facts although they have a tendency to unfairly put 100% of the blame on the american jewish community, conveniently "forgeting" to blame other actors who participated in those events like, for example, the US white political establishment in the 50's and 60's (Congress, the Kennedy family, Lyndon Johnson) as well as the prevailent political climate in the West just after WWII.

That's why I said in the title "American Jews, among others,".

There's an enormous amount of gentiles to be blamed too.

But the real problem regarding Israel, starts, at least in my view, when white nationalists like them apparently allow their justified resentment towards the american jewish community to influence their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of logic.

Take a look at what Joyce once said about the IP conflict:

"I'd have no problem with Jews being 10 times more racist towards the palestinians than they already are if they stopped objecting to whites doing the same in America!!"

I believe this is a wrong approach to the conflict....

The state of Israel and the destruction of America's racial composition are two completely separated, unrelated issues.... except for the "minor" fact that both historical events aim at creating a safer world for the jewish people and other racial minorities.

I know this is extremely hard to do when you are angry at the things a given group of people have done to your country but this is how I think everybody should position themselves on the right of Israel to exist:




You’re certainly free to hate Joooos for whatever reason you prefer.

Maybe you can cut and paste some YouTube videos?
Originally posted by Hollie
You’re certainly free to hate Joooos for whatever reason you prefer.

Maybe you can cut and paste some YouTube videos?

I believe everything in the world should be evaluated and judged in a fair manner.

Even a nasty, genocidal supremacist state like Nazi Germany does not deserve to be blamed for the genocide of native americans perpetrated by all american nations just because Germans were also european white christians.

Similarly, Israel does not deserve to be condemned for what the american jewish community, in general, and jewish american Congressman, Emmanuel Celler, in particular, did.
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Here's a number of reason's not to hate Israelis.

I've read a few posts and threads by posters like William Joyce, Odium and many other white nationalists and I have to say they're all funny, fascinating characters at the same time as far as their thoughts on Israel's existence is concerned...

They harbor a strong resentment towards the american jewish community for the crucial role they played in the long-term process of destruction of the white majority in the United States after World Warl II.

Here's a recent thread by Odium:

Colombia recognizes Palestine as sovereign state - CNN

Good! I hope more countries follow this lead.

First of all... he got it right about the american jewish involvement.

Don't blame people like Joyce, Odium for your own lack of knowledge of the history of America's immigration laws in the 20th century.

They're just stating the historical facts although they have a tendency to unfairly put 100% of the blame on the american jewish community, conveniently "forgeting" to blame other actors who participated in those events like, for example, the US white political establishment in the 50's and 60's (Congress, the Kennedy family, Lyndon Johnson) as well as the prevailent political climate in the West just after WWII.

That's why I said in the title "American Jews, among others,".

There's an enormous amount of gentiles to be blamed too.

But the real problem regarding Israel, starts, at least in my view, when white nationalists like them apparently allow their justified resentment towards the american jewish community to influence their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of logic.

Take a look at what Joyce once said about the IP conflict:

"I'd have no problem with Jews being 10 times more racist towards the palestinians than they already are if they stopped objecting to whites doing the same in America!!"

I believe this is a wrong approach to the conflict....

The state of Israel and the destruction of America's racial composition are two completely separated, unrelated issues.... except for the "minor" fact that both historical events aim at creating a safer world for the jewish people and other racial minorities.

I know this is extremely hard to do when you are angry at the things a given group of people have done to your country but this is how I think everybody should position themselves on the right of Israel to exist:




I think this post is actually quite funny! You are right about mentioning Kennedy, Johnson and other politicians, something that Odium deliberately ignores.
The vast majority of those who support illegal immigration are not Jewish. Just today on the news they showed the mayor of Philadelphia dancing because a judge ruled he could legally protect them and do not have to turn them in to ISIS . His name is Jim Kenny . Don’t think he’s Jewish. On the news it shows people protesting against the Gov’t to stop illegal immigrants. Apparently you are too stupid and full of hate to understand this.
Regarding the Israeli “ hate” for the Palestinians Anti Semetic Hate for the Hewish people goes back to more then 2500 years. You are too stupid to know the difference :asshole:
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Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
I think this post is actually quite funny! You are right about mentioning Kennedy, Johnson and other politicians, something that Odium deliberately ignores.
The vast majority of those who support illegal immigration are not Jewish. Just today on the news they showed the mayor of Philadelphia dancing because a judge ruled he could legally protect them and do not have to turn them in to ISIS . His name is Jim Kenny . Don’t think he’s Jewish. On the news it shows people protesting against the Gov’t to stop illegal immigrants. Apparently you are too stupid and full of hate to understand this.
Regarding the Israeli “ hate” for the Palestinians Anti Semetic Hate for the Hewish people goes back to more then 2500 years. You are too stupid to know the difference :asshole:

White nationalists correctly accuse the jewish american community of lobbying for the destruction of America's white majority, "forgetting" the crucial role played by 100% ANGLO-SAXON american president who signed the 1965 Immigration Act (Lyndon Baines Johnson) and the OVERWHELMINGLY ANGLO-SAXON US Congress that approved the law.

You correctly accuse the anglo-saxon US politicians of 50 years ago for their involvement in this national tragedy, this crime against the United States but also "forgets" to blame jewish-american congressman Emmanuel Celler, continuously elected by the jewish vote of New York, who spent almost 50 years in Congress trying to change US immigration laws and finally succeeded in 1965 by authoring the infamous piece of legislation that bears his name, the Hart-Celler Act.

In other words, you're committing the very same mistake you accuse white nationalists of making... only in the opposite direction. :biggrin:
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
I think this post is actually quite funny! You are right about mentioning Kennedy, Johnson and other politicians, something that Odium deliberately ignores.
The vast majority of those who support illegal immigration are not Jewish. Just today on the news they showed the mayor of Philadelphia dancing because a judge ruled he could legally protect them and do not have to turn them in to ISIS . His name is Jim Kenny . Don’t think he’s Jewish. On the news it shows people protesting against the Gov’t to stop illegal immigrants. Apparently you are too stupid and full of hate to understand this.
Regarding the Israeli “ hate” for the Palestinians Anti Semetic Hate for the Hewish people goes back to more then 2500 years. You are too stupid to know the difference :asshole:

White nationalists correctly accuse the jewish american community of lobbying for the destruction of America's white majority, "forgetting" the crucial role played by 100% ANGLO-SAXON american president who signed the 1965 Immigration Act (Lyndon Baines Johnson) and the OVERWHELMINGLY ANGLO-SAXON US Congress that approved the law.

You correctly accuse the anglo-saxon US politicians of 50 years ago for their involvement in this national tragedy, this crime against the United States but also "forgets" to blame jewish-american congressman Emmanuel Celler, continuously elected by the jewish vote of New York, who spent almost 50 years in Congress trying to change US immigration laws and finally succeeded in 1965 by authoring the infamous piece of legislation that bears his name, the Hart-Celler Act.

In other words, you're committing the very same mistake you accuse white nationalists of making... only in the opposite direction. :biggrin:
I’m proud that one Jew can manipulate 7 billion non-Jews.
We Jews are way kewl!
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
I think this post is actually quite funny! You are right about mentioning Kennedy, Johnson and other politicians, something that Odium deliberately ignores.
The vast majority of those who support illegal immigration are not Jewish. Just today on the news they showed the mayor of Philadelphia dancing because a judge ruled he could legally protect them and do not have to turn them in to ISIS . His name is Jim Kenny . Don’t think he’s Jewish. On the news it shows people protesting against the Gov’t to stop illegal immigrants. Apparently you are too stupid and full of hate to understand this.
Regarding the Israeli “ hate” for the Palestinians Anti Semetic Hate for the Hewish people goes back to more then 2500 years. You are too stupid to know the difference :asshole:

White nationalists correctly accuse the jewish american community of lobbying for the destruction of America's white majority, "forgetting" the crucial role played by 100% ANGLO-SAXON american president who signed the 1965 Immigration Act (Lyndon Baines Johnson) and the OVERWHELMINGLY ANGLO-SAXON US Congress that approved the law.

You correctly accuse the anglo-saxon US politicians of 50 years ago for their involvement in this national tragedy, this crime against the United States but also "forgets" to blame jewish-american congressman Emmanuel Celler, continuously elected by the jewish vote of New York, who spent almost 50 years in Congress trying to change US immigration laws and finally succeeded in 1965 by authoring the infamous piece of legislation that bears his name, the Hart-Celler Act.

In other words, you're committing the very same mistake you accuse white nationalists of making... only in the opposite direction. :biggrin:

Mazel Tov..,,, So you managed to find the name of a Jewish Congressman. So what? That still doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority were Christian.
What is even more of a threat now is illegal immigration; something I mentioned in my prior post but of course ignored. Provide threads that the majority of politicians who support illegal immigration and sanctuary cities are Jewish and those who are protesting illegal immigration crackdown are Jewish. You can’t because it’s not true. Take your Hate and :fu:
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
I think this post is actually quite funny! You are right about mentioning Kennedy, Johnson and other politicians, something that Odium deliberately ignores.
The vast majority of those who support illegal immigration are not Jewish. Just today on the news they showed the mayor of Philadelphia dancing because a judge ruled he could legally protect them and do not have to turn them in to ISIS . His name is Jim Kenny . Don’t think he’s Jewish. On the news it shows people protesting against the Gov’t to stop illegal immigrants. Apparently you are too stupid and full of hate to understand this.
Regarding the Israeli “ hate” for the Palestinians Anti Semetic Hate for the Hewish people goes back to more then 2500 years. You are too stupid to know the difference :asshole:

White nationalists correctly accuse the jewish american community of lobbying for the destruction of America's white majority, "forgetting" the crucial role played by 100% ANGLO-SAXON american president who signed the 1965 Immigration Act (Lyndon Baines Johnson) and the OVERWHELMINGLY ANGLO-SAXON US Congress that approved the law.

You correctly accuse the anglo-saxon US politicians of 50 years ago for their involvement in this national tragedy, this crime against the United States but also "forgets" to blame jewish-american congressman Emmanuel Celler, continuously elected by the jewish vote of New York, who spent almost 50 years in Congress trying to change US immigration laws and finally succeeded in 1965 by authoring the infamous piece of legislation that bears his name, the Hart-Celler Act.

In other words, you're committing the very same mistake you accuse white nationalists of making... only in the opposite direction. :biggrin:
I’m proud that one Jew can manipulate 7 billion non-Jews.
We Jews are way kewl!
I keep telling my Christian Friends that we are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE but they don’t believe me! Now they will. :bow3::bow2::bowdown:
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
What is even more of a threat now

Who said illegal immigration is a more serious threat?

The changes in US immigration law proposed by Celler will ensure America will no longer have its white majority even without a single illegal immigrant.

The 65 Immigration Act was designed to do so.

Without illegal immigration it would take longer but the final result would be the same.
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
Mazel Tov..,,, So you managed to find the name of a Jewish Congressman. So what? That still doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority were Christian.

First of all, Celler was just the more visible jewish figure to promote immigration changes. Behind the scenes you have jewish organizations and pressure groups trying to change America's immigration laws since at least the last decades of the 19th century.

And you're trying to minimize Celler's role in the immigration catastrophe of the 60's, portraying him as just one of dozens of congressmen who voted for the changes, when in reality he was the driving force behind the law.

Strangely enough, the white nationalists also try to minimize the role of Lyndon Johnson and the Congress. They say:

"Who cares the US president signed the law and members of congress voted for it?

No president in the history of the US, from George Washington to Donald Trump, has ever asked any representative or senator to draft a bill allowing mass non white immigration, including Johnson!!

No us representative or senator has ever written anything similar to the 65 Act.

If it weren't for the presence of a massive jewish electoral basis in the northeast of the country, who kept electing Celler, decade after decade, nothing even remotely similar to the 65 Act would ever be conceived by any politician, let alone voted and approved.

The american people didn't want any change in immigration, no white politician was championing this cause....

Blacks, hispanics and even whites were on the streets demanding CIVIL RIGHTS, not massive non-white immigration.

You won't find a single sign in the history of the civil rights movement demanding changes in the immigration law.

The only ones obsessed with the idea of allowing massive non-white immigration was Mr. Celler and his fellow jewish american politicians.

The role of white politicians was passive (voting for and signing the law) while Celler's role was active (conceiving, writing, presenting and lobbying for the law's approval)."

All the points above are true but it cannot be used to minimize the role played by the president and the non-jewish members of Congress.

As civil servants whose salaries were paid by the american people the president and the members of congress had a constitutional responsibility to politically represent the will of the american people, a constitutional duty to vote against/veto the 65 Act.

The fact that this law was approved in both Houses and signed by the president is one of the most scandalous cases of treason and dereliction of duty in the history of the US. And it was committed by non-jewish politicians

The cause of the so-called white nationalists is just, the multiracialist ideology is nothing more than a mental disease disguised as political ideology, they correctly point out the important jewish american contribution in the adoption of this ideology in America but they lose much of their credibility when they fail to acknowledge the vital role played by non-jewish politicians in the whole catastrophe.

You're the mirror image of the white nationalists you criticize so much.

They try to downplay the importance of Johnson, the Kennedy family and other members of congress just like you try to downplay the jewish american involvement.
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We are like Scarlett Johansson.

Chosen to be the obsession of and receive a lot of unwanted attention from, jerks, losers, and arseholes.


I forgot the 11th commandment:

"Thou shalt not say the historical truth about the eternal, supreme and immaculate victims of human history."
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
Mazel Tov..,,, So you managed to find the name of a Jewish Congressman. So what? That still doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority were Christian.

First of all, Celler was just the more visible jewish figure to promote immigration changes. Behind the scenes you have jewish organizations and pressure groups trying to change America's immigration laws since at least the last decades of the 19th century.

And you're trying to minimize Celler's role in the immigration catastrophe of the 60's, portraying him as just one of dozens of congressmen who voted for the changes, when in reality he was the driving force behind the law.

Strangely enough, the white nationalists also try to minimize the role of Lyndon Johnson and the Congress. They say:

"Who cares the US president signed the law and members of congress voted for it?

No president in the history of the US, from George Washington to Donald Trump, has ever asked any representative or senator to draft a bill allowing mass non white immigration, including Johnson!!

No us representative or senator has ever written anything similar to the 65 Act.

If it weren't for the presence of a massive jewish electoral basis in the northeast of the country, who kept electing Celler, decade after decade, nothing even remotely similar to the 65 Act would ever be conceived by any politician, let alone voted and approved.

The american people didn't want any change in immigration, no white politician was championing this cause....

Blacks, hispanics and even whites were on the streets demanding CIVIL RIGHTS, not massive non-white immigration.

You won't find a single sign in the history of the civil rights movement demanding changes in the immigration law.

The only ones obsessed with the idea of allowing massive non-white immigration was Mr. Celler and his fellow jewish american politicians.

The role of white politicians was passive (voting for and signing the law) while Celler's role was active (conceiving, writing, presenting and lobbying for the law's approval)."

All the points above are true but it cannot be used to minimize the role played by the president and the non-jewish members of Congress.

As civil servants whose salaries were paid by the american people the president and the members of congress had a constitutional responsibility to politically represent the will of the american people, a constitutional duty to vote against/veto the 65 Act.

The fact that this law was approved in both Houses and signed by the president is one of the most scandalous cases of treason and dereliction of duty in the history of the US. And it was committed by non-jewish politicians

The cause of the so-called white nationalists is just, the multiracialist ideology is nothing more than a mental disease disguised as political ideology, they correctly point out the important jewish american contribution in the adoption of this ideology in America but they lose much of their credibility when they fail to acknowledge the vital role played by non-jewish politicians in the whole catastrophe.

You're the mirror image of the white nationalists you criticize so much.

They try to downplay the importance of Johnson, the Kennedy family and other members of congress just like you try to downplay the jewish american involvement.

Another stupid comment maximizing the “ importance “ of the Jewish people . Ask the average “ white person” ( not Jewish) if they want illegal immigration and they will say no. Yet you have a Irish politician literally dancing because he was given the legal right to have a Sanctuary City. Just ONE example. Proof that the majority of those who are protesting Trumps stance on illegal immigration are Jewish including Politicians.
Don’t see what the difference is between legal and illegal immigration? You are stupid
Originally posted by ILOVEISRAEL
What is even more of a threat now

Who said illegal immigration is a more serious threat?

The changes in US immigration law proposed by Celler will ensure America will no longer have its white majority even without a single illegal immigrant.

The 65 Immigration Act was designed to do so.

Without illegal immigration it would take longer but the final result would be the same.

You honestly believe that illegal immigration isn’t more of a threat then legal with some screening being done? It’s bad enough if someone gets hurt/killed or injured if someone is here legally
Common sense should dictate it’s a lot worse if they had no right to be here in the first place. :asshole:
Originally posted by Hollie
You’re certainly free to hate Joooos for whatever reason you prefer.

Maybe you can cut and paste some YouTube videos?

I believe everything in the world should be evaluated and judged in a fair manner.

Even a nasty, genocidal supremacist state like Nazi Germany does not deserve to be blamed for the genocide of native americans perpetrated by all american nations just because Germans were also european white christians.

Similarly, Israel does not deserve to be condemned for what the american jewish community, in general, and jewish american Congressman, Emmanuel Celler, in particular, did.

whitey, whitey, whitey.........................

shut up you closet bigot !

so, you have "your" white thing.

The United States Government/Homeland Security. People should only know what the Gov’t lets into this country....


.....The SCUM of the earth. We are a laughing stock. Our immigration system – there is no real system anymore. They allow murderers, rapists, child predators, scam artists, moochers, the mentally deranged, terrorists, America-haters(LoL) <~~~ it’s true [imagine, american-hating scum, they put out the welcome mat for them]. I will not mince words or make stuff up………….I’ve had a front seat to what the dept of immigratin/aka NOW, Homeland Security lets into this country. Very, vey disturbing.

all these protesters you see on the news...(the white ones) - they live in a certainly not a diversified world.....

.....they are very sheltered people.

White America. We aren’t allowed to have our own world. -- Iove tighty-whitey.

We live in a fake world and an even weirder, faker America now….i’m not bothered about one little tiny country on the face of the earth [Israel] – wanting to be a jewish country.

And muslims: they have “so many countries of their own” – and FORBID this and that - we all know what this and that is………..

…and the muslims from all these MUSLIM COUNTRIES – the ones that RUN screaming from THERE to HERE--oh? what’s the matter muslim immigrant: what’s wrong with your country, Pakistan? Turkey ? libya? “Palestine”? Syria? Yemen ? …..(no need to answer. we know what’s wrong. can’t even live your life in your own country you were born in) – and when they DO come here – the women, the poor women – they physically live here – mentally, they’re still stuck in the mother-country... sick and disturbing. Their culture is not my culture. So what ? I don’t want to harm anyone, but, once again, I prefer to “live with my own kind.” ….what’s wrong with that? I’m WHITE, we have no “rights”…LoL.

Poor America. I’ve had a front-seat….

Brrr – black America. – especially where I live. – it’s no joke. Go ahead and kneel all you want. I’m not a racist or bigot – or fake about it. whitey like me – knows. this savage man-made culture of…blacks who call themselves n1gger to each other or in their sick “songs.” They are what they sing….their lyrics are heavily saturated with the word nixgger and smith & Wesson. They are the racists and bigots, not us. There’s good people of all walks of life. But this man-made black culture – it’s not my culture or music or verbiage or anything about it. The white man has helped the black man……black males – they’re the ones setting themselves back 100 years. Plenty of jobs – but instead- the parents of these young black males don’t care what their 10 year old son is doing out at 1am--hanging out on the corner with a gun and joining gangs. It ain’t whitey’s fault. take black football player kaspernick...culturally, kaspernick is “one of them” a ghetto black. sorry, It’s not my culture. I don’t want to live near you either kaspernick…’s a shame.

Brrrrr – illegal mexican women – all they do [here] is: Not be married and have baby after baby. Not learn English, push baby-carriage around all day while talking on cell phone and get paid by the tax payers to do all of this [nothing]. We [the tax payer] also pay for all the children they have. They don’t pay a dime. WE pay them to mooch off the American system. There are so many programs for them to learn stuff – -- they're not interested or they'll lose their FREE check(s) from the Government…and the best part for them, these moochers, – their kids automatically become American citizens. Sanctuary cities – pretty soon, all 50 states will be SANCTUARY CITIES. LoL. BYE-BYE America.

…and the Chinese, vietamese....all these zombie-like oriental people that homeland security/the front lines have been waving in...............

Brrrrrr…..these ‘asian’ people from these shitholes… of the most scariest breeds of people on the face of the earth. The Chinese, etc. Their culture and way of life – is NOT my culture or way of life.. If I spoke the truth about things [about the chinese/vietamese] – (a) you wouldn’t believe me (b) it wouldn’t sound very nice to tell you about how they really live. In sum, their culture is NOT MY culture. Whitey like me finds them very disturbing, and dirty [hygienically speaking]. This is AMERICA for Christ sake. They don’t deserve to live here.

So Jose – what I’m trying to say is: America, the melting pot. A joke. Caucasian people – we like being around our own kind – what’s wrong with that? Not comfortable living in a neighborhood filled to a brim with muslims who attend a mosque – so….again, what’s wrong with that ? THEY can all live one has a problem with that....

You see – we already have the scum of the earth born & living here already. There are no real “requirements” to “immigrate to the U.S. – not for decades. And especially illegal immigration from those lawless hellholes…el salavador mexico…etc….

These immigrants the gov’t waves in here….THEY don’t like to assimilate into American culture….they mooch off the system, have destroyed "the system" of the likes we've never seen before -- and they could care less to follow simple laws we’ve had in place here since forever….. especially mexicans and the Chinese -- the muslims, Mexicans, Russians, Puerto Ricans, the CHINESE….…’s OK that THEY live allll together in one area amongst themselves – but if whitey like me feels comfortable living in A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD without any of the above it’s a no-no. besides, all these “immigrants – they all came to the WHITE neighborhoods and settled in. That’s right. The once all white neighborhoods…. The Chinese [et al] didn’t/don't run to any black neighborhoods, nor did the Russians/polish/ukranians… they knew where to go -- they all picked the white Christian [italian] neighborhoods, and the white jewish neighborhoods….the world and it’s hypocrisy. And no, – in case u didn’t know, oprah windfrey doesn’t represent black America NOR barak obama. They act more like whitey….But these football players do, and rapper “Gold tooth” so does, cardi b, missey elliot, Kaspernick, kaney west, al sharpton, corey booker, charles barron, black panther beyonce’ . …that’s black America. brrr. total Culture clash…..sorry blacks. i like my white culture thank you very much….. .

Power to the people ! [so, if the black man can say it----why cant I].
A poster with the user name Jose' promoting a white nationalist viewpoint.

I only have one question, here. Why didn't he name himself Deshawn?
Originally posted by Dogmaphobe
A poster with the user name Jose' promoting a white nationalist viewpoint.

I only have one question, here. Why didn't he name himself Deshawn?

LOL... so true...

This is probably the most widely used tactic online....

Choose a name like Mohammed to bash Islam with impunity shielding yourself from all criticism. LOL

And I'm flattered I fooled you into believing I'm Anglo.... it means my english is not THAT broken. lol
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Originally posted by Dogmaphobe
A poster with the user name Jose' promoting a white nationalist viewpoint.

I know this is an ancient jewish tradition but let me answer your question with another question:

What's wrong with white nationalism in the United States?

What's wrong with hispanic nationalism in Mexico?

What's wrong with han chinese nationalism in China?

Nobody needs to tell me what's wrong with white supremacism in the US, hispanic supremacism in Mexico or han chinese supremacism in China (meaning a legal system of social, economic and political privileges separating first class citizens belonging to the dominant ethnic group from the rest).

But what is wrong, with white, hispanic or chinese nationalism (meaning the right of all nation-states to preserve its racial composition, one of the core elements of any country/nation)?


  • A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

nation | Definition of nation in English by Oxford Dictionaries

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