Is Anybody Else Afraid Of WWIII?

And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
If the dems and their allies in the GOP, the UNIPARTY stay power yes WWIII may well happen.
I am not afraid. I worry about my kids, but I am fine.

Living in Atlanta means I will be at ground zero when the nukes start flying. IMHO, the best place to be.
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
I welcome it
Totally wrong.
Muslims are just a slightly reformed variant of Old Testament Judaism, and Jews and Moslems have NEVER been at war.
Israel is the only source of conflict, and is not at all Jewish.
Israel is atheist Zionists.
Historically Jews always lived best under Islamic governments.

It is Christian Crusaders who murdered Jews, while Moslems protected and hired them.

And Iran and Israel are not "attacking each other".
Israel is the only attacker, who murdered 2 Iranian generals in Syria.

And it is the democrat's fault for Truman illegally creating Israel in 1948 in the first place.

Israel is totally illegal and costing us trillions.
Wow, you got a few facts right and a whole lot wrong! Where did you study your history? Because whoever did, they need to fired! They should have educated you.

Iran supports Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis, all of which attacked Israel so that doesn't fly!

Truman did not create Israel, and it was not illegal.

The US killed an Iranian general in Baghdad a few years back. Remember?
The problem of the US is that it is so bent on financial success, that it has no morality and starts illegal wars for profits, like the Mexican wars, Indian wars, Spanish American war, WWI, Korean War, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, etc.

So the US is a financial success but a legal and moral failure.

When it comes down to legality, all things that are right or legal are based on subjective ethics from our DNA. So then in effect is based on religious beliefs.
When we define a country based on rights like the Bill of Rights and a constitution, that is in effect a theocracy.

If we had evolved from canine or feline predators instead of herbivore primates, our laws would be totally different.
The US started none of those wars. Are you that stupid or did you learn this from some moron in authority?
I am terrified of World War Three because if there is one my middle sister (insulin dependent diabetic , my wife (regular Synthroid user and myself (dialysis patient) will certainly die in a matter of weeks despite coming nowhere near a battlefield.

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