Introducing the GEORGE S.PATTON Party...

An uninformed post like this is something I would expect from a slug! :evil:

You are making assumptions on a Hollywood movie made to earn lots of $$$ by slanting the truth.

Yes, General Patton slapped the miserable little coward. He was right to do so? Nobody who was there ever said what he did was wrong. It was only those "back home" - wimpy little politicians worrying about harming the "war effort" [ that was putting lots of $$$ in their pockets] who demanded he apologize.

Patton was the truest figure of a tactician and leader. He lived and studied every battle and military action ever written about. He probably knew more about fighting a war than all of the US and Allied Generals in the ETO.

He also saw what Russia would do after the war and did everything he could to alert the Allies of it. Probably one of the reasons he ended his life in an automobile "accident".

So, if he would EVER want to be associated with a political party - something he abhorred in life - it would be nothing like the farcical proposal you presented.
Give it to the masses...LOUD and DIRTY. Sometimes the TRUTH has to HURT.

speech from the movie "Patton" given to the 3rd army - YouTube

LOUD AND DIRTY...Enough of the bullshit, Political Correctness.


Quit being a fearful pussy and hoping for some great Man to lead you to glorious victory over whatever you are shitting your pants over today. Military men only know how to be dictators, no wonder you admire them so.
Obama is ARMING our enemies...YOU need to be afraid you pantywaste pansy.

Your neighbors are armed and pissed?

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