Did Jay Carney quit because he didn't want to have to explain missing emails?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Recall the former White House spokesman Jay Carney abruptly quit a week or two ago, after staying much longer than such paid liars usually stay. He gave the standard wxcuse of "Wanting to spend more time with his family".

Is there any chance he quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" steaming load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT preposterous to people who knew better?
He probably quit because he just couldn't sell the bullshit anymore.


If the White House is going to put out such obvious bunk as "Lerner's computer crashed, so her emails suddenly vanished from the server a couple blocks away, and all its backups too", perhaps they should give the White House Spokesman some say in what the excuse will be. After all, he's the one who's going to have to shovel it to the press.... some of which isn't as compliant and blindly accepting as it used to be.

Maybe Carney got tired of being hung out to dry, and this one was the last straw.

He might have decided they weren't paying him enough to shovel a load that smells THIS badly.
He didn't have the stomach to lie anymore for The Emperor.... his health was beginning to be affected, it was either keep on lying or an early grave for Carney.

So he quit.
so now I am waiting for Susan Rice to do "a Carney". LOL!
I think after awhile even he got tired of being a shill for the most corrupt and inept president in history
He quit because he saw that his capital was only going to decline during the rest of the Obama Presidency. His plan was always to cash in by going into the private sector and trading on his "pull". So, he's just gone through the standard revolving door...
I have no respect for anyone in Obama's Regime. If they would just tell the truth they would have the respect of the American people, but they may be dead, like Vince Foster.
Have you noticed that Obama deranged idiots make things up and offer their nonsense in question form because they can't put forth their slander in the form of statements of fact?

The rightwing melt down is somewhat amuding.
Have you noticed that Obama deranged idiots make things up and offer their nonsense in question form because they can't put forth their slander in the form of statements of fact?

The rightwing melt down is somewhat amuding.

Given that you offered your slander in the form of a question, the proper diagnosis is projection.

Just sayin'.
Have you noticed that Obama deranged idiots make things up and offer their nonsense in question form because they can't put forth their slander in the form of statements of fact?

The rightwing melt down is somewhat amuding.

What's an "obama deranged idiot"?

A Democrat?
Recall the former White House spokesman Jay Carney abruptly quit a week or two ago, after staying much longer than such paid liars usually stay. He gave the standard excuse of "Wanting to spend more time with his family".

Is there any chance he quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" steaming load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT preposterous to people who knew better?

Even paid liars have certain levels of falsehood they will not (or cannot) go below.

Carney knew there was no way he could make anybody believe that Lois Lerner's desktop computer crashing, could cause all her emails on a remove email server to vanish, and all the copies on the daily backups, etc. etc.
Have you noticed that Obama deranged idiots make things up and offer their nonsense in question form because they can't put forth their slander in the form of statements of fact?

The rightwing melt down is somewhat amuding.


As is their ignorance of a straw man fallacy.

FACT: the richest are richer and the Middle Class and poor are poorer under Obama and Dems

RECORD welfare and food stamps

you losers call that "forward progress"

ok go cry now
Recall the former White House spokesman Jay Carney abruptly quit a week or two ago, after staying much longer than such paid liars usually stay. He gave the standard excuse of "Wanting to spend more time with his family".

Is there any chance he quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" steaming load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT preposterous to people who knew better?

Even paid liars have certain levels of falsehood they will not (or cannot) go below.

Carney knew there was no way he could make anybody believe that Lois Lerner's desktop computer crashing, could cause all her emails on a remove email server to vanish, and all the copies on the daily backups, etc. etc.

They are getting sloppy in their lies ...LOL! ...they might just as well have said the dog ate the Emails and be done with it.
Recall the former White House spokesman Jay Carney abruptly quit a week or two ago, after staying much longer than such paid liars usually stay. He gave the standard excuse of "Wanting to spend more time with his family".

Is there any chance he quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" steaming load coming up soon, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain something THAT preposterous to people who knew better?

Even paid liars have certain levels of falsehood they will not (or cannot) go below.

Carney knew there was no way he could make anybody believe that Lois Lerner's desktop computer crashing, could cause all her emails on a remove email server to vanish, and all the copies on the daily backups, etc. etc.

They are getting sloppy in their lies ...LOL! ...they might just as well have said the dog ate the Emails and be done with it.

Whatever the dog ate, the NSA has copies of.

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