INTRIGUE IN IRAN: U.S./Israel Murder Iranian Nuclear Scientist...

An Iranian nuclear scientist had two guys on a motorcycle pull up, attach a bomb to his car, and then detonate it while they drove off. The Iranians have no freakin idea who did it, but of course, they believe that since the US is the "great satan" that we are somehow responsible for it.

God, I wish. However, if you think back to the killing of every high-profile terror target we have hit, there has been an in-depth analysis of the killing on news shows within 24 hours. Even the high-profile terror leaders that we have captured have been analyzed from the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads in the public forum. AND the bleeding left-wing members of this board have bled all over their keyboards about how horrible it is to 'torture' these poor innocent little citizens of the world in cold blood.

The Israelis on the other hand KNOW that to be successful consistently, you have to KEEP YOUR FREAKIN MOUTH SHUT. It's a very small point, but if you're going to be succesfull at it in the future, you never open your coat and show them what's underneath.

This has Israeli written all over it. God, you just have to love them people... talk about some serious players.
The Arabs don't want Iran going nuclear either.
Some do; some don't.

Depends on which arabs you are talking about.

Well the Saudis and Gulf Arabs definently don't, a nuclear Iran changes the whole dynamics in the region.
The U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan is what changed the dynamics of the Middle East.

Before our misguided invasion/occupation.

Both of those countries were ruled and controlled by Sunni's.

Now they are both dominated by Shia governments and friendly with Iran.

Prior to our invasions/occupations; Iran, the only Shia nation in the world, was isolated and alone.

But due to our meddling, Iranian/Shia influence and power in the region has increased a thousand fold. We open pandora's box and now we are going to have to live with the consequences.
Some do; some don't.

Depends on which arabs you are talking about.

Well the Saudis and Gulf Arabs definently don't, a nuclear Iran changes the whole dynamics in the region.
The U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan is what changed the dynamics of the Middle East.

Before our misguided invasion/occupation.

Both of those countries were ruled and controlled by Sunni's.

Now they are both dominated by Shia governments and friendly with Iran.

Prior to our invasions/occupations; Iran, the only Shia nation in the world, was isolated and alone.

But due to our meddling, Iranian/Shia influence and power in the region has increased a thousand fold. We open pandora's box and now we are going to have to live with the consequences.

Well Iraq has a Shite government in power but the Afghans are still Sunni though correct? either way you definently make a valid point, our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan definently helped Iran since they were enemies of both the Taliban and Hussein regime.
Well Iraq has a Shite government in power but the Afghans are still Sunni though correct? either way you definently make a valid point, our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan definently helped Iran since they were enemies of both the Taliban and Hussein regime.
President Hamid Karzai, the Afghan government, and the military are all Shia.

During the invasion we backed the Shiite dominated Northern Alliance who barely controlled 10% of the far northern areas of Afghanistan.

After the invasion we then put them in charge of the newly formed government.

And in charge of the whole country and military.

Afghanistan is 80% Sunni according to the CIA World Fact Book.

The Taliban are Sunni and will never allow themselves to be ruled and dominated by the Shia.

That's why there will never be peace and stability once we leave Afghanistan.
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Well Iraq has a Shite government in power but the Afghans are still Sunni though correct? either way you definently make a valid point, our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan definently helped Iran since they were enemies of both the Taliban and Hussein regime.
President Hamid Karzai, the Afghan government, and the military are all Shia.

During the invasion we backed the Shiite dominated Northern Alliance who barely controlled 10% of the far northern areas of Afghanistan.

After the invasion we then put them in charge of the newly formed government.

And in charge of the whole country and military.

Afghanistan is 80% Sunni according to the CIA World Fact Book.

The Taliban are Sunni and will never allow themselves to be ruled and dominated by the Shia.

That's why there will never be peace and stability once we leave Afghanistan.

Hmm I did not know Karzai was Shite.

Are you seriously saying it WAS us or Israel?

Are you really taking Ahnadinerjacket word on this?
Of course it was either us or the Israeli's.

Who else is throwing a hissy fit over Iran's benign nuclear program? :cool:

Most of the civilized war is upset with Iran's program, Sunni Man.
If Sunni-turd really is a Sunni he shouldn't be happy with Iran's program either. Or maybe he's a piece of Shi'ite as well.
theliq is loony. read the posts above and see the lack of internal consistency. whether theliq, or Iranians, or whomever were building an atomic weapon to use against us, then, yes, assassination is absolutely acceptable in place of widespread war.

theliq is not even amusing anymore,simply tedious and hollow.
Funny how you react after he/she theliq punched you in the face twice,i think you were well sorted by him/her,now you run away,he/she is one hard SOAB,i don't blame you Jake.tor

:lol: I corrected the tor and the assliq for their stupidities, and all they can do is run around and go "wah" :lol:

If they act like adults, we can go that way or they keep getting paddled. :lol:

Up to them.
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Sigh. All here can google Nader Shah, the Afsharid dynasty, the Zand dynasty, and the Qajar dynasty into the early 20th century. Bloodthirsty Sunnis and Shi'ites, plenty of killing, plenty of wars, not only with each other but also with the Turks, the Russians and the Brits.
"The U.S. Congress in December passed a defense authorization bill that included provisions intended to bring down the Central Bank of Iran.

"Although President Obama expressed reservations, he signed it into law. This latest U.S. sanctions package is openly intended to deprive Iran of its oil revenues.

"By prohibiting other countries from dealing with Iran's banks, it is intended to prevent Iran from selling its oil. That is the equivalent of an act of war -- a financial blockade of Iran's oil ports that would deprive Iran of more than half its budgetary revenues."

Iran, U.S. need a crisis exit ramp -

Since Bubba launched his election year (1995) sanctions against Iran's oil industry, Iran has progressed from not a single centrifuge turning to today's 8000+ centrifuges spinning out a substantial stock of low-enriched uranium.

"This is the very definition of a failed policy."

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