Interesting Questionaire for Palestinian Advocates

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
As always, I am asking that anyone who responds to this questionaire would do so in a thoughtful and polite manner. This is a subject that needs to be addressed in order to come to some foundational truths. Nevertheless, let us stay on topic and discuss the matter as it pertains to advocates of Israel and advocates of Palestinians. Thank you.

The following is a questionaire that was put together by an author who I had the pleasure of meeting many years ago. They have written many great articles on subject matter addressing middle east conflicts. Here is the questionaire ......I will only put a small portion of the full questionaire up and you all can click the link to read it in its' entirety. Thanks for reading!


If you are so sure that "Palestine”, the country, goes back through most of recorded history, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about Palestine:

1. When was it founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capital?

4. What were its major cities?

5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

6. What was its form of government?

7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

Thank you in advance for your participation and please remind to be respectful to others in your responses.

[MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION], [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20411]ForeverYoung436[/MENTION], [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17047]Godboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35577]MJB12741[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39618]proudveteran06[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION] , [MENTION=50178]Sgt_Gath[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39069]toastman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION], [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION], [MENTION=49464]teddyearp[/MENTION] ! ! !

A small invitation list from those that I thought might want to participate in the discussion. Anyone is welcome to share here!
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I believe the questionaire makes for a very good discussion. Who would like to go first? If you are an advocate for Israel your voice matters too. Is there anything else on the list that the author left out and needs to be included? In your opinion? Your opinion matters. Because without open discussions such as these on the Israel and Palestine thread we are going to continue to end up at a dead end. These type of discussions are the type that will lead to a definite conclusion. One way or the other. Which is the very idea of a debate. Getting to the truth of the matter. It is always good to discuss things openly and this questionaire presents that opportunity for us all.
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I will. I would list each question with an answer, but I believe that in all honesty the only answer there is to any or all of them is "none". I am greatly offended that I have been left out of your list, though. Hehe.

But, wait for it, wait for it . . . . . and you know who will soon be here . . . .
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1. When was it founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capital?

I know the current Palestinian Capital is temporarily Ram'allah.

4. What were its major cities?

Neblus, Ram'allah, Al Quds(Jerusalem), Bethlehem, Hevron, Jaffa(?)..

5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

6. What was its form of government?

7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

Amin el Huseini (the Moufti)

Uhm.. couldn't get past that, help me out guys.
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As always, I am asking that anyone who responds to this questionaire would do so in a thoughtful and polite manner. This is a subject that needs to be addressed in order to come to some foundational truths. Nevertheless, let us stay on topic and discuss the matter as it pertains to advocates of Israel and advocates of Palestinians. Thank you.

The following is a questionaire that was put together by an author who I had the pleasure of meeting many years ago. They have written many great articles on subject matter addressing middle east conflicts. Here is the questionaire ......I will only put a small portion of the full questionaire up and you all can click the link to read it in its' entirety. Thanks for reading!


If you are so sure that "Palestine”, the country, goes back through most of recorded history, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about Palestine:

1. When was it founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capital?

4. What were its major cities?

5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

6. What was its form of government?

7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

Thank you in advance for your participation and please remind to be respectful to others in your responses.

[MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION], [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20411]ForeverYoung436[/MENTION], [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17047]Godboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35577]MJB12741[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39618]proudveteran06[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION] , [MENTION=50178]Sgt_Gath[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39069]toastman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION], [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION],

A small invitation list from those that I thought might want to participate in the discussion. Anyone is welcome to share here!

Its a region, been occupied by every society from Judea to Rome, Assyria, Byzantine, Persia, Greece, Egypt........I doubt there is room to answer the questions. Most likely, Jewish people settled, then Philistines. I think you already know, the "borders" were never set. No capital, no records of "Palestinian" government, and the region has few resources, but many societies desired the area for reasons of faith, commerce, military strategy.......and because other societies wanted it also.
I will. I would list each question with an answer, but I believe that in all honesty the only answer there is to any or all of them is "none". I am greatly offended that I have been left out of your list, though. Hehe.

But, wait for it, wait for it . . . . . and you know who will soon be here . . . .

[MENTION=49464]teddyearp[/MENTION]! You are officially invited! I am so sorry! Everyone is invited to discuss this and that includes those who are advocates of the people presently living in Gaza!

Teddyearp, there was a discussion some time ago about people using the @ thing and I believe this is the first time I have used it in my life for a thread I started! I used it twice to respond for someone elses thread and that was it. The reason being so many people were opposed to receiving a @ in their mail boxes and in order to not interupt them I decided I would do a small list of people I knew would not mind! :eusa_angel: I am happy to see you are among that number!
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Uhm, the UN voted Yes, due to the history of wars the land belong to present state of Israel, therefore the Palestinians have no claim at all.. including over Gaza - according to you.
And about the rights. - nobody argue about that, the Palestinians have all the rights, why do you think it serve to 'disenfranchisment their rights?
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I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Uhm, the UN voted Yes, due to the history of wars the land belong to present state of Israel, therefore the Palestinians have no claim at all.. including over Gaza - according to you.

According to me? How on earth do you derive that?

What I said is that the Palestinians have as much right to a homeland as the Jews do and basing rights on who was around thousands of years ago is ridiculous.
1. When was it founded and by whom?

2. What were its borders?

3. What was its capital?

I know the current Palestinian Capital is temporarily Ram'allah.

4. What were its major cities?

Neblus, Ram'allah, Al Quds(Jerusalem), Bethlehem, Hevron, Jaffa(?)..

5. What constituted the basis of its economy?

6. What was its form of government?

7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?

Amin el Huseini (the Moufti)

Uhm.. couldn't get past that, help me out guys.

Daniyel, I believe the question in the questionaire was - "what was its capitol". As to the leader - I was not aware of Amin el Huseini being the leader before Arafat. I will have to look up his name and research the history on him. Thank you!
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Uhm, the UN voted Yes, due to the history of wars the land belong to present state of Israel, therefore the Palestinians have no claim at all.. including over Gaza - according to you.

According to me? How on earth do you derive that?

What I said is that the Palestinians have as much right to a homeland as the Jews do and basing rights on who was around thousands of years ago is ridiculous.
You missed the important part, the fact Palestinians been here before Israel doesn't apply as much as Jews doesn't apply, this goes both directions except the UN voted for the state of Israel, but not over a state of Palestinians - all the so called occupied territories belong to Israel NOW and ever since they were exchanged by their legal owners (Egypt, Jordan) - the Palestinians no long have claim on the land which is now Israel because they are simply not Israelis, of course they deserve a homeland and even a state - but not in Israel.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Israel has always been willing to give land for peace. Israel gave back land to Egypt in exchange for peace. They are willing to give the Palestinians land in exchange for peace. But Hamas doesn't want peace, they are a death cult....
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Uhm, the UN voted Yes, due to the history of wars the land belong to present state of Israel, therefore the Palestinians have no claim at all.. including over Gaza - according to you.

According to me? How on earth do you derive that?

What I said is that the Palestinians have as much right to a homeland as the Jews do and basing rights on who was around thousands of years ago is ridiculous.

Almighty God gave the Jewish people the land and the land is HIS to give. ALMIGHTY GOD makes the rules not little man!
I do agree, Daniyel, these people most definitely deserve a home of their own. Their suffering has gone on far too long. It is heartbreaking. As their brethren control 99.6% of the middle east I am sure one of those arab lands can help them to return and get settled in a place they can flourish and be happy in. I wish them the best.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Well except for the fact that Palestine had the opportunity to organize a Government as well and the Arab nations told them not to. And then that annoying fact that Israel tried several times to help them organize a Country and were rewarded with attacks on Israel.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Israel has always been willing to give land for peace. Israel gave back land to Egypt in exchange for peace. They are willing to give the Palestinians land in exchange for peace. But Hamas doesn't want peace, they are a death cult....

Zander, that baby in your avatar is absolutely darling! I love that photo! I believe you are right in that Israel has always sought to find a way to be at peace with her neighbors and also those who sought refuge there. She has been wonderful when considering the medical needs of other peoples, the arabs, the people even over in Ethiopia! Many nations medical doctors from Israel have done their very best for and their generosity has not gone un-noticed by Americans such as myself. On the subject of the land - it was an interesting point the author made that I am wondering - could someone answer it point for point? Fill in the "blanks" so to speak? I do not know. We shall see.
I do agree, Daniyel, these people most definitely deserve a home of their own. Their suffering has gone on far too long. It is heartbreaking. As their brethren control 99.6% of the middle east I am sure one of those arab lands can help them to return and get settled in a place they can flourish and be happy in. I wish them the best.

Why? Their so-called "brethran" represent a variety of nationalities and ethnic groups. The only thing they may have in common in some cases is their religion. That was one of the big mistakes in the Partition of India - thinking that because the Bengali's happened to be Muslim, they belonged with Pakistan, yet they were culturally very different from the Pakistanis. Hence, eventually, the formation of Bangladesh.

Why would you want to forceably relocate people who's families have lived there, in some cases, as long as some of the Jews? That's known as Ethnic Cleansing.

They have a right to live where they live and to have a state of their own. It's the only just solution.
I do agree, Daniyel, these people most definitely deserve a home of their own. Their suffering has gone on far too long. It is heartbreaking. As their brethren control 99.6% of the middle east I am sure one of those arab lands can help them to return and get settled in a place they can flourish and be happy in. I wish them the best.

Why? Their so-called "brethran" represent a variety of nationalities and ethnic groups. The only thing they may have in common in some cases is their religion. That was one of the big mistakes in the Partition of India - thinking that because the Bengali's happened to be Muslim, they belonged with Pakistan, yet they were culturally very different from the Pakistanis. Hence, eventually, the formation of Bangladesh.

Why would you want to forceably relocate people who's families have lived there, in some cases, as long as some of the Jews? That's known as Ethnic Cleansing.

They have a right to live where they live and to have a state of their own. It's the only just solution.

Ignoring historical facts again, Israel literally begged the Arabs living inside their borders to stay and be a part of Israel, Instead thousand fled as ordered to by the Arab States. They do not deserve the right to return after refusing to defend their homes and siding with Arab Countries attacking Israel.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

Israel has always been willing to give land for peace. Israel gave back land to Egypt in exchange for peace. They are willing to give the Palestinians land in exchange for peace. But Hamas doesn't want peace, they are a death cult....

Zander, that baby in your avatar is absolutely darling! I love that photo! I believe you are right in that Israel has always sought to find a way to be at peace with her neighbors and also those who sought refuge there. She has been wonderful when considering the medical needs of other peoples, the arabs, the people even over in Ethiopia! Many nations medical doctors from Israel have done their very best for and their generosity has not gone un-noticed by Americans such as myself. On the subject of the land - it was an interesting point the author made that I am wondering - could someone answer it point for point? Fill in the "blanks" so to speak? I do not know. We shall see.

I think Cuba has more doctors working outside of country than Israel. That does go un-noticed.
I dislike questionnaires like that because their primary purpose is to legitimize the disenfranchisment and rights of a people. That's all it is.

The right to a homeland, a state, self-determination is not dependendent on who was there longer than who.

Israel was re-created. It had not existed for thousands of years. It has no more or less legitimacy than Palestine.

And has been oft noted, the region's Arabs (that's what they were called in 1948) had the same opportunity to create an independent homeland - had they actually wanted one - from 1947 to 1967 when they controlled all the land they now CLAIM would satisfy their endless lust for Israeli blood.
Even after 1967 they could have made a deal - again, had they chosen to - but instead they chose squalid "refugee" camps and the 3 NOs: No recognition, No negotiation, No peace.
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