In the Long Run of Human Civilization and Climate Change, We’re All Dead


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
It's a race against the time. Climate change is defined as gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet over approximately 30 years. The data shows the Earth is warming and it's up to us to make the changes necessary for a healthier planet.

Human civilization is centered around the brewing of beer ...
[giggle] ...
Climate change be damned ... humans ain't gonna quit drinking beer ...
It’s not gonna make any significant negative impact on me in the 25-30 years I have left, so why would I give a fuck?
It's a race against the time. Climate change is defined as gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet over approximately 30 years. The data shows the Earth is warming and it's up to us to make the changes necessary for a healthier planet.
thank goodness the democrats chinese pals are only building a few hundred coal fired plants each year
It’s not gonna make any significant negative impact on me in the 25-30 years I have left, so why would I give a fuck?
Children. Grand children. Great grand children. Great great grand children. Great great great grand children. Etc, etc, etc.
BBQ . You are deliberately posting rubbish just to get a reaction . Smacks of Trolling , imho.
That should say NONE, not nine. I do not have any kids. Never wanted any. They’re a venereal disease so far as I’m concerned.
Sure that wasn't a Freudian slip? ; - ). Okay, well, you just enjoy your brief and bitter remaining few years and don't let the view of the world going to shit bother you in the least. It's not as if the world is going to be concerned about you.
Okay, well, you just enjoy your brief and bitter remaining few years and don't let the view of the world going to shit bother you in the least. It's not as if the world is going to be concerned about you
Enjoyment isn’t the point of life. Propriety is. The world was shit long before I arrived and will be long after I’m gone. If only I could believe the world would just leave me alone. That would be utopian. Unfortunately we both know it will never happen.
Sure that wasn't a Freudian slip?
I would have cut my penis off with safety scissors after the first one, so I’m quite sure.
Enjoyment isn’t the point of life. Propriety is.
Propriety? Maybe for a nun. The actual "point of life" is to successfully reproduce your genes. Propriety is unlikely to get that done for you.
The world was shit long before I arrived and will be long after I’m gone.
Can I ask why you've bother to keep living?
If only I could believe the world would just leave me alone. That would be utopian. Unfortunately we both know it will never happen.
If you want to be left alone you wouldn't be on this website.
I would have cut my penis off with safety scissors after the first one, so I’m quite sure.
Do you trust your therapist?
Can I ask why you've bother to keep living?
It’s not up to me to decide when my Test(Life) is over. Only the Deity gets to decide that.
If you want to be left alone you wouldn't be on this website
This is the sort of place I utilize to keep an eye on the horrors of humanity without actually having to deal with you scum(humanity as a whole) in person.
Do you trust your therapist?
I don’t trust ANYONE, including myself at times.
Propriety? Maybe for a nun. The actual "point of life" is to successfully reproduce your genes. Propriety is unlikely to get that done for you
Propriety is the purpose for all. We’re only here to test the Righteousness of our Souls against the complete and utter indecency of this world.
It’s not gonna make any significant negative impact on me in the 25-30 years I have left, so why would I give a fuck?
Where is evidence of your ability as a fortune teller? You're like god, who got Adam to name the animals, when god already knew their names and what was going to happen to them.
Where is evidence of your ability as a fortune teller? You're like god, who got Adam to name the animals, when god already knew their names and what was going to happen to them
No Precognition required. Just a little math…

I’m 49. My chances of living to age 75 are minimal due to health issues. That leaves me with a maximum of 25 years left. I have not seen a respectable study suggesting we’re getting wiped out in the next quarter century.
No Precognition required. Just a little math…

I’m 49. My chances of living to age 75 are minimal due to health issues. That leaves me with a maximum of 25 years left. I have not seen a respectable study suggesting we’re getting wiped out in the next quarter century.
Hard to believe you could consider 49 to be "crotchety old man". That's bloody middle-aged.

No studies suggested that the oceans would start cooking the way they have. I wouldn't be so confident. Besides, if we let things get really bad, women will start getting desperate to reproduce and you could get assaulted by hordes of hysterical females looking to steal your vital essences by hook or crook or kink and then there could be dozens of little Anathemas and Anathema Juniors running hither, thither and yon all looking for you to play ball with them in the back yard. Best to spend your last few decades holding off such unthinkable possibilities.
Hard to believe you could consider 49 to be "crotchety old man". That's bloody middle-aged
I was a Crotchety Old Man before I was a teenager. It’s always been my main character style.
No studies suggested that the oceans would start cooking the way they have. I wouldn't be so confident
I’m confident I live far enough inland and high enough for it to be safe.
Besides, if we let things get really bad, women will start getting desperate to reproduce and you could get assaulted by hordes of hysterical females looking to steal your vital essences by hook or crook or kink
I got no issue shooting crazed women any more than men.

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