Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

you have no personal knowledge, you are subjected to the bad science data that has been identified. oops
Not at all. None were during the pandemic and one bubba never told us what the colors meant…you bubbas will fall for antything…
Hey bubba..those are updates. DURING the pandemic is when the a hole gov pulled this shit. They were third then.

Notice all the red states that over took her…
doesn’t look good for the dufus red.
Oh please. You can't look at a moment in time and make a conclusion about which states overall handled COVID more effectively. The long-term data shows South Dakota did better than average, not worst.

But I really doubt that the virus differentiated based upon political persuasion.

And the state differences are largely due to different reporting and counting methods.

But if older people tend to be ore Conservative and also tend to get symptomatic COVID more frequently than young Liberals, that would be a rather unsurprising statistic anyway.

Gee, Trump had a recession. FACT Gee, Trump told everyone covid would be gone by spring FACT…..even without a vaccination…..his minions bought it, they died at higher rates, thousands of them. FACT
You idiot. Governors shut down the economy during COVID. Trump didn’t do that. WTF is wrong with you?

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