In Britain, man executed, with gun in front of mums with children...

And you have solutions?

Oh yeah your default position is to blame everyone else for your failings

Not really... I just recognize that Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people... even if they think they are doing well.

But to the point, yes, there are solutions.. invest in education, create job programs and opportunties in poor areas, and the big one.

Get rid of the fucking guns... many zeroes to the left of the decimal point does your net worth figure have?

Surely if you know what's best for everyone you must be extremely successful right?
six, last time I looked, do I qualify?
Who says we've acquiesced? We just don't reach for a weapon, when someone looks at us funny in the pub.

And neither do people in the U.S. who legally carry a firearm. Maybe YOU can't trust yourself, and your emotions, but others can, and do. That doesn't happen with law abiding citizens here. Nobody that is law abiding is shooting anyone in the pub.

However, we have a right to defend ourselves, especially in our homes. The British don't have that right. They can't use a weapon to defend themselves. They have acquiesced to being VICTIMS.
people have guns in the home so as to be PREPARED same as having a fire extinguisher in the kitchen , a spare tire in the car , smoke and fire detectors in the house JoeB .
Prepared for an armed burglar? How many burglars carry guns in the US?

Robbers go armed, burglars typically don't. Using a gun in a burg turns it into a Class C Felony sometimes called 'aggravated burglary '
Nope. Self defence was no longer a reason to obtain a firearms certificate. Handuns used for this purpose could be handed in for compensation or sold to dealers before the deadline. 165,353 handguns were collected. That's 2.8% of the then population of 58.17 million. We were never awash with guns like America. Ironically there are 535,000 non shotgun licensed firearms in this country now along with around 1.3 million shotguns, so the idea of "no-guns = increase in violent crime" is, as we say over here, "bollocks".

It is sad that the subjects of Great Britain have acquiesced to being a VICTIM of violence, and being OK with it. :(

Who says we've acquiesced? We just don't reach for a weapon, when someone looks at us funny in the pub.
neither do I
We just don't reach for a weapon, when someone looks at us funny in the pub.

Where's the fun in that?
Then why is it so wrong for non-criminals to have firearms with which to defend themselves?

Because a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

So it makes about as much since as owning your own rabid pit bull because your neighbor has a rabid pit bull guarding his crack house.

the likelihood of my guns killing anyone in my family is ZERO tell me what 43 times ZERO is.

I bet Amy Pittman thought exactly like you once upon a time. Added agony: Justice is haphazard after kids’ gun deaths

"Children under age 12 die from gun accidents in the United States about once a week, on average. Almost every death begins with the same basic circumstances: an unsecured and loaded gun, a guardian’s lapse in attention."

Every accidental death of a child is caused by a guardian's lapse in attention

Kids get poisoned because of a guardian's lapse in attention
Kids drown in pools and bathtubs because of a guardian's lapse in attention
Kids fall down stairs and out of windows because of a guardian's lapse in attention

etc etc etc etc ad infinitum
And of those 2.2 million in prison, the democrats keep letting out the most violent offenders over and over again.....

Meh, if prisons got us to lower crime, we'd have the lowest crime rates, not the highest.

We lock up more people than any country in the world, but you are still out there clinging to your guns living in mortal fear some darkie might show up at your door.
we lock up the wrong people, Idiot
A fine comment on the sad state of Republican America today.
I am not, never have been and never will be a member of the republican party

when you are incapable of seeing the world in more than 2 dimensions you miss out on a lot
Every accidental death of a child is caused by a guardian's lapse in attention

Kids get poisoned because of a guardian's lapse in attention
Kids drown in pools and bathtubs because of a guardian's lapse in attention
Kids fall down stairs and out of windows because of a guardian's lapse in attention

etc etc etc etc ad infinitum

And these are all MUCH MORE COMMON than any accidents involving a gun.
And you have solutions?

Oh yeah your default position is to blame everyone else for your failings

Not really... I just recognize that Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people... even if they think they are doing well.

But to the point, yes, there are solutions.. invest in education, create job programs and opportunties in poor areas, and the big one.

Get rid of the fucking guns... many zeroes to the left of the decimal point does your net worth figure have?

Surely if you know what's best for everyone you must be extremely successful right?
six, last time I looked, do I qualify?
No you're a Brit nothing you say matters here
And you have solutions?

Oh yeah your default position is to blame everyone else for your failings

Not really... I just recognize that Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people... even if they think they are doing well.

But to the point, yes, there are solutions.. invest in education, create job programs and opportunties in poor areas, and the big one.

Get rid of the fucking guns...

Britain did that, and their gun crime and violent crime against British citizens is going through the roof...meanwhile, in the more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down...49%. Our gun crime rate...went down 75%.....our violent crime, unlike Britain, went down more Americans own and carry guns. Funny how crime goes down when the victims can fight back effectively.

Unfortunately out right wing government decided to drastically cut Police numbers and resources, nothing at all to do with not having guns (which we still do as it happens, see my previous post). Violent crime trends have gone down since 1996.
----------------------------- so you were out and about with your getting all zhit faced like all limey wankers do i suppose . As far as PLOD and guns , you wankers always used to brag that your 'plod' did not carry guns like is done in the USA . My only point is that your 'plod' has been arming up these last few years Vaga . I'm just happy to see that arming up of your 'plod' because it tells me that violence is growing in 'blighty' Vaga .
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*sigh* Here we go again, pity 2aguy didn't know this was a gangland hit, the "victim" had been shot in 2010 and later arrested himself for possessing a firearm.

So, your point is, even in a country where private firearms are banned, we shouldn't be surprised if criminals have free access to them?

Private firearms are not banned over here, do keep up. Criminals have always had access to firearms, which they use mainly to protect themselves from other criminals with guns; it's something they picked up from America. The rest of us don't care that much if criminals shoot each other.

Private firearms are not banned in England? Then why is it illegal to defend yourself with a gun in England? or a knife? or a cane? defending yourself there has almost become an act of aggression it self In the eyes of the law.
Yet, you say you dont care if Criminals shoot each other???? But heaven forbid a citizen shoot a Criminal in self defence.... then you care. You dont see the irony here?

It's not "illegal" to defend yourself over here, where did that drivel come from?
-------------------------------- Who was it , see 'munir hussein' think it was and see what happened to him when he defended himself against burglars or home invaders or similar Vaga .
Good thing they banned and confiscated wouldn't have people executed with guns because criminals wouldn't have did this guy get his gun that he used to execute this guy?

46 Gun murders in the UK a year vs. 11,000 in the US.

They are getting it right.. us, not so much.

The reason why you find one of these stories a month is because they are so unusual in the UK.
Why would you gladly give up your right to self defense? Are you stupid?
----------------------------------------------- they have a rule or something in their 'constitution' or some paperwork that they have the 'right' to be armed as ALLOWED by LAW or some such silliness . And language , its stuff like that that We YANKS gotta watch out for .
as far as being stupid , no not stupid but they have a Subject and emotional tendency and they thought that their 'democracy' or 'mob ruled' government would be fair . But the end result was that the 'brits' meekly handed in hundreds of thousands of nice valuable and historic handguns to be destroyed . Think it was in 1996 that their 'handguns were Confiscated and destroyed .
I absolutely do not believe at all that you have lived in other countries.

You don't have to, I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

In fact, I want you to hate guns and I want you to hate the fact that Americans can own them. I want that fact to fester in your brain and slowly drive you insane as you fail to comprehend that not everyone wants to be as 'awesome' as Spain.


P.S. Is Franco still dead?
Typical pro-gun person--full of hate and venom. Poor little person.

You're confusing hate with amusement.
I don't think so.
and whats to get worked up about anyway ?? USA a country of over 310 million mongrels plus 11 to 30 million illegal aliens . And what , about 30 thousand gun deaths and about 15 thousand of those gun deaths are criminals that needed shooting and then some suicides that wanted to die . -------------- its no big deal Esmeralda and other gun controllers on the board and Vaga .
take away the motorcycles and Americans have LESS Freedom but are safer . Take away the cars , swimming pools , 5 gallon buckets , rope , prescription drugs . fatty foods , beer , alcohol , big macs , quarter pounders and Americans have LESS Freedoms but are safer . Same goes for --- GUNS --- Esmeralda

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