The small extract from the huge list of Merkel's crimes against Germany


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
This small extract is a diagnose for German political 'system'. How a such highly criminal 'woman' can stay in power so long time?Where is the difference between NSDAP and united socialists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts?Both supported socialist dictators Hitler and Merkel

Translation from German:

After Fukushima (the implosion of a Japanese nuclear power plant, which in contrast to the triggering tsunami did not claim any human lives), it ordered a populist 180-degree turn within a few hours to abandon nuclear energy. The consequences of this ill-considered turning point still overshadow the entire German energy future today and lead to countless conflicts and problems because of the non-existent power lines, because of the coal-fired power plants which are now becoming necessary again and because of the dramatic increase in all electricity prices.
Without an open scientific debate, it has only supported the dogma of man-made warming on the basis of a Potsdam Institute.
It is mainly responsible for "saving" Greece, which went bankrupt (not least as a result of fraudulent machinations) and made Europe's savers hundreds of billions poorer.
It left those German central bankers who wanted to fight the ECB's catastrophic zero interest rate policy and demand compliance with the euro treaties out in the cold. As a result, an Italian disaster is now imminent, one that will be much worse and bigger than the Greek one.
In September 2015, against all legal barriers, it opened the borders to a new migration of peoples, thereby triggering the unstoppable immigration of Asian and African masses, with all its dramatic and unmanageable consequences.
It is responsible for the introduction of gay marriage in Germany.
As head of the most important European power, she has done nothing to accommodate the British Government before the Brexit referendum and thus prevent the British from leaving the EU. Even today, it is still doing nothing to at least achieve a Brexit solution that is softened by the treaty.
A few days ago it pushed through the replacement of the head of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, even though he was telling the truth to the best of his knowledge and belief. His only "crime": Merkel said something different before. This expulsion will have terrible effects on the future upright attitude and courage of German civil servants.
It has so efficiently eliminated all potential rivals in the CDU that the once so important party no longer has any strong personalities.
In the last few hours it received the Turkish president, to whom it had already sent billions to save his ailing economy, on a very official state visit. This is an absurd revaluation of a man who is responsible for tens of thousands of political prisoners, who has blackmailed Europe by smuggling through hundreds of thousands of refugees, who has invaded a neighbouring country, who has brutally disenfranchised the Kurdish minority, who has largely ended democracy and the rule of law, who pays thousands of Imams working in Germany and incites his agents in Germany to denounce opponents of his own regime in Ankara.
It is mainly responsible for the decline of the Union parties. Until Helmut Kohl's departure, these were always between 40 and 50 percent. In the last election, they lost more than eight percentage points. Nevertheless, Merkel did not know what she should have done differently. And now the CDU/CSU only has 27 percent (and its coalition partner, the SPD, only has 16 percent, while the AfD - which was actually only created as an alternative to Merkel - is now the country's second strongest party with 18 percent).

Minusfrau Merkel: Eine Abschiedsbilanz › Jouwatch

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