In Britain, man executed, with gun in front of mums with children...

yes you know better than the people who think they are doing well and how many zeroes to the left of the decimal point does your net worth figure have?

Surely if you know what's best for everyone you must be extremely successful right?

I do well enough, but I'm really not about material things...

The thing is, when you have kids who go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world, then Capitalism is a Shit Sandwich.
joe know this and has been shown it several times...he just hates guns and will lie to push that agenda...

This is the link to kellerman's follow up study where he had to change the number from 43 to 2.7....

Except Kellerman says nothing of the sort here. There aren't even quotes by Kellerman.

Tell you what, find me a YOUTUBE link where Kellerman says that.

yes you know better than the people who think they are doing well and how many zeroes to the left of the decimal point does your net worth figure have?

Surely if you know what's best for everyone you must be extremely successful right?

I do well enough, but I'm really not about material things...

The thing is, when you have kids who go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world, then Capitalism is a Shit Sandwich.
Well how do you know you're not one of those people who doesn't realize he's not doing well even though he thinks he is?

And I've found that the people who say they don't care about material things are the one who can't afford material things.

If kids go to bed hungry in this country it's the parent's fault not anyone else's
Is there a link to your stat of 43 times? I saw one that said 34 times, though.... these numbers can be manipulated.

Old news... look up "Kellerman Study". The Gun Fetishists come up with all sorts of claims to try to discredit it.
Old debunked news about an extremely limited study with a sample size so small as to be meaningless
yes you know better than the people who think they are doing well and how many zeroes to the left of the decimal point does your net worth figure have?

Surely if you know what's best for everyone you must be extremely successful right?

I do well enough, but I'm really not about material things...

The thing is, when you have kids who go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world, then Capitalism is a Shit Sandwich.
Well how do you know you're not one of those people who doesn't realize he's not doing well even though he thinks he is?

And I've found that the people who say they don't care about material things are the one who can't afford material things.

If kids go to bed hungry in this country it's the parent's fault not anyone else's
-------------------------------- Parents Fault , i think thats true . There are food banks and charity services , Churches and just people on the street that would keep kids from going hungry
joe know this and has been shown it several times...he just hates guns and will lie to push that agenda...

This is the link to kellerman's follow up study where he had to change the number from 43 to 2.7....

Except Kellerman says nothing of the sort here. There aren't even quotes by Kellerman.

Tell you what, find me a YOUTUBE link where Kellerman says that.


Kellerman''s research where he changed the number is the first link, you doofus....
Is there a link to your stat of 43 times? I saw one that said 34 times, though.... these numbers can be manipulated.

Old news... look up "Kellerman Study". The Gun Fetishists come up with all sorts of claims to try to discredit it. from actual peer reviewers of his research and his own research where he had to change that number from 43 to 2.7...... doofus...

Notice....the numbers only go back to 1997 but feel free to go back farther.....the actual data is from Pew...

So even the figures you've posted show the numbers going up in the last few years.

In 2015 obama, black lives matter and the ACLU openly attacked the police and they stopped pro actively is called the Ferguson effect, and we are just now, in the 2017 numbers getting past that attack.....

Again, as Pew shows....49%, decrease in gun murders as more Americans own and carry can't explain that...
And I've found that the people who say they don't care about material things are the one who can't afford material things.

Naw, I just don't waste money on things I don't need. I've always kind of lived a Spartan lifestyle, but that came from all the years I was in the military and had to move quickly...

Now my parents grew up during the Great Depression, you want to talk about folks who were frugal.

If kids go to bed hungry in this country it's the parent's fault not anyone else's

No, it's the fault of a society that still allows poverty and inequality.
In 2015 obama, black lives matter and the ACLU openly attacked the police and they stopped pro actively is called the Ferguson effect, and we are just now, in the 2017 numbers getting past that attack.....

Yawn, there is no "Ferguson Effect". That cops can't stop black folks for a Driving While Black has had no effect on gun crime.

What's caused the increase is that the National Rampage Association if FLOODING THE COUNTRY with guns. More guns... more gun murders.

This really isn't complicated, Dick Tiny.
And I've found that the people who say they don't care about material things are the one who can't afford material things.

Naw, I just don't waste money on things I don't need. I've always kind of lived a Spartan lifestyle, but that came from all the years I was in the military and had to move quickly...

Now my parents grew up during the Great Depression, you want to talk about folks who were frugal.

If kids go to bed hungry in this country it's the parent's fault not anyone else's

No, it's the fault of a society that still allows poverty and inequality.

It's the parents who are responsible for their own kids not "society"

With all the giveaways the government provides any parent can feed their kids

and it's funny how you talk about things you need or don't need when you try to tell everyone else what they need or don't need
i've alway been frugal or thrifty , no real reason for it but i think its smart to have minimal bills a full belly , good decent clothes , cash , self protection , a nice place to live and Spares on the shelf to take care of some future FOOD needs . Worked good for me for about 50 years as i was in charge of my own money .
Guns actually make living in America MORE dangerous.

They haven't made my life any more dangerous.
They make everyone's life more dangerous. Gun death in the US is about the highest in the world because there are 100 guns in the US per 100 people. Per capita. Too many guns and very high gun death. In Spain, there are 10 guns per 100 people and an extremely low gun death rate. Figure it out. It's in black and white. Use logic instead of fear and emotion.
Then why do you all need guns to protect yourselves? Why are you so full of fear?

Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

In Spain, only 10% of the people own guns. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Comparing an auto accident to a gun death is a false analogy, BTW. Learn how to use logic.

I've lived most of my adult live in other countries and I've visited Spain in a professional capacity.

I don't want to live in Spain. I don't want to live in the UK, and I don't want to live in Australia.

I also don't want my country to emulate them. If I did, I'd just save the time and move there, learn to speak Arabic, so I can assimilate to the culture, and start getting benefits.

I'm sure, to you, Spain is heaven on Earth, but I have no compulsion to live there.
I absolutely do not believe at all that you have lived in other countries. Not at all. You're making it up to try to bolster an empty case for no gun control.
Then why do you all need guns to protect yourselves? Why are you so full of fear?

Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

In Spain, only 10% of the people own guns. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Comparing an auto accident to a gun death is a false analogy, BTW. Learn how to use logic.

Spanish criminals don't commit murder as much........goody for you.... most of the United States is the same way. Our crime is isolated to very tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities....other than that there is very little crime...but crime still happens.... and you don't know where or when it is going to happen..

Would you prefer that a woman is raped or that she use a gun to stop it? Please, answer that question.
Your posts indicate you have absolutely no broad world view, no common sense and no wisdom.
i have no use for fureigners or their foreign countries or foreign ways of doing things Esmeralda . I have lived 70 year and same for my family as they have lived for different periods of time and some greater then my 70 years . And guns were and are all over the place . Americans aren't giving up their guns except for some individuals that may want to Esmeralda .
In Spain, there are 10 guns per 100 people and an extremely low gun death rate. Figure it out. It's in black and white

You're right ... because guns are the only way anyone could ever get hurt. They didn't even have band aids and Neosporin before guns came around.

In Spain, there are 10 guns per 100 people and an extremely low gun death rate. Figure it out. It's in black and white

You're right ... because guns are the only way anyone could ever get hurt. They didn't even have band aids and Neosporin before guns came around.

You are using a false analogy. Chain saws have a purpose, a useful everyday purpose. Guns only have one purpose: to kill. Totally different thing. Learn how to think logically.

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