In All Of The Middle East


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?

Religious Freedoms: Freedom of Worship in Israel-The Israel Project

In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
Sad how the Iranian Shiites kill the Bahai's. At least in Israel they are safe and have a beautiful temple there. Maybe some of the Israel haters will someday visit Israel and make sure to visit the Baha'i Gardens.

The Bahá'í Gardens
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
Well, who else was but the Bahais were left for them to kill after they all but totally annihilated the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians off the face of the earth & the Jews left for Israel. They call it "Peaceful Islam."

In all of the

Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
Sad how the Iranian Shiites kill the Bahai's. At least in Israel they are safe and have a beautiful temple there. Maybe some of the Israel haters will someday visit Israel and make sure to visit the Baha'i Gardens.

The Bahá'í Gardens
Way to go Pbel. And which one of you Zionists said Pbel doesn't know what he's talking about?

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
‘ol Hosshiite, spewing the same ‘ol Outhouse Political Pholosophy of Israel can do no wrong and two wrongs make a right in Hickory Ville, W. Virgini…

You really are a broken record and offer nothing for peace.
Here is my peace offering. Israel should invite, encourage & welcome all leaders of Hamas & the P.A. to Tel Aviv for peace talks. Wine them & dine them in Israel's finest living accommodations with food & beverage the evening before the talks.

Next morning when representatives of Israel & the Palestinians are seated, Israel should make the following announcement to open the peace negotiations: From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
‘ol Hosshiite, spewing the same ‘ol Outhouse Political Pholosophy of Israel can do no wrong and two wrongs make a right in Hickory Ville, W. Virgini…

You really are a broken record and offer nothing for peace.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
One day Jews will give Muslims the respect they give non Muslims.

"Inshallah". LOL
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
‘ol Hosshiite, spewing the same ‘ol Outhouse Political Pholosophy of Israel can do no wrong and two wrongs make a right in Hickory Ville, W. Virgini…

You really are a broken record and offer nothing for peace.
You can include yourself, Phillip AKA as the Boston Village Idiot. You have been repeating yourself with the same stuff year after year. The broken record happens to be you. Don't worry, Phillip. If the Baha'is ever read all your nonsensical posts, they would not even want you to visit their beautiful gardens. They would tell you to go visit Iran instead. As the readers can see, Phillip got off again by calling me Hosshiite. This seems to really turn him on. But don't let any Shi'ites hear you use that word.,
There are many "middle East countries" where all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government, Hoshite
"Protected" is a relevant term. You mean in between bombings, persecution, being treated as second class citizens not having the same rights as Muslims, being subjected to Islamic Shariah shit laws, and false accusations of spying? But you already knew that, didn't you, Olagh?
When will Jos tell us those Middle East countries besides Israel who's governments protect all houses of worship?

There are many "middle East countries" where all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government, Hoshite
"Protected" is a relevant term. You mean in between bombings, persecution, being treated as second class citizens not having the same rights as Muslims, being subjected to Islamic Shariah shit laws, and false accusations of spying? But you already knew that, didn't you, Olagh?
Here is my peace offering. Israel should invite, encourage & welcome all leaders of Hamas & the P.A. to Tel Aviv for peace talks. Wine them & dine them in Israel's finest living accommodations with food & beverage the evening before the talks.

Next morning when representatives of Israel & the Palestinians are seated, Israel should make the following announcement to open the peace negotiations: From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
‘ol Hosshiite, spewing the same ‘ol Outhouse Political Pholosophy of Israel can do no wrong and two wrongs make a right in Hickory Ville, W. Virgini…

You really are a broken record and offer nothing for peace.
sounds like you would make Hitler blush.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
Sad how the Iranian Shiites kill the Bahai's. At least in Israel they are safe and have a beautiful temple there. Maybe some of the Israel haters will someday visit Israel and make sure to visit the Baha'i Gardens.

The Bahá'í Gardens
But but but I thought those Israeli Zionist Jews were running an apartheid state for Jews only, out to commit genocide and kill all innocent non Jews that can find, yet here you have one of many non Jewish faiths who's most religious shrine is entrusted in the hands of these same Zionist Jews!

Does not compute! Does not compute! Somebody's been bullshitting here! LOL
Seriously Pbel, isn't it sad that only king Husseins Black September ever established a lasting peace from Palestinians? Guess it's all just a matter of COMMUNICATING with the Palestinians in the only language they understand & respect. Don't you agree?

Here is my peace offering. Israel should invite, encourage & welcome all leaders of Hamas & the P.A. to Tel Aviv for peace talks. Wine them & dine them in Israel's finest living accommodations with food & beverage the evening before the talks.

Next morning when representatives of Israel & the Palestinians are seated, Israel should make the following announcement to open the peace negotiations: From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

‘ol Hosshiite, spewing the same ‘ol Outhouse Political Pholosophy of Israel can do no wrong and two wrongs make a right in Hickory Ville, W. Virgini…

You really are a broken record and offer nothing for peace.
sounds like you would make Hitler blush.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?

So what? The ME is one big shit hole. None of it is worth what it has cost this country.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?

So what? The ME is one big shit hole. None of it is worth what it has cost this country.
Thank you for that input. You really contributed to this thread. I'm serious. Ha ha ha!
How many churches & synagogues are there in the non aparthied Arab countries?

In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?

So what? The ME is one big shit hole. None of it is worth what it has cost this country.
Thank you for that input. You really contributed to this thread. I'm serious. Ha ha ha!
How many churches & synagogues are there in the non aparthied Arab countries?

So what? The ME is one big shit hole. None of it is worth what it has cost this country.
Thank you for that input. You really contributed to this thread. I'm serious. Ha ha ha!

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