Immigration Reform that works


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The societies from which we invited most of our immigrants also went on to achieve remarkable success. The UK is a first world country, so is Germany, so is the Netherlands, so is France, so is Sweden, etc. Productive people over there and their brothers and sisters over here are were also productive.

Now we're importing people from societies which are failures compared to Europe. If these people are their brothers and sisters in their homeland couldn't make their homelands successful then we have no basis upon which to believe that they'll make the US more successful by adding their presence.

We need people to help lift us to higher levels, not people to drag us down to lower levels.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We don't have a labor shortage problem, so why are you advocating we import more workers? All these workers will do is drive down wages for Americans who are still working, and the more productive immigrants will actually displace less productive Americans out of the labor force, into poverty and onto welfare. Why do we need that added expense for everyone?

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Now I see the wisdom in your approach, it's a replacement deal. OK, I see the appeal of that.
One sane, simple solution would be to change the laws where no US citizen who does not have at least one parent who is a current US citizen can collect welfare of any kind until they are 18 years of age.

This would stop anchor babies in their tracks.
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Nope, because it will just reduce job opportunities and wages for Americans just as illegal immigration is doing now.
Now we're importing people from societies which are failures compared to Europe. If these people are their brothers and sisters in their homeland couldn't make their homelands successful then we have no basis upon which to believe that they'll make the US more successful by adding their presence.

We need people to help lift us to higher levels, not people to drag us down to lower levels.

That's exactly what dimwits like you said 100 years ago, and 100 years before that...
One sane, simple solution would be to change the laws where no US citizen who does not have at least one parent who is a current US citizen can collect welfare of any kind until they are 18 years of age.

This would stop anchor babies in their tracks.

Such legislation would immediately be found unconstitutional.
One sane, simple solution would be to change the laws where no US citizen who does not have at least one parent who is a current US citizen can collect welfare of any kind until they are 18 years of age.

This would stop anchor babies in their tracks.

Such legislation would immediately be found unconstitutional.

Really? Point to me where welfare has been determined to be a right... Not saying that it wouldn't be, just saying that as far as I know, there is no precedent
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Nope, because it will just reduce job opportunities and wages for Americans just as illegal immigration is doing now.

Theoretically, it would not. Of course it wouldn't really stop illegal immigration anyway, so...
One sane, simple solution would be to change the laws where no US citizen who does not have at least one parent who is a current US citizen can collect welfare of any kind until they are 18 years of age.

This would stop anchor babies in their tracks.

Such legislation would immediately be found unconstitutional.

Really? Point to me where welfare has been determined to be a right... Not saying that it wouldn't be, just saying that as far as I know, there is no precedent

Due process, equal protection, 14th Amendment. For good or ill, all your idea would do is make a few lawyers very rich.
There would be nothing unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to re-visit the 14 Amendment on birthright citizenship and re-interpret it the way the writer's of it intended it to be. There is nothing in that amendment that lawfully gives children of illegal aliens birthright citizenship in our country.

One of draws of illegal immigration is illegal aliens giving birth on our soil and gaining many welfare benefits thru them. They aren't all coming here to work and ending birthright citizenship would absolutely be a deterrant to illegal immigration. It would seem that those who "claim" to be opposed to illegal immigration in here would be for that. Hmm. Many countries have changed their birthright citizenship requirements because they know of the scam and expense it has cost them endowing birthright citizenhip on the kids of foreigners. Citizenship shouldn't be given away like candy.
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That's right. I was born ... and am entitled to U.S. citizenship.

Just like anyone else born in the United States. Enjoy your smoke, oldgloryhole.

How's the hellhole in Topix these days? You left part of my post out. Why is that? I said I was born from U.S. parents and therefore am entitled to birthright citizenship. Spawn from illegal alien parents were not. Yet you claim you oppose illegal immigration? Don't make me laugh if you truly were you wouldn't want birthright citizenship for their kids and would say so even though it is being misinterpreted.

Do you actually think you fool anyone in here? Why don't you have the guts to admit it?
I said I was born ... and therefore am entitled to birthright citizenship.

Right, like anyone else born in the US. How fortunate for you, since you have done nothing else to earn that citizenship.
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Another whining conservative. Control the border, but leave people alone who have been here awhile and worked harder than most of the whining conservatives.
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Another whining conservative. Control the border, but leave people alone who have been here awhile and worked harder than most of the whining conservatives.

No one is talking about citizens. They get left alone. It's the illegal infiltrators who need to be rounded up and deported.
I'm a conservative and I'm in favor of a safe and sane immigration policy. The nation was built by immigrants and will continue to grow and prosper by bringing in people who want to put their time and talents to work.

The issue we face is it makes no sense to bring in people who want to feast off our Welfare State.

There's a solution!

We will have an immigration program where people from south and central America can register and come here to work in limited and controlled numbers. They cannot ever receive public assistance. For each immigrant that come here, in exchange, we will send one American Progressive to South or Central America.

This will work, trust me

Another whining conservative. Control the border, but leave people alone who have been here awhile and worked harder than most of the whining conservatives.

No one is talking about citizens. They get left alone. It's the illegal infiltrators who need to be rounded up and deported.

What "infiltrators" are you talking about?
I said I was born ... and therefore am entitled to birthright citizenship.

Right, like anyone else born in the US. How fortunate for you, since you have done nothing else to earn that citizenship.

Citizenship doesn't have to be earned if you are born from citizen parents, you damned fool. It's automatically granted just like it is in every other country in the world. As for my contributions to this country I have worked all my life and I still do volunteer work also. So go away you adolescent, foul mouthed idiot and play your games with someone else.
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