immigration is the biggest issue facing America. without Trump, we wouldn't even be talking about it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
He’s stayed so disciplined on it. He did not waver, and he really stayed in a way that said, ‘Here’s the issue, and here’s a solution to it
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.
Bulldog, you are so very wrong. But I don't blame you for what you say. You are following the party line and Pelosi is proud of you. No need to think. Just say, Baaa-Baaa-Baaa!
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.
Immigration has been an issue for years.
Get real

Of course it is an issue. Racist are convinced we are under attack. We aren't, and immigration isn't really much of a problem. It's at the lowest point in about 40 years. Trump used immigration as a campaign promise so it became the overblown issue that it is.
Can someOne tell me why democrats have flooded African American neighborhoods with hatians, Latinos? And other 3rd world animals??
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.

There are much more dangerous problems facing Americans. The irony is that the peripheral laws the right are supporting are FAR more dangerous than any threat coming from foreigners.
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.

There are much more dangerous problems facing Americans. The irony is that the peripheral laws the right are supporting are FAR more dangerous than any threat coming from foreigners.
Could you add more detail? Illegal immigration affects most ever section of our lives. Our economy, our education, our voting and elections, job opportunities and safety of Americans. So what peripheral laws affect so many facets of our lives?
Trump has convinced the racists it is an issue. It is not really a big problem though.

There are much more dangerous problems facing Americans. The irony is that the peripheral laws the right are supporting are FAR more dangerous than any threat coming from foreigners.
Could you add more detail? Illegal immigration affects most ever section of our lives. Our economy, our education, our voting and elections, job opportunities and safety of Americans. So what peripheral laws affect so many facets of our lives?

1) Nonpartisan study after non-partisan study (I have referenced most of them in other threads) have found that foreigners without papers end up paying as much in taxes as they use in services. It's pretty much a wash

2) We do need a constitutional amendment that limits the benefits of citizenship to citizens so that the right will STFU

3) Voting is a privilege. Unfortunately, the states can allow whomever they want to vote

4) There are and continue to be jobs available to Americans. I have offered people jobs on this very board and yet, if not for foreign labor, the jobs would go unfilled

5) Foreign workers do NOT jeopardize your safety.

What you've given is part of the long laundry list of excuses to keep pushing socialism. It has been disproven multiple times, but this is probably a good example of how ALL your pretexts were examined and refuted:

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

See especially posts #3475, 3476, 3613, 3669, 3731, 3875, 3934, 4462, 4490, 4491, 4509, 4532, 4536, 4544, 4551, 4556, 4560, 4572, 4579, 4580, 4581, 4583, 4585, 4597, 4603, 4605, 4609, 4612, 4616, 4631, 4633 and 4644

EVERY conceivable pretext was taken on numerous times in that thread. If you read the listed posts, it's like reading a book with over 500 links to other sites and videos; over 200 legal cases cited; more than 100 conservatives disagreeing with the build the wall people - including men like George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Just for chits and giggles, the peripheral issues include, but are not limited to:

* The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security

* The passage of the so - called "Patriot Act"

* National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify

* The assaults on the Fourth Amendment

* Draconian enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone

* Warrant less search and seizure

* Heavy handed over-reach on asset forfeiture laws

The end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of your peers

* Assaults against private property Rights

* Socialism being forced on private employers

That's my top ten. Many more in the link and posts referenced above. You can read the posts OR we can rehash the same crap again for fun.'s so sensible that we need to cut down legal/illegal immigration
.......look at this human trafficking crap they got Robert Kraft on --so many aspects/reasons to cut legal/etc immigration---this is in addition to all the other reasons I've listed in other thread's so sensible that we need to cut down legal/illegal immigration
.......look at this human trafficking crap they got Robert Kraft on --so many aspects/reasons to cut legal/etc immigration---this is in addition to all the other reasons I've listed in other thread
what are you talking about? we have no express immigration clause.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with a welfare clause General and a Commerce Clause.'s so sensible that we need to cut down legal/illegal immigration
.......look at this human trafficking crap they got Robert Kraft on --so many aspects/reasons to cut legal/etc immigration---this is in addition to all the other reasons I've listed in other thread
what are you talking about? we have no express immigration clause.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with a welfare clause General and a Commerce Clause.
ahhhh- tourism is not immigration-----!!???!!!
one MILLION per YEAR---
one MILLION!!!
more workers = wages lower prices higher
etc etc etc's so sensible that we need to cut down legal/illegal immigration
.......look at this human trafficking crap they got Robert Kraft on --so many aspects/reasons to cut legal/etc immigration---this is in addition to all the other reasons I've listed in other thread
what are you talking about? we have no express immigration clause.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with a welfare clause General and a Commerce Clause.
ahhhh- tourism is not immigration-----!!???!!!
one MILLION per YEAR---
one MILLION!!!
more workers = wages lower prices higher
etc etc etc
There is no immigration clause in our Constitution; why such lousy management?
If Trump didn't have Latinos to scare his base into voting for him, he would rapidly switch gears and start ranting about Muslims instead. He started out by doing that 2 years ago, but soon discovered that he did not need to create a crisis with Muslims, since his base is perfectly happy despising brown people. This worked well, because some of Trumps BFFs are Saudi Arabians.'s so sensible that we need to cut down legal/illegal immigration
.......look at this human trafficking crap they got Robert Kraft on --so many aspects/reasons to cut legal/etc immigration---this is in addition to all the other reasons I've listed in other thread
what are you talking about? we have no express immigration clause.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with a welfare clause General and a Commerce Clause.
ahhhh- tourism is not immigration-----!!???!!!
one MILLION per YEAR---
one MILLION!!!
more workers = wages lower prices higher
etc etc etc

How many times do we need to go through a refresher on the economics of America before you understand the number of times this misconception has been debunked?
He’s stayed so disciplined on it. He did not waver, and he really stayed in a way that said, ‘Here’s the issue, and here’s a solution to it

Actually, the idea for building the wall wasn't really done as policy, it was a mnemonic device that his handlers gave him as a way to remember to talk about immigration because he was too stupid to actually be able to talk in depth about the problems. Sorry, but immigration isn't going to be solved by a wall.

Where The Idea For Donald Trump's Wall Came From

In 2014, Trump’s plan to run for president moved into high gear. His political confidant was consultant Roger Stone. “Inside Trump’s circle, the power of illegal immigration to manipulate popular sentiment was readily apparent, and his advisers brainstormed methods for keeping their attention-addled boss on message,” writes Joshua Green, author of Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Nationalist Uprising. “They needed a trick, a mnemonic device. In the summer of 2014, they found one that clicked.”

Joshua Green had good access to Trump insiders, including Sam Nunberg, who worked with Stone. “Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.”

The concept of the Wall did not click right away with the candidate. “Initially, Trump seemed indifferent to the idea,” writes Green. “But in January 2015, he tried it out at the Iowa Freedom Summit, a presidential cattle call put on by David Bossie’s group, Citizens United. ‘One of his pledges was, ‘I will build a Wall,’ and the place just went nuts,’ said Nunberg. Warming to the concept, Trump waited a beat and then added a flourish that brought down the house. ‘Nobody,’ he said, ‘builds like Trump.’”

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