What Happens If 20,000 Migrants Enter Your City ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
Anybody here from Fort Stockton, Texas ? You guys are very close to the Mexican border. You're vulnerable too.

With a population of only 8,283, you would be swamped by a massive wave of illegal invaders. What would you do ?
Better restaurants!

Go ask a western European who lives in a town overrun with Africans

the stage monkey George clooney who was pro open borders sold his house in northern Italy ...why ?
cause the town was overrun with third worlders
He's free to comment in this thread. Well George, wanna tell us about it ?
Why would they? The migrants own them.
Not the new migrants. They only thing they own is the clothes they're wearing.

And I kinda doubt that the previous migrants own restaurants. Give us a break. They're lucky if they own a toothbrush.
I invented a new one today.


DEMS=MAMA (mexico)

They run out of weedeater trim line at home depot?
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people

Well, in California they used to bring all their kids to the emergency room when they got sick, which is greatly why we had to shut so many of them down.
Go ask a western European who lives in a town overrun with Africans

the stage monkey George clooney who was pro open borders sold his house in northern Italy ...why ?
cause the town was overrun with third worlders
He's free to comment in this thread. Well George, wanna tell us about it ?

it made the news ....we could probably find out what he said after he sold it
I cant remember what he said but it wasn't that long after he was sitting wif mama merkel and singing her praises .

ever see the video of the Italian guy freaking out cause the government forced him to close his little hotel and room savages ?
or elderly Germans getting kicked out of their apartment for refugees ?

i loved dirty dingy Paris to, Hell i drove from france to northern Italy Turin and Milan .
lefties and progressives ruin everything .

but like NYC they no longer exist
the dog shit paris i love now has dog and human shit all over the streets

nyc white people from ohio
paris to many third worlders
fuck me I cant win either way
In 1976, I moved from Southern California, where I grew up, to New London, Connecticut.

One of the things I missed most was Tex-Mex. I went to a grocery store asking for tortillas. They guy in the store showed me what they had ... CANNED torillas ... which he pronounced Tor-TILL-ahs.

Now I can get tex-mex, and dozens of other ethnic delicacies in this country from San Diego to Bangor, Maine.

Immigration is the best thing that ever happened to America.

And, unless your name is 'Runs with Scissors', you or your family are immigrants too.
Not the new migrants. They only thing they own is the clothes they're wearing.

Immigrants coming to America with nothing is hardly a new story in our country, and it's what makes us great.


wops = with out papers

but after waves of immigration we also had decades where we severely limited immigration

ITS time for another 20 or 40 years moratorium

theirs nothing wrong with it

I got nothing against immigrants from anywhere
Europe and the US social safety nets are being unnecessarily stretched
not to mention hospitals schools and a myriad of other shit

ya gotta draw a line somewhere .....this wide open border nonsense HAS got to come to an end ..Millions of Americans have been bitching about it since walter mondale and activist grape picker marched for tighter border controls ...NO one called them nazi racists

Ike would round em up and toss em
Immigration is the best thing that ever happened to America.

And, unless your name is 'Runs with Scissors', you or your family are immigrants too.
My mother was an immigrant. A legal one 90 years ago. That doesn't make immigration good now in 2019. Fact is, immigration is still OK if done by MERIT.

Allowing into the country people with special skills we are in short supply of is meritworthy. So is immigrants bringing large amounts of capital to open businesses and create jobs (for AMERICANS). Other than that, I really can't think of any good reason to admit foreigners and increase our already very excessive population.

Generally immigration is a bad thing, with a long list of harms attached to it, especially in the case of illegal immigrants.

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter

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