I'm starting to sour on Trump

Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

Wasn't Reagan a DemoRAT before he saw the light?
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.

I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.
TRUMP is good even if all he does is destroy the 'gop' rino party Harry !!
yea elect him to do that.....meanwhile the countries problems get worse...how about electing someone who actually gives a shit about this countries problems?.....

Harry, name me ONE presidential candidate, BESIDES TRUMP, that doesn't OWE SOMEONE or SOME GROUP his support for all the fucking MONEY they have given him/her or supplied to PACS connected INDIRECTLY (what a fucking joke that is!!!) over what would be good for America? Even a good man like Cruz owes ...

Billionaire brothers give Cruz super PAC $15 million ...
Jul 27, 2015 - Two low-profile Texas brothers have donated $15 million to support Sen. Ted Cruz, a record-setting contribution that amounts to the largest ...

And HE is probably the BEST of the worst of them all!
what does how much money they have,have to do with what i said?.....i dont give a fuck how rich they are,but i do care if they are running to help the country or to help themselves....
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.

I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

Wasn't Reagan a DemoRAT before he saw the light?
He was a Democrat when Democrats were conservative, genius.
What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.

Are you this much of an idiot? Building buildings isn't PUBLISHING a magazine, or haven't you noticed?
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.

I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.
What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

Wasn't Reagan a DemoRAT before he saw the light?
He was a Democrat when Democrats were conservative, genius.

And he DIDN'T STAY DemoRAT to try and CHANGE the party? Even the Republican's HATED Reagan, genius!

Remember this? The Republican Establishment hated ...
Mar 2, 2015 - Thanks to Matthew Ung, we need to remind ourselves how desperately the Republican establishment wanted Ronald Reagan to just go away ...

Sounds like what Republican's are doing to Trump TODAY!
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

Wasn't Reagan a DemoRAT before he saw the light?
He was a Democrat when Democrats were conservative, genius.

And he DIDN'T STAY DemoRAT to try and CHANGE the party? Even the Republican's HATED Reagan, genius!

Remember this? The Republican Establishment hated ...
Mar 2, 2015 - Thanks to Matthew Ung, we need to remind ourselves how desperately the Republican establishment wanted Ronald Reagan to just go away ...

Sounds like what Republican's are doing to Trump TODAY!
Trump is no Reagan. Not by a long shot.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.

I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.
Trump As Tax Code King And Hedge Fund Slayer - Forbes
Aug 31, 2015 - Donald Trump, now self-proclaimed King of the Tax Code, says hedge funds must pay. Promising tax reform for the middle class, his traction is ...
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.

Are you this much of an idiot? Building buildings isn't PUBLISHING a magazine, or haven't you noticed?
you said "did business". What kind of business doesn't matter. Forbes was consistently conservative and Trump was a consistent gun grabbing wealth redistributor. Your whiny excuses are pathetic!
That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

Wasn't Reagan a DemoRAT before he saw the light?
He was a Democrat when Democrats were conservative, genius.

And he DIDN'T STAY DemoRAT to try and CHANGE the party? Even the Republican's HATED Reagan, genius!

Remember this? The Republican Establishment hated ...
Mar 2, 2015 - Thanks to Matthew Ung, we need to remind ourselves how desperately the Republican establishment wanted Ronald Reagan to just go away ...

Sounds like what Republican's are doing to Trump TODAY!
Trump is no Reagan. Not by a long shot.

How do we know? He's NEVER had a chance to govern! BUT we have seen ALL OTHER CANDIDATES GOVERN and what THEY HAVE DONE!
That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.

Are you this much of an idiot? Building buildings isn't PUBLISHING a magazine, or haven't you noticed?
you said "did business". What kind of business doesn't matter. Forbes was consistently conservative and Trump was a consistent gun grabbing wealth redistributor. Your whiny excuses are pathetic!

So I take it that you don't believe someone can legitimately change positions?
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.

I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
I'm not worried about Trump's mouth or world leaders who have nukes. We've got things worse than nukes, believe it or not. I think a lot of these leaders need a good strong dose of American reality. I actually LIKED that aspect of Trump. What I don't like is seeing him adopt sleazy liberal tactics to go after Ted Cruz and to start talking Marxist clap trap like you'd expect to hear out of Bernie Sanders. That troubles me as a conservative.

Again... I will vote for Trump if that's my only option besides the Democrat. But as it now stands, I am hoping he doesn't win the nomination. I think we have to nominate Cruz if we expect true conservative leadership.

Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.
Yes. Keep making excuses for Trumps history of supporting gun control and socialism. Of course Steve Forbes never had to do business in left states when he was taking very conservative political stands, right? You people sound pathetic with your whiny excuses for defending a Democrat.

What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.

Are you this much of an idiot? Building buildings isn't PUBLISHING a magazine, or haven't you noticed?
you said "did business". What kind of business doesn't matter. Forbes was consistently conservative and Trump was a consistent gun grabbing wealth redistributor. Your whiny excuses are pathetic!

So I take it that you don't believe someone can legitimately change positions?
He didn't change positions. This isn't Ronald Reagan giving a conscientious explanation of how he evolved in his beliefs about abortion, this is Trump, a run of the mill flip-flopping POLITICIAN pretending he was conservative all along and hoping everyone forgets his past. There's nothing new about Trump, just the same old familiar stink of politics.

He is NOT Ronald Reagan.
Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a black op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!
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Boss, what Marxist clap trap? He isn't the conservative SOCIAL ISSUES candidate that Cruz is, BUt he is the one that will NOT take shit from Congress when all others are WORRIED about being bipartisan, and what the media will say about it! His EGO will NOT ALLOW HIM TO FAIL, it means that much to him!...One of the very good things about a man with a HUGE EGO on OUR SIDE!

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

Cruz will probably win Iowa with Trump a close second, as Iowa is a HUGE Evangelical state and Cruz is heavy on Religion where Trump isn't. After that Trump will take everything except, perhaps California with it's heavy Hispanic population which Cruz again appeals to!
What did Forbes BUILD? He have his own building in the city, or anywhere in NYS that HE ACTUALLY built? Owning a magazine isn't something you have to be politically connected to in order to flourish!
Did business. I was using your own words, genius.

Are you this much of an idiot? Building buildings isn't PUBLISHING a magazine, or haven't you noticed?
you said "did business". What kind of business doesn't matter. Forbes was consistently conservative and Trump was a consistent gun grabbing wealth redistributor. Your whiny excuses are pathetic!

So I take it that you don't believe someone can legitimately change positions?
He didn't change positions. This isn't Ronald Reagan giving a conscientious explanation of how he evolved in his beliefs about abortion, this is Trump, a run of the mill flip-flopping POLITICIAN pretending he was conservative all along and hoping everyone forgets his past. There's nothing new about Trump, just the same old familiar stink of politics.

He is NOT Ronald Reagan.

No he is NOT Reagan...YET! And, of course your CHRYSTAL BALL tells you he can't! :rolleyes:

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