I'm getting tired of the BLM butt kissing!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Sensible, Logical, rational blacks! Aren't you getting a little tired of the butt kissing but dumb ass white people especially? I mean they aren't treating you as equals but as people that need special treatment! Don't you find that offensive? Condescending? Disgusting?
I mean most of the black people including my distant cousin who I only met once when he was a baby being handle in the 1950s by my white grandma and she was just oohing and ahhing over and I quote her..."his cute little nappy head". Now I'm sure some of you ignorant people would find that offensive. Why? It was a true observation and my Grandma loved this cute bundle. And we in the 1950s didn't think any differently.... UNTIL today!
We whites are suppose to be guilty of what? That there are 75% of all Americans are white? Are we suppose to feel guilty about that?
That there are 16% blacks? Again are we to feel guilty?
But the latest stupidity "White Privilege" is to thrust a group of people that some still have their African tribal body decorations inclinations, i.e. gold teeth, outlandish jewelry, saggy pants as a superior ethnicity? Really folks?

The majority of blacks I have known over the past 67 years as cousins, as bosses, as business partners didn't do that. They were educated. Refined. And dignified.
But from what I see on TV as black role models, as latest studies have shown.
Andrew Rojecki, an associate professor of communication at the University of Illinois-Chicago, is co-author of “The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America,” published in 2000. He and co-author Robert M. Entman found that in their sample of 1,620 ads on ABC, NBC, and Fox,
  • African Americans appeared in 32 percent of them.
  • Additionally, 3.3 percent of the ads featured only black actors,
  • 28.7 percent featured both black and white actors,
  • 58.8 percent featured only whites, and
  • 9.1 percent had actors of an “East Asian facial cast.”

Now why? With just 16% blacks making up America, why are nearly twice as many blacks appearing in the ads? "White Privilege" guilt at work.

Now some of you more ignorant especially whites, will claim me a "RACIST". WOW... You claim Trump is a racist.
And some of you will claim me anti-immigrant just as when you do a Google search "Trump anti-immigrant" results are :72,000 with articles like this:
Opinion | Trump's anti-immigrant agenda isn't about rule of law ...
Yet when you do a Google search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 6! Six.
So you ignorant whites especially that castigate Trump and 50 million Americans like me who either have relatives or are LEGAL immigrants ... we are telling you
WE ARE NOT ANTI-IMMIGRANT!! GEEZ! What we are is really offended by idiots who evidently don't care that 50+ million like TRUMP's wife rigorously became
Americans...giving up their home country citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants! While idiots like you and others make fun of us for following America's laws!

So "White Privilege " is also WHITE LIVES Matter". Just because MOST whites obey the laws as do MOST blacks, you idiots who support the BLM movement
don't understand what an embarrassment you are to MOST BLACKS who simply want to do as MOST whites do... have a good job. Make a good living. Enjoy the freedoms of America. But BLM and idiots like you are destroying what MOST BLACKS want. And for what reason?
Sensible, Logical, rational blacks! Aren't you getting a little tired of the butt kissing but dumb ass white people especially? I mean they aren't treating you as equals but as people that need special treatment! Don't you find that offensive? Condescending? Disgusting?
I mean most of the black people including my distant cousin who I only met once when he was a baby being handle in the 1950s by my white grandma and she was just oohing and ahhing over and I quote her..."his cute little nappy head". Now I'm sure some of you ignorant people would find that offensive. Why? It was a true observation and my Grandma loved this cute bundle. And we in the 1950s didn't think any differently.... UNTIL today!
We whites are suppose to be guilty of what? That there are 75% of all Americans are white? Are we suppose to feel guilty about that?
That there are 16% blacks? Again are we to feel guilty?
But the latest stupidity "White Privilege" is to thrust a group of people that some still have their African tribal body decorations inclinations, i.e. gold teeth, outlandish jewelry, saggy pants as a superior ethnicity? Really folks?

The majority of blacks I have known over the past 67 years as cousins, as bosses, as business partners didn't do that. They were educated. Refined. And dignified.
But from what I see on TV as black role models, as latest studies have shown.
Andrew Rojecki, an associate professor of communication at the University of Illinois-Chicago, is co-author of “The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America,” published in 2000. He and co-author Robert M. Entman found that in their sample of 1,620 ads on ABC, NBC, and Fox,
  • African Americans appeared in 32 percent of them.
  • Additionally, 3.3 percent of the ads featured only black actors,
  • 28.7 percent featured both black and white actors,
  • 58.8 percent featured only whites, and
  • 9.1 percent had actors of an “East Asian facial cast.”

Now why? With just 16% blacks making up America, why are nearly twice as many blacks appearing in the ads? "White Privilege" guilt at work.

Now some of you more ignorant especially whites, will claim me a "RACIST". WOW... You claim Trump is a racist.
And some of you will claim me anti-immigrant just as when you do a Google search "Trump anti-immigrant" results are :72,000 with articles like this:
Opinion | Trump's anti-immigrant agenda isn't about rule of law ...
Yet when you do a Google search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 6! Six.
So you ignorant whites especially that castigate Trump and 50 million Americans like me who either have relatives or are LEGAL immigrants ... we are telling you
WE ARE NOT ANTI-IMMIGRANT!! GEEZ! What we are is really offended by idiots who evidently don't care that 50+ million like TRUMP's wife rigorously became
Americans...giving up their home country citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants! While idiots like you and others make fun of us for following America's laws!

So "White Privilege " is also WHITE LIVES Matter". Just because MOST whites obey the laws as do MOST blacks, you idiots who support the BLM movement
don't understand what an embarrassment you are to MOST BLACKS who simply want to do as MOST whites do... have a good job. Make a good living. Enjoy the freedoms of America. But BLM and idiots like you are destroying what MOST BLACKS want. And for what reason?

I'm frankly shocked.

That someone gets paid to count how many of each ethnicity in advertisements.

Are they accepting applications for the job?
Sensible, Logical, rational blacks! Aren't you getting a little tired of the butt kissing but dumb ass white people especially? I mean they aren't treating you as equals but as people that need special treatment! Don't you find that offensive? Condescending? Disgusting?
I mean most of the black people including my distant cousin who I only met once when he was a baby being handle in the 1950s by my white grandma and she was just oohing and ahhing over and I quote her..."his cute little nappy head". Now I'm sure some of you ignorant people would find that offensive. Why? It was a true observation and my Grandma loved this cute bundle. And we in the 1950s didn't think any differently.... UNTIL today!
We whites are suppose to be guilty of what? That there are 75% of all Americans are white? Are we suppose to feel guilty about that?
That there are 16% blacks? Again are we to feel guilty?
But the latest stupidity "White Privilege" is to thrust a group of people that some still have their African tribal body decorations inclinations, i.e. gold teeth, outlandish jewelry, saggy pants as a superior ethnicity? Really folks?

The majority of blacks I have known over the past 67 years as cousins, as bosses, as business partners didn't do that. They were educated. Refined. And dignified.
But from what I see on TV as black role models, as latest studies have shown.
Andrew Rojecki, an associate professor of communication at the University of Illinois-Chicago, is co-author of “The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America,” published in 2000. He and co-author Robert M. Entman found that in their sample of 1,620 ads on ABC, NBC, and Fox,
  • African Americans appeared in 32 percent of them.
  • Additionally, 3.3 percent of the ads featured only black actors,
  • 28.7 percent featured both black and white actors,
  • 58.8 percent featured only whites, and
  • 9.1 percent had actors of an “East Asian facial cast.”

Now why? With just 16% blacks making up America, why are nearly twice as many blacks appearing in the ads? "White Privilege" guilt at work.

Now some of you more ignorant especially whites, will claim me a "RACIST". WOW... You claim Trump is a racist.
And some of you will claim me anti-immigrant just as when you do a Google search "Trump anti-immigrant" results are :72,000 with articles like this:
Opinion | Trump's anti-immigrant agenda isn't about rule of law ...
Yet when you do a Google search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 6! Six.
So you ignorant whites especially that castigate Trump and 50 million Americans like me who either have relatives or are LEGAL immigrants ... we are telling you
WE ARE NOT ANTI-IMMIGRANT!! GEEZ! What we are is really offended by idiots who evidently don't care that 50+ million like TRUMP's wife rigorously became
Americans...giving up their home country citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants! While idiots like you and others make fun of us for following America's laws!

So "White Privilege " is also WHITE LIVES Matter". Just because MOST whites obey the laws as do MOST blacks, you idiots who support the BLM movement
don't understand what an embarrassment you are to MOST BLACKS who simply want to do as MOST whites do... have a good job. Make a good living. Enjoy the freedoms of America. But BLM and idiots like you are destroying what MOST BLACKS want. And for what reason?
If I were black the idiotic pandering would really be pissin me off. Of course you do have to have a degree of self respect for that to happen.
And we are tired of white supremacists. 400 years of crap versus a few commercials.

So to the OP:

Aren't you tired of being white and told how you can't compete unless the government makes special rules only you get to use?
"Black Lives Matter" is the ultimate oxymoron. This group neither cares about (drum roll please) African Americans or Lives, it's just a communist anti American front. Trump is messing with the USPS to fuck the election? The USPS as been like this for years, they have been closing offices and removing mailboxes since 2001. I could go on and on...
Those who support BLM fall into one of three choice characters:

1. You're playing the victim card for the excuse & free ride.
2. You're dumb.
3. If you're not #2 then you're clearly racist. Even if you are dumb you feed into it.
I tried listening to various liberal posters about how bad Trump is. Trump is a racist...or what about how he hides his tax returns...Russian collusion. And yet the Democrats are siding with and condoning race riots and destruction of our cities. They are ACTUALLY doing that, it's not subjective or a matter of opinion. Trump might be a asshole but what the Democrats are doing NOW is way worse. How can anyone even defend, yet alone VOTE for those "people"?
I tried listening to various liberal posters about how bad Trump is. Trump is a racist...or what about how he hides his tax returns...Russian collusion. And yet the Democrats are siding with and condoning race riots and destruction of our cities. They are ACTUALLY doing that, it's not subjective or a matter of opinion. Trump might be a asshole but what the Democrats are doing NOW is way worse. How can anyone even defend, yet alone VOTE for those "people"?
Communist democrats are working to convince blacks and their lovers that the nation can be governed by mob rule.

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