I'm about to pull the plug on this board

I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.
I didnt know you owned the board! Congrats!
This seems to be the location of public meltdowns.
How can anyone avoid ads?
Better quit driving, taking public transit, watching TV, going to a stadium, a movie, or even a school event.
Advertising is everywhere.
Apparently it is considered effective.

I find the vast majority of ads to be totally ineffective in my case.
It goes to the mind set of those running this board.

What? That they provide a FREE to you spot on the Internet where you can pretty much say any stupid thing you want to and they'd like to be able cover the cost of the service and maybe make a little extra? The horror! Capitalism sucks!

Beat feet if you don't know how to install an ad blocker and just can't handle the lack of effort on your part. Damn sure nobody will miss you, most of us probably didn't know you were a member until you started your little whine-fest here...

Good Christ, people whining about free shit...
I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.
Enjoy your time where ever you end up, Dick.
I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.
Here's a trophy for you Dick. You can put it on your notes as "I lost my mind at USMB." <giggle>


Just kiddin'. ;)

You've severed his Corpus Callosum!
I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.
Enjoy your time where ever you end up, Dick.

Just as I thought.....

You Evil Bastard!!!
Adblock is free and does a great job
Adblock when I clicked on it wanted a fee, my information, etc. I got outta there.

Mine is free, they ask for a donation and I gave them some $$ after using it to see how it works.

Are you using Chrome? Mine is an add on/extension
If you're using Chrome or Firefox, I suggest switching: The Pale Moon Project homepage

This browser works better for everything except Google Documents, which is literally the only thing I use Firefox for, besides Youtube(Exclusively because of the Night Theme).
I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.

One less Dick?
Adblock is free and does a great job
Adblock when I clicked on it wanted a fee, my information, etc. I got outta there.

Adblock Plus.

Ask for a mod

Not sure which one was a bigger jerk.

Officer obviously needs a better taser,,,,....

I'd be ready to punch him in the mouth about that "I need to see your supervisor" crap. The cop should have called for backup and a supervisor.
I understand the need for advertizing but its getting way out of hand on this board. Having a pop up block the editor and interfering with posting a reply is just carrying things way too far. Either change it or I'll be moving on and giving your advertizers one less pair of eyeballs to see advertising and this board one pair fewer eyeballs to sell. It's just too damn aggravating.

"I'm about to pull the plug"

You're about to pull the butt plug? Poor baby. You must be mayor of South Bend.

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