"illegal immigrants doing jobs Americans don't want to do"...Myth or reality?

Yep and it should be a crime that carries massive punishment. Even jail time, for hiring these freeloaders.

I don't think jail time is warranted. Stiff fines are enough to discourage the behavior if they are enforced. That's the problem, though: the government has no interest in enforcing the laws on the books.

Federal crimes normally carry prison time. They probably still get off cheaper paying fines. You would have to put a high cost per head, in order to make any real difference.

People need to start being jailed for this shit, enough is enough.

The only people that need to be jailed are the illegal aliens, and then sent back to where they came from. These are not criminal statutes we're discussing here. They are labor regulations. Violating regulations doesn't normally involve jail time.

There are also criminal statutes for aiding and abetting illegals to remain, providing employment would qualify.

If that's a case than about 200 Democrat mayors and city councils need to be jailed.

They are the primary ones that need to be arrested and charged.
I have a question. If you fine a business for hiring illegals, who do you think really pays the fine?

The business?

The employees

The consumers?
If put the managers and owners in jail, sell of the company, and fine the dividends of the stock holders, you tell us who is paying the fine.

Kill the company and sell its parts to those in same industry who will follow the laws.

Take the dividends from those who have profited from a racketeering business, which will allow the dividends to grow for those stock holders' companies follow the law.

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