Ignorance of the law


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
No excuse ??? Sure puts those of us not making or studying them in a bind doesn't it------
( a passing thought I thought I would share for those who wish to knock it around) :gives:
dilloduck said:
No excuse ??? Sure puts those of us not making or studying them in a bind doesn't it------
( a passing thought I thought I would share for those who wish to knock it around) :gives:

I for one hate excuses....that being said, I think ignorance of the law and ignoring the law are two different issues. We all know that there are laws regarding just about every aspect of our daily lives. We choose to be informed about them, I think, as it suits our purposes. We tend to ignore the aspect of something that we do not like or consider "applicable" to our particular circumstances. Ignorance is not an excuse in and by itself.
The rules, conditions, directions, cautions, proper use of and penalties for misuse of, usually appear in the fine print,. It is REALLY IMPORTANT to read the fine print. The more of it you read, you find it often to be nearly a disclaimer to everything else that you might have believed.
The best guideline to follow is to inform yourself as best you can, make some effort to interpret what you read, sign, use, and base your behavior on the fact that you did read the contract, label, or consulted the manuals or other relevant materials. Actually alot of the information is there for your protection especially where product use is concerned, but also in contracts.
I know, sounds tedious doesnt it? It is part of being responsible for yourself.

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