If Jury will not bring mccade guilty.. Then Trump must declare a broken govt !!

Former FBI deputy director and CNN contributor Andrew McCabe slammed the Department of Justice's ongoing criminal probe into his conduct in office and insisted that he would not take a plea deal if he is prosecuted.

Appearing on "Cuomo Prime Time," McCabe blasted the investigation conducted by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, saying he "absolutely" rejects his findings and conclusions.

"I never intentionally misled anyone about anything and I certainly have not committed a crime," McCabe told CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night. "I was asked questions on two separate occasions about an article that had appeared months before I was asked questions completely unprompted in the middle of other far more intense and challenging issues that were swirling around me at the time."

"When I thought after the fact that those answers may have been inaccurate or mistaken, I reached out to those folks to make sure that they understood exactly what I meant and understood exactly what the situation was... At this point, I am confident that if they follow the facts and they follow the law, I have absolutely nothing to worry about."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

McCade is counting on the jury with a lot of women

But it’s the men that have awakened to see how women’s low logic ability has been used to help the crooks

Trump will declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for juries and to vote

Trump does not have the authority to set up tests for juries and to vote.

Are you blind

Do you know what men are???

They are the authority

Learn history

I know history. Men were the absolute law when the world ran on "Might Makes Right".

Learn the limits set by the US Constitution. Our founding fathers, in their wisdom, set limits on how the US Constitution could be changed.
I fully understand what experience means. I know quite a few older, experienced liberals. I disagree with them, but would not remove their ability to vote. That would be unconstitutional.

History will show that the women’s vote was a failed experiment

I disagree. If you take away the vote from 51% of the population, will you also stop taxing them? Or is taxation without representation ok as long as it is women?

The amendments to the US Constitution stand. I don't think your "men & military" have enough votes to amend the US Constitution. Short of that constitutional amendment, there is no legal way to do what you propose.

Wrong dead wrong

Your blind eyes are not seeing how the men is moving away from the females in their judgement of who are the crooks

My blind eyes? lol

My old eyes see what is constitutional and what is not. What you are proposing is blatantly unconstitutional.

Every person in the military took an oath. Specifically they swore to "...support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...". There was no expiration date on that oath.

You know nothing about history do you ?

YOu keep harping on history, but you ignore the US Constitution.

Will you toss aside all pretense at what is constitutional?
Again the proof that this is coming

The ever increasing gender voting gap

That fact proves this is coming
Former FBI deputy director and CNN contributor Andrew McCabe slammed the Department of Justice's ongoing criminal probe into his conduct in office and insisted that he would not take a plea deal if he is prosecuted.

Appearing on "Cuomo Prime Time," McCabe blasted the investigation conducted by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, saying he "absolutely" rejects his findings and conclusions.

"I never intentionally misled anyone about anything and I certainly have not committed a crime," McCabe told CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night. "I was asked questions on two separate occasions about an article that had appeared months before I was asked questions completely unprompted in the middle of other far more intense and challenging issues that were swirling around me at the time."

"When I thought after the fact that those answers may have been inaccurate or mistaken, I reached out to those folks to make sure that they understood exactly what I meant and understood exactly what the situation was... At this point, I am confident that if they follow the facts and they follow the law, I have absolutely nothing to worry about."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

McCade is counting on the jury with a lot of women

But it’s the men that have awakened to see how women’s low logic ability has been used to help the crooks

Trump will declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for juries and to vote

Trump does not have the authority to set up tests for juries and to vote.

Are you blind

Do you know what men are???

They are the authority

Learn history

I know history. Men were the absolute law when the world ran on "Might Makes Right".

Learn the limits set by the US Constitution. Our founding fathers, in their wisdom, set limits on how the US Constitution could be changed.

Wake up

Our founding fathers did not let women vote
Former FBI deputy director and CNN contributor Andrew McCabe slammed the Department of Justice's ongoing criminal probe into his conduct in office and insisted that he would not take a plea deal if he is prosecuted.

Appearing on "Cuomo Prime Time," McCabe blasted the investigation conducted by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, saying he "absolutely" rejects his findings and conclusions.

"I never intentionally misled anyone about anything and I certainly have not committed a crime," McCabe told CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night. "I was asked questions on two separate occasions about an article that had appeared months before I was asked questions completely unprompted in the middle of other far more intense and challenging issues that were swirling around me at the time."

"When I thought after the fact that those answers may have been inaccurate or mistaken, I reached out to those folks to make sure that they understood exactly what I meant and understood exactly what the situation was... At this point, I am confident that if they follow the facts and they follow the law, I have absolutely nothing to worry about."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

McCade is counting on the jury with a lot of women

But it’s the men that have awakened to see how women’s low logic ability has been used to help the crooks

Trump will declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for juries and to vote

Trump does not have the authority to set up tests for juries and to vote.

Are you blind

Do you know what men are???

They are the authority

Learn history

I know history. Men were the absolute law when the world ran on "Might Makes Right".

Learn the limits set by the US Constitution. Our founding fathers, in their wisdom, set limits on how the US Constitution could be changed.

Wake up

Our founding fathers did not let women vote

They also did not let people of color vote. They did not let white men who did not own property vote.

But that was changed via constitutional amendment, which was the method set by the founding fathers.
The founders intent

Is to stop the unwise from voting

This voting by the unwise is a crime against the founders
Again the proof that this is coming

The ever increasing gender voting gap

That fact proves this is coming

The founding fathers created specific methods of changing the US Constitution. Giving women, people of color, and non-property owners the vote was accomplished by those specific methods. They can only be undone by those same specific methods.

President Trump cannot amend the US Constitution by himself.
Universal law will correct this big crime against our founders who VOTED no to women voting
Again the proof that this is coming

The ever increasing gender voting gap

That fact proves this is coming

The founding fathers created specific methods of changing the US Constitution. Giving women, people of color, and non-property owners the vote was accomplished by those specific methods. They can only be undone by those same specific methods.

President Trump cannot amend the US Constitution by himself.


He has the men and military
Trump has the highest logic ability people by a landslide on his side

White males

Trump now has all the power
Universal law will correct this big crime against our founders who VOTED no to women voting

No. Our great nation does not run by universal law (whatever that actually means). The US Constitution is the basis for our laws.

You want to ignore that fact, and then claim to be wise and following the intent of the founding fathers. You can't do both.
Again the proof that this is coming

The ever increasing gender voting gap

That fact proves this is coming

The founding fathers created specific methods of changing the US Constitution. Giving women, people of color, and non-property owners the vote was accomplished by those specific methods. They can only be undone by those same specific methods.

President Trump cannot amend the US Constitution by himself.


He has the men and military

And as soon as he tries to violate the US Constitution by removing those amendments, every member of the military will remember the oath they swore. As soon as he tries to toss out the regulations of the US Constitution, his support will fade to a handful of lunatics.
Universal law will correct this big crime against our founders who VOTED no to women voting

No. Our great nation does not run by universal law (whatever that actually means). The US Constitution is the basis for our laws.

You want to ignore that fact, and then claim to be wise and following the intent of the founding fathers. You can't do both.

The founding actually
Voted NO several times to not let women vote

Are you blind !!
The founders intent

Is to stop the unwise from voting

This voting by the unwise is a crime against the founders

So amend the constitution. If it is so obvious, you should have no problem getting the votes you need.

Not when the women are brainwashed

So men with their power will stop the unwise

What power? Every voter has one vote. Every election is decided by the voters.

What power do you keep talking about that is more powerful than the will of the voters? And that means ALL voters.
Universal law will correct this big crime against our founders who VOTED no to women voting

No. Our great nation does not run by universal law (whatever that actually means). The US Constitution is the basis for our laws.

You want to ignore that fact, and then claim to be wise and following the intent of the founding fathers. You can't do both.

The founding actually
Voted NO several times to not let women vote

Are you blind !!

I am not blind. I understand that the founding fathers set ways to change the US Constitution. Those ways were followed to change who was allowed to vote.

In order to reverse that you MUST pass another constitutional amendment. Or admit that you will defy the US Constitution and the will of the founding fathers.
The founders said No in loud terms to women and voting

Learn history

This change we see is a crime against the founders
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Sez a progressive criminal....
He isn't wrong though.

I'm no fan of Wry but he is spot on. And how exactly is he a criminal ?
He's an America hater. That makes him a criminal.

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