If Biden wins the election and then becomes disabled after a couple of years

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Even if Biden becomes further mentally diminished, confined to a wheelchair, and can only communicate by ringing a bell. One ring for Yes, twice for No, like the old man in the TV series "Breaking Bad".
The Democrats will keep Biden as a figurehead, and wheel him onto the stage for press conferences and State of the Union speeches. Although he can't talk, VP Kamala Harris and the new speaker of the house AOC will stand next to Biden and answer the questions for him.
Sometimes Biden will be coaxed to ring the bell in agreement with their statements about reinventing America into a commie workers paradise and destroying capitalism.

If Biden still has a pulse at the end of his first term. The Democrats are soo cynical towards the American people, they will push his wheelchair out during the DNC convention and run him for re-election in 2024.
Even if Biden becomes further mentally diminished, confined to a wheelchair, and can only communicate by ringing a bell. One ring for Yes, twice for No, like the old man in the TV series "Breaking Bad".
The Democrats will keep Biden as a figurehead, and wheel him onto the stage for press conferences and State of the Union speeches. Although he can't talk, VP Kamala Harris and the new speaker of the house AOC will stand next to Biden and answer the questions for him.
Sometimes Biden will be coaxed to ring the bell in agreement with their statements about reinventing America into a commie workers paradise and destroying capitalism.

If Biden still has a pulse at the end of his first term. The Democrats are soo cynical towards the American people, they will push his wheelchair out during the DNC convention and run him for re-election in 2024.
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A couple of YEARS? How about a couple MONTHS? We CANNOT let this senile, old f*ck STEAL the upcoming election. IF the Gropin' AND Sniffin' Man DOES somehow win, Kamel-Toe Harris WOULD be our president within a year, tops. This is why it is IMPERATIVE that ALL good, patriotic Republicans and Conservatives make SURE they vote this election. Thank you, and please enjoy the rest of your Thursday afternoon. ;)
Even if Biden becomes further mentally diminished, confined to a wheelchair, and can only communicate by ringing a bell. One ring for Yes, twice for No, like the old man in the TV series "Breaking Bad".
The Democrats will keep Biden as a figurehead, and wheel him onto the stage for press conferences and State of the Union speeches. Although he can't talk, VP Kamala Harris and the new speaker of the house AOC will stand next to Biden and answer the questions for him.
Sometimes Biden will be coaxed to ring the bell in agreement with their statements about reinventing America into a commie workers paradise and destroying capitalism.

If Biden still has a pulse at the end of his first term. The Democrats are soo cynical towards the American people, they will push his wheelchair out during the DNC convention and run him for re-election in 2024.
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*News Flash*

Biden has been disabled for some time now.
The conspiracy theory has been around for a couple of months, now. The Biden Bots are ready to explain how delusional you are for describing it.
I guess that is the best you crazy Trump supporters can come up with, but nobody is falling for it. Joe is older than some, but he's sharp, and in much better shape than that fat orange fool that lives on Big Macs and fried chicken.
Deflector shields on full, stat!
Even if Biden becomes further mentally diminished, confined to a wheelchair, and can only communicate by ringing a bell. One ring for Yes, twice for No, like the old man in the TV series "Breaking Bad".
The Democrats will keep Biden as a figurehead, and wheel him onto the stage for press conferences and State of the Union speeches. Although he can't talk, VP Kamala Harris and the new speaker of the house AOC will stand next to Biden and answer the questions for him.
Sometimes Biden will be coaxed to ring the bell in agreement with their statements about reinventing America into a commie workers paradise and destroying capitalism.

If Biden still has a pulse at the end of his first term. The Democrats are soo cynical towards the American people, they will push his wheelchair out during the DNC convention and run him for re-election in 2024.
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He won't last two years; Horrible Harris will be Prez before Christmas of next year if he manages to pull off the mail in ballots fraud. He will resign soon after being inaugurated.
I guess that is the best you crazy Trump supporters can come up with, but nobody is falling for it. Joe is older than some, but he's sharp, and in much better shape than that fat orange fool that lives on Big Macs and fried chicken.
Biden is SENILE---------------and crooked.. Not a good combination.

He'll die 'mysteriously' before he starts babbling names and spilling the beans like a tertiary syphilis sufferer.
I guess that is the best you crazy Trump supporters can come up with, but nobody is falling for it. Joe is older than some, but he's sharp, and in much better shape than that fat orange fool that lives on Big Macs and fried chicken.
Can you think of another reason why the nominee wiñner would pick the person who dropped out of the presidential race before the first primary?
I figure that after the election, regardless which way it goes, Biden isn't of any more use to the Democrats. A win puts the Electoral College delegates in their pocket which is all that matters. After a Biden win he could even "fall ill", step down and the DNC could coordinate with the electors and elect Hillary as president.
I guess that is the best you crazy Trump supporters can come up with, but nobody is falling for it. Joe is older than some, but he's sharp, and in much better shape than that fat orange fool that lives on Big Macs and fried chicken.

Yeah, sharp as golf ball. Lol. Never mind the physical health issues, mental retardation, dementia, clinical perversion, drooling, staring into space, being absolutely worthless as a govt toad for 50 years.

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