Girl Rips Up Her Diploma At Columbia Graduation

Yup. A lot of indoctrination going on at universities, bought with Arab money.

Did you know that at freshman orientation, NYU students get an anti-Israel propaganda pamphlet? All I can figure is that an ARAB donor conditioned his contribution on handing it out. Doesn’t matter if you’re majoring in accounting or business administration or zoology or whatever - you must learn that Israel is horrible!
Money talks. Some people regard it as more important than right/wrong.
Yup. A lot of indoctrination going on at universities, bought with Arab money.

Did you know that at freshman orientation, NYU students get an anti-Israel propaganda pamphlet? All I can figure is that an ARAB donor conditioned his contribution on handing it out. Doesn’t matter if you’re majoring in accounting or business administration or zoology or whatever - you must learn that Israel is horrible!
You force them to take a stance by insisting on handing out anti-Palestinian pamphlets. Let them raise a cry and you'll have them.
The antisemitic broad graduated with a degree in social work. I don't think Starbucks really gives a shit about her politics, as long as she can pour a good cup of joe for their customers.
Yeah, me too. She still an idiot. WTF does Columbia have to do with Gaza anyway?
Columbia is a big part of the PC movement. They have been anti-American for 100 years. The people from the Frankfort school immigrated to the US and ended up at Columbia. They were and are Marxists.
The universities have long been warehouses of anti-America sickness. If most of them disappeared, we'd all be better off.
Barack Obama was installed to destroy our ability to fight terrorism.
Bush got us into Iraq and Afghanistan too help arm terrorists.
Our universities are simply churning out useful idiots that will take over our institutions and help bring down our society.
Barack Obama was installed to destroy our ability to fight terrorism.
Bush got us into Iraq and Afghanistan too help arm terrorists.
Our universities are simply churning out useful idiots that will take over our institutions and help bring down our society.

Obama killed more terrorists than any Republican
Ask Bin Laden

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