Idiocy of the left


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The blood is barely dry in 2 dead cops murder and the left is doubling down on its ignorance and claiming legal procedures in 2 separate States were both somehow wrong. Demanding white people cow tow to blacks that cops not police the crime ridden neighborhoods effectively.

The left is pushing this to far and the resultant backlash will be a welcome relief.
The Left's position is pretty easy to understand actually. Stop shooting unarmed blacks, and stop shooting armed, and unarmed police officers. Thanks a bunch.
The Left's position is pretty easy to understand actually. Stop shooting unarmed blacks, and stop shooting armed, and unarmed police officers. Thanks a bunch.

And this applies to 6'4", 300 pound thugs intent on doing the cop great bodily harm? Don't shoot thier sorry ass...just take the beating?

BULL FREAKING SHIT...just shoot the bastard and get his sorry corpse the hell off the street.
I love how RGS posts threads with their own suicide gene.

"The left", whatever that is, isn't posting blanket statement threads about "idiocy of the right".

The blood is barely dry in 2 dead cops murder and the left is doubling down on its ignorance and claiming legal procedures in 2 separate States were both somehow wrong. Demanding white people cow tow to blacks that cops not police the crime ridden neighborhoods effectively.

The left is pushing this to far and the resultant backlash will be a welcome relief.
The ongoing murders of police officers aside, the resultant backlash is what I'm worried about.
The Left's position is pretty easy to understand actually. Stop shooting unarmed blacks, and stop shooting armed, and unarmed police officers. Thanks a bunch.
I agree, but with an addition of:

And don't shoot to kill any unarmed Caucasian etc etc etc, suspect either. Everyone deserves a trial, even murderers, in this great Nation of ours.

And, of course there are going to be times when this may happen, a cop having to shoot an unarmed suspect that is necessary for some reason... I don't believe any of this can or will be completely 'cut and dry'.

And one other thing, I do not believe the majority of cops are bad cops, I believe the majority of cops are good cops, and are just trying to do their jobs...but SOME COPS are not so peachy clean and make some bad decisions, bad choices and these instances should NOT BE IGNORED, or swept under the table with solidarity from all the good cops, from the moment it happened either... that's not Justice for ALL.

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