I wonder who the mental midget was.....


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Who dreamed up this stupid stunt. I am finding it truly difficult to understand the level of stupidity involved in this act. The damage these jackasses did to this amazing archaeological site is astounding. And not once did these so called smart people stop to think...for even a moment, that maybe this wasn't a good idea.

These are the types of imbeciles that olfraud, dottie, crick, and the others look up too.

No wonder they're losing on such a vast and fast scale. This level of moronicism (sic) needs to be punished. And severely.

"And so they have. The impact of their footprints on the fragile desert site, in fact, will last "hundreds or thousands of years," according to outraged Peruvian officials.
So furious is the Peruvian government that it has barred the Greenpeace activists from leaving the country and is preparing criminal charges for "attacking archeological monuments," punishable by up to eight years in prison."


How a Greenpeace stunt in Peru drives home the global climate divide - The Washington Post
Lets see in 1900 the scientific community predicted that by 2000 the temperature of the planet would go up by approximately 1 degree. It went up slightly more than that. The left went ballistic. Lead by the Moron in Chief Gore. They claim many things that have all failed to happen. The latest claim is that, we saw a slight third of a degree raise in temperature through the 80's ending in 1998, and it was caused by CO2. Yet not ONE SINGLE scientific test has been preformed to prove the claim. NOT one.

Where are those hideous large powerful Hurricanes that were going to devastate the US Gulf and East Coast? Why hasn't the temperature risen since 1998? Wasn't the gulf stream supposed to change direction and change temperature? When will an actual scientific test be done to establish scientifically the claims made by the warmers?
I'm going to hazard a guess that the people who pulled off this stunt are closely aligned with the ones who think it is okay to Fry Desert Tortoises with solar panels, and butcher Golden Eagles with wind farms....while denying water to farmers in the valley.
Lets see in 1900 the scientific community predicted that by 2000 the temperature of the planet would go up by approximately 1 degree. It went up slightly more than that. The left went ballistic. Lead by the Moron in Chief Gore. They claim many things that have all failed to happen. The latest claim is that, we saw a slight third of a degree raise in temperature through the 80's ending in 1998, and it was caused by CO2. Yet not ONE SINGLE scientific test has been preformed to prove the claim. NOT one.

Where are those hideous large powerful Hurricanes that were going to devastate the US Gulf and East Coast? Why hasn't the temperature risen since 1998? Wasn't the gulf stream supposed to change direction and change temperature? When will an actual scientific test be done to establish scientifically the claims made by the warmers?

Lab Work Matters!

Where's the AGWCult Lab Work?
They should be classified as terrorist. The leftwing Echo nutters have done more damage to property. I'm glad they are pursing charging them
Who dreamed up this stupid stunt. I am finding it truly difficult to understand the level of stupidity involved in this act. The damage these jackasses did to this amazing archaeological site is astounding. And not once did these so called smart people stop to think...for even a moment, that maybe this wasn't a good idea.

These are the types of imbeciles that olfraud, dottie, crick, and the others look up too.

No wonder they're losing on such a vast and fast scale. This level of moronicism (sic) needs to be punished. And severely.

"And so they have. The impact of their footprints on the fragile desert site, in fact, will last "hundreds or thousands of years," according to outraged Peruvian officials.
So furious is the Peruvian government that it has barred the Greenpeace activists from leaving the country and is preparing criminal charges for "attacking archeological monuments," punishable by up to eight years in prison."


How a Greenpeace stunt in Peru drives home the global climate divide - The Washington Post

Looks like Greenpeace has accepted responsibility and apologized already.

Greenpeace apologises to people of Peru over Nazca lines stunt Environment The Guardian

Greenpeace has apologised to the people of Peru after the government accused the environmentalists of damaging ancient earth markings in the country’s coastal desert by leaving footprints in the ground during a publicity stunt meant to send a message to the UN climate talks delegates in Lima.

A spokesman for Greenpeace said: “Without reservation Greenpeace apologises to the people of Peru for the offence caused by our recent activity laying a message of hope at the site of the historic Nazca lines. We are deeply sorry for this.

“Rather than relay an urgent message of hope and possibility to the leaders gathering at the Lima UN climate talks, we came across as careless and crass.”​
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Greenpeace is assumed to be experts in their field. Conservation of archaeological sites, especially WORLD HERITAGE SITES, is the responsibility of all the peoples of this planet. To have "experts" in the field do something this asinine is beyond the pale.

Yes, jail time is warranted for this. It would be like having a doctor use his position and reputation to molest people in his office.
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Greenpeace is assumed to be experts in their field. Conservation of archaeological sites, especially WORLD HERITAGE SITES, is the responsibility of all the peoples of this planet. To have "experts" in the field do something this asinine is beyond the pale.

Yes, jail time is warranted for this. It would be like having a doctor use his position and reputation to molest people in his office.

How about GP do a fundraiser instead to help restore and preserve the monument?

Wouldn't that be a more fitting punishment instead of mere vengence that will just cost the Peruvian taxpayers money?
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Greenpeace is assumed to be experts in their field. Conservation of archaeological sites, especially WORLD HERITAGE SITES, is the responsibility of all the peoples of this planet. To have "experts" in the field do something this asinine is beyond the pale.

Yes, jail time is warranted for this. It would be like having a doctor use his position and reputation to molest people in his office.

How about GP do a fundraiser instead to help restore and preserve the monument?

Wouldn't that be a more fitting punishment instead of mere vengence that will just cost the Peruvian taxpayers money?

No. Using other peoples money to fix YOUR mistake does nothing. Now, if they had to do the work themselves in the hot Peruvian sun. That I could get behind.
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Greenpeace is assumed to be experts in their field. Conservation of archaeological sites, especially WORLD HERITAGE SITES, is the responsibility of all the peoples of this planet. To have "experts" in the field do something this asinine is beyond the pale.

Yes, jail time is warranted for this. It would be like having a doctor use his position and reputation to molest people in his office.

How about GP do a fundraiser instead to help restore and preserve the monument?

Wouldn't that be a more fitting punishment instead of mere vengence that will just cost the Peruvian taxpayers money?

No. Using other peoples money to fix YOUR mistake does nothing. Now, if they had to do the work themselves in the hot Peruvian sun. That I could get behind.

I am sure that they will have plenty of volunteers willing to do just that.
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Surely you jest in making such a comparison.

This is up there on the richter scale with the Taliban blowing up the Buddahs of Bamiyan.

At least the Taliban based their destruction of a historic and priceless site on their religious interpretation of the Koran as compared to bloody fools going for a shock photo op at the expense of a World Heritage Site.

The sheer arrogance of the act is beyond appalling. And it was arrogance. All for a stupid bumper sticker message for their climate change religion.

Assholes. The whole bloody lot of them that were in on this.
The apology rings hollow. I hope the participants AND their leaders who endorsed this action see jail time.

While polluters in this nation get off with a slap on the wrist and the GOP Congress guts the EPA?

Surely you jest in making such a comparison.

This is up there on the richter scale with the Taliban blowing up the Buddahs of Bamiyan.

At least the Taliban based their destruction of a historic and priceless site on their religious interpretation of the Koran as compared to bloody fools going for a shock photo op at the expense of a World Heritage Site.

The sheer arrogance of the act is beyond appalling. And it was arrogance. All for a stupid bumper sticker message for their climate change religion.

Assholes. The whole bloody lot of them that were in on this.

Your hyperbolic comparison fails since the Peruvian monument is still there whereas the Buddahs were completed destroyed.

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