I noticed that when white people see one of their own commit a crime they respond with.......


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
"Typical white trash". So why can't black people do the same when we see blacks committing crimes on the news and say..."black ghetto trash"

I mean because just like white people there are several successful and law abiding black people who exist in the U.S. Why does every black crime have to PAINT the whole race as VIOLENT when the white crimes seem to isolate the individual???

Please tell me why?
"Typical white trash". So why can't black people do the same when we see blacks committing crimes on the news and say..."black ghetto trash"

I mean because just like white people there are several successful and law abiding black people who exist in the U.S. Why does every black crime have to PAINT the whole race as VIOLENT when the white crimes seem to isolate the individual???

Please tell me why?

I don't know. Why can't you?
"Typical white trash". So why can't black people do the same when we see blacks committing crimes on the news and say..."black ghetto trash"

I mean because just like white people there are several successful and law abiding black people who exist in the U.S. Why does every black crime have to PAINT the whole race as VIOLENT when the white crimes seem to isolate the individual???

Please tell me why?

I don't know. Why can't you?

I always have so not sure why other blacks can't do the same.
This must be one of the most fundamental differences between Blacks in Britain and America. I've seen Blacks from West Indian and African extraction condemn Black criminals with a sorts of offensive and racially-charged epithets, even when they're being dragged away in handcuffs by White police officers.
"Typical white trash". So why can't black people do the same when we see blacks committing crimes on the news and say..."black ghetto trash"

I mean because just like white people there are several successful and law abiding black people who exist in the U.S. Why does every black crime have to PAINT the whole race as VIOLENT when the white crimes seem to isolate the individual???

Please tell me why?

I don't know. Why can't you?

I always have so not sure why other blacks can't do the same.

Because a lot of them would rather not look in the face the problems in their own community and instead blame it on the police, and therefore, instead of calling out the criminals in their community, they empower them. Of course, it is inadvertent, but that is what happens. Criminals who are protected by their communities become emboldened and sooner or later start terrorizing their OWN communities as well.
"Typical white trash". So why can't black people do the same when we see blacks committing crimes on the news and say..."black ghetto trash"

I mean because just like white people there are several successful and law abiding black people who exist in the U.S. Why does every black crime have to PAINT the whole race as VIOLENT when the white crimes seem to isolate the individual???

Please tell me why?

I'm opposed to crime and criminals of all size, shapes, sizes, races, political leaning. Unfortunately, blacks are one of America's lesser populations groups (in terms of numbers) yet they are one of the greater population groups in America's prisons (in terms of numbers). Therefore, they've sort of "painted" their own picture.
Back in 88 or so, I saw a old drunk black man run over by a bus. It was horrible. It was an accident, plain pure and simple.The bus driver was white, and a few big mouthed black kids that didn't even see the damned thing happen were featured on the news that night...So, whenever I hear blacks whining about racism, I have a flashback to this incident. Some blacks like to bitch and thrash about with all the histrionics ,..And it means not a god damned thing.
Because to the media sensationalism sells. It might be a vast minority looting and causing harm, but peaceful protests don't equal ratings.
Just like today I saw a story about a black guy getting shot in the hood and my response was......."typical black ghetto trash" NEXT?
Just like today I saw a story about a black guy getting shot in the hood and my response was......."typical black ghetto trash" NEXT?

In SOME instances, a little outrage might be warranted. However, there are some cases in which the police are clearly in the right for shooting a suspect. Don't forget that they have to worry about their lives, the lives of their partners and other officers, as well as the lives of the general public. That's a LOT of stress for a human being to be under, with little time to think over what action they are going to take. Sometimes, mistakes are going to made. Sometimes, it seems like the African American community would like to believe that such accidents and things are due to racism when it is obvious that all are certainly not and occurred because of other factors. Honestly, I doubt that any police officers WANT to shoot and kill any suspects. They would much rather have a suspect be cooperative.

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