"I don't like blacks because..."

It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.
It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.
I had a friend who went to high school in Hawaii.

He was one of the few white kids in the school and was constantly called a haole by the other students.

He told me that the hawaiian kids were very prejudiced against whites and he got into a lot of fights. .. :cool:
I don't see a problem with what the polynesian stated. In HIS opinion, in HIS experience, he has issue with blacks. So what? They DID gangbang him right there on that panel, which in MY opinion, is goosestepping to keep up with being PC.
Gracie, I think you're spot on and I agree completely!

What we saw in the video was in fact an impromptu group therapy session which if properly guided could have an extremely constructive effect on those participants, most of whom are clearly brainwashed by generations of inculcated political correctness and seem to think the Polynesian is violating some law. Rather than attacking his honesty their response to it logically should be to ask him why he doesn't like Blacks. Instead, it seems rather obvious no one was interested in hearing that question answered.

And I really would like to ask the indignant Black fellow if he knows any Blacks who don't like Whites.
I saw a show long long long ago. KKK people on stage...couple of men, couple of women...and the audience asking questions. One of the KKK gals said the lady in the audience questioning her was an insult to her race for having an asian daughter...or maybe a black daughter...and the gal was white. The lady in the audience listened to this rant by the KKK gal and began to cry. Guess what the KKK gal did? G'wan. Guess.

She began to cry too. And apologized. After the show...she quit the KKK.
An example of the effectiveness of honest confrontation.
The black guy on the panel did not have to be threating with violence, it just prove the guys point
Absolutely. That fellow's attitude accounts for exactly why many Whites dislike Blacks.

How would you have reacted?

Well, the black guy said the poly guy was riding in the same car with him and all this was news to him that the poly guy didn't like blacks. There was his clue right there. The guy had no problem with a black guy treating him like a human being sharing a vehicle. The guy DOES have a problem with blacks who he seems to have had negative encounters with. So instead of exploring that...the black guy got a 'tude.

I'm gonna use Tank as an example. For a long time..and probably still...folks think he is racist against blacks. No. He is not! He said, on this very board, he would LOVE to hang out with and have a beer with High Gravity. Well, HG is black. So if Tank was a KKK type racist...he wouldn't dream of having a beer, watching a football game, etc with a black "inferior" guy, now would he? Tank has experienced the same thing the Poly guy has. So they are wary. Using the word "do not like black people" was a poor choice of words, yes. But he has his reasons. And the black guy on the panel was a perfect eye opener of WHY some people are wary.

Myself, I grew up around blacks, hung out with blacks, had black roomies, dated blacks back in the 70's, had girlfriends that were black. We were all hippies. We loved everyone and didn't see color. But when I got older, the younger generation of blacks have this attitude they seem to be permeated with and the "blame whitey" thing is getting old and tiresome. So do I "dislike" blacks now? Far from it. But I do dislike some of the behavior of younger blacks...and older blacks who have the same attitude that guy on the panel exhibited. He was blinded by what the poly guy said and didn't THINK about all the other things leading up to that..like their ride in the car, possible convo going on between them, etc. He just jumped straight into ghetto and got threatening.

Now, in answer to your question, I would have told him exactly what I said here. My reaction to his threatening attitude and verbal threat of assault if not tied down, I would have probably got angry myself and then told him to shove my opinion up his ass and to go fuck himself. But that's me.
There is no such thing as ‘politically correct,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right.

I am not a right-winger. But I respectfully suggest we saw a textbook example of political correctness in the topic video occurring in the form of strong rebuke of a fellow for doing nothing more than honestly and openly expressing an ethnic bias. The proper response to that fellow's declaration would be to ask why he feels the way does. Instead he was pounced upon and derided for his honesty.

That kind of group behavior occurring repeatedly over time will have a conditioning (brainwash) effect on the retentively suggestible mentality, which includes the majority of Americans. Most people prefer to conform with rather than oppose what appears to be a majority.
And that was NOT aimed at anyone here. It was an "in general" statement. Society in general sorta thing.
The black guy on the panel did not have to be threating with violence, it just prove the guys point
Absolutely. That fellow's attitude accounts for exactly why many Whites dislike Blacks.

So - you're all good on the generalization front then? That works for you?
I see two question marks but I don't understand the question(s).

How about laying it out in straight lines and I'll do my best to respond.
It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.
I had a friend who went to high school in Hawaii.

He was one of the few white kids in the school and was constantly called a haole by the other students.

He told me that the hawaiian kids were very prejudiced against whites and he got into a lot of fights. .. :cool:

I love Maui. LOVE it there. I have been visiting that island for many many years. However, I noticed that for those many years, we were treated with the aloha spirit when arriving and during our stay. But the day we checked out...and boarding the plane or waiting in the lobby...the aloha spirit disappeared. And shopping in the shops there at the airport? They couldn't care less and were quite rude. It happened quite a few times. So in essence...they enjoy you arriving with all your money but then they want you off their island lickety split.
Which is fine. I don't go to see hawaiians. I go to see what is UNDER the island. We go to snorkel and enjoy the beauty of the plush landscape.
It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.
I had a friend who went to high school in Hawaii.

He was one of the few white kids in the school and was constantly called a haole by the other students.

He told me that the hawaiian kids were very prejudiced against whites and he got into a lot of fights. .. :cool:

I love Maui. LOVE it there. I have been visiting that island for many many years. However, I noticed that for those many years, we were treated with the aloha spirit when arriving and during our stay. But the day we checked out...and boarding the plane or waiting in the lobby...the aloha spirit disappeared. And shopping in the shops there at the airport? They couldn't care less and were quite rude. It happened quite a few times. So in essence...they enjoy you arriving with all your money but then they want you off their island lickety split.

My sister in law lived on Maui for two years, and she stated that when you are a visitor that you are typically treated very well . People are friendly and engaging. However, if you arrive as a resident, they are the opposite. Suspicious, and very clannish. She said it took a year for her neighbors to even acknowledge her when she spoke. After some time went by they eventually came around. I used to go to Pearl Ridge on business frequently, and while there stayed in Wakiki, and of course, those areas being more populated with businesses and tourist attractions, I never had a problem. And was always treated in a hospitable manner.
It means mainlander in hawaiian speak, sunni. I.E.....white. It is not a nice word. Or rather..one they use in a nice so nice meaning.

Actually, haole is the word for corpse, which is the white pasty color they turn when they die. They are likening white people to corpses.

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