I Don't Get How God Is Supposed To Be A Loving God...

God didn't have a hand in it. That's the work of Satan.

Correct, God is not the creator of evil and suffering. God gave us free will and it is abused
why call it free will, when anything not sanctioned by him is bad?

One has free will to be evil or do bad things, nobody is forcing them to do it
but what im saying is, why would he bother to do it when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable? Was it just a sick joke or something?

Excuse me? God is not a sick joke. He made rules, follow the rules or pay the penalty
no, I didn't mean God. I meant "free will". Why would he do something like that, when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable anyways? That sounds like a twisted joke.
"you have free will, but do as I say or burn in a fire for eternity"
Correct, God is not the creator of evil and suffering. God gave us free will and it is abused
why call it free will, when anything not sanctioned by him is bad?

One has free will to be evil or do bad things, nobody is forcing them to do it
but what im saying is, why would he bother to do it when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable? Was it just a sick joke or something?

Excuse me? God is not a sick joke. He made rules, follow the rules or pay the penalty
no, I didn't mean God. I meant "free will". Why would he do something like that, when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable anyways? That sounds like a twisted joke.
"you have free will, but do as I say or burn in a fire for eternity"

Life is a test? It's deeper than I am and only God knows the answer....but I can't wait until He explains it to me :)
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.
You either accept God at face value or you do not. One pays big dividends the other does not. You either tune God in or you do not. How much simpler can it be? At no point in time does the Trinity of God demand thoughtless action but simply points the way. You have a choice to follow God or not. YOU choose and you live with the results, now and forever. It is not rocket science or brain surgery, simply fact. You accept it as such or YOU do not. Tune God in or tune God out! How is that complicated? You will never understand that which you ignore.
Holly hell. So he didn't REALLY rest on the Sabbath.

Add to this, he watched with arms folded as 12 million men, women, and children were marched into sealed concrete rooms and gassed to death, most of them knowing what was happening and screaming for mercy. The young children were picked up and tossed on top of the adults that were packed in like sardines so as to get as many in one gassing as possible. A few survivors said when they opened the doors they would see mothers standing upright dead, holding their baby in their arms dead, both purple and the eyes open.

If you can come up with an excuse for this god then you are the best lawyer in the universe and Satan is an apprenctice.
Without consequences, there is no free will. What you are demanding is for God to step in to prevent the consequences of evil. He doesn't need excuses, the ones that need excuses are the ones doing the evil. And once you get started, where do you stop? Thousands die every year from drunk driving. Should God step in and guide every drunk driver's car safely home? Should He step in and undo the damage of long term drug usage? What about sky diving? Should He make sure every parachute opens safely and no one gets hurt? Should every bridge jumper land safely instead of dying? What you want is paradise and freedom from consequences, and this isn't it.

Bottom line, we made this mess, we have to live in it, for now.

How does a 'perfect' being create such an imperfect creation.

Your mind simply builds mental scaffolding to support your belief in the face of ANY evidence that that belief is wholly without merit.

YOUR need to believe overrides reality.

Which is also why we have Isis.
He created perfection with the allowance for rebellion. It sounds like you would have preferred He create mankind as a bunch of robots, programmed to follow Him, with no choice allowed. That's obviously not what He did.

Yeah we hear this 'free will' nonsense all the time, it is THE favorite dodge for 'believers'.

If 'god' is all knowing he knows what every single person will do in the future without error. He knows who will go to hell before he creates them. Yet he creates them anyway.

He creates humans TO go to hell.

The circular illogic it takes to believe in this nonsense is just a Mt Everest of steaming crap. And that goes for all 'religions'.
Do you realize that what you are agitating for is mankind to be nothing more than a bunch of people programmed to serve God and incapable of doing otherwise?

Please explain how a 'god' can be all knowing, knows EVERYTHING, knows who is going to hell before they are each created. And then creates those going to hell anyway.

This is a 'god' worth worshipping? HE already knows which ones are going to hell BEFORE HE creates them. Yet he creates them anyway to burn and suffer in misery for eternity according to believers.

You don't understand how either no god exists in this equation or how this 'god' isn't one you want to worship?

And all the religious types, every time you say 'well we aren't supposed to know that' you give yourself up as 7 years old and too ignorant to have a conversation with. Which is fine but don't get offended if I tap out at that point.
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

When Jesus returns, it will be at Har-mageddon--He leads Gods armies to the earth, to destroy all wickedness and the wicked--he will capture satan and his angels who are here and throw them into the abyss for 1000 years while Gods kingdom takes control of all creation.
Only the little flock go in the first resurrection( to heaven) Rev 14:3= 144,000 are bought from the earth.
This has partly occurred already--the rest go in the tribulation. The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22)--the resurrection of the rest to judgement is to the earth.
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

When Jesus returns, it will be at Har-mageddon--He leads Gods armies to the earth, to destroy all wickedness and the wicked--he will capture satan and his angels who are here and throw them into the abyss for 1000 years while Gods kingdom takes control of all creation.
Only the little flock go in the first resurrection( to heaven) Rev 14:3= 144,000 are bought from the earth.
This has partly occurred already--the rest go in the tribulation. The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22)--the resurrection of the rest to judgement is to the earth.

Respectfully, I don't see it that way at all. I don't see the promise of heaven anywhere in the Bible. Christ establishes Hid kingdom upon the earth and reigns for a thousand years. Those who partake of the First Resurrection are said to become kings, priests, and judges. If they are in heaven who are they to be kings, priests, and judges over? Each other? If God destroys all the wicked but only takes 144,000 off to heaven, who is left for Christ's kingdom to rule over for 1,000 years? The way I understand it is that when Christ comes the Tribulation is finished at that time, not sometime later.
Without consequences, there is no free will. What you are demanding is for God to step in to prevent the consequences of evil. He doesn't need excuses, the ones that need excuses are the ones doing the evil. And once you get started, where do you stop? Thousands die every year from drunk driving. Should God step in and guide every drunk driver's car safely home? Should He step in and undo the damage of long term drug usage? What about sky diving? Should He make sure every parachute opens safely and no one gets hurt? Should every bridge jumper land safely instead of dying? What you want is paradise and freedom from consequences, and this isn't it.

Bottom line, we made this mess, we have to live in it, for now.

How does a 'perfect' being create such an imperfect creation.

Your mind simply builds mental scaffolding to support your belief in the face of ANY evidence that that belief is wholly without merit.

YOUR need to believe overrides reality.

Which is also why we have Isis.
He created perfection with the allowance for rebellion. It sounds like you would have preferred He create mankind as a bunch of robots, programmed to follow Him, with no choice allowed. That's obviously not what He did.

Yeah we hear this 'free will' nonsense all the time, it is THE favorite dodge for 'believers'.

If 'god' is all knowing he knows what every single person will do in the future without error. He knows who will go to hell before he creates them. Yet he creates them anyway.

He creates humans TO go to hell.

The circular illogic it takes to believe in this nonsense is just a Mt Everest of steaming crap. And that goes for all 'religions'.
Do you realize that what you are agitating for is mankind to be nothing more than a bunch of people programmed to serve God and incapable of doing otherwise?

Please explain how a 'god' can be all knowing, knows EVERYTHING, knows who is going to hell before they are each created. And then creates those going to hell anyway.

This is a 'god' worth worshipping? HE already knows which ones are going to hell BEFORE HE creates them. Yet he creates them anyway to burn and suffer in misery for eternity according to believers.

You don't understand how either no god exists in this equation or how this 'god' isn't one you want to worship?

And all the religious types, every time you say 'well we aren't supposed to know that' you give yourself up as 7 years old and too ignorant to have a conversation with. Which is fine but don't get offended if I tap out at that point.
To do that would be to create a bunch of mind numbed robots.
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

We are spirit. We were made in our Father's image. Spirits are eternal. Satan, for instance, will be restrained, and contained, but Christ never kills him, because spirits are eternal.
When we "die" we merely step out of the terrestrial container and never miss a step. Before Christ died on the cross, the spirits of humans that were committed to God were kept in an area called Abraham's Bosom, because their sins had not been covered in the blood of the Lamb yet. Even in Spirit form, they were recognizable, had voice boxes, lips, tongues....
When Christ died that is where he went. Their sins were paid for and now they were able to ascend with Christ. While Christ was on the cross, an earthquake removed the stones from in front of about 10,000 tombs. Those spirits reclaimed their earthly, now glorified, bodies, and remained on the earth for the forty days Christ remained here. They were the first fruits that Christ honored His Father with upon their arrival in Heaven.

After Christ bore our sins a "waiting room" was no longer necessary. Now we go straight up. As Paul put it, "Absent from the body, is present with the Lord." Before Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, those in spirit form will be reunited with their glorified physical bodies and will be the army that returns with Christ, for the 1st. of 2 showdowns with Satan. Those still in their mortal bodies will be changed to glorified bodies in the twinkling of an eye (11/100 of a second).

The New Jerusalem will fit very nicely in Israel, because Israel's former borders will be restored. Israel is not the sliver we see on a map today. Judging from the base figures, it is probably pyramid shaped. It comes after the Millennial Reign of Christ. After the White Throne Judgement.

The real church will be with Christ. His followers are the church. The NWO Church will follow the anti-christ.
why call it free will, when anything not sanctioned by him is bad?

One has free will to be evil or do bad things, nobody is forcing them to do it
but what im saying is, why would he bother to do it when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable? Was it just a sick joke or something?

Excuse me? God is not a sick joke. He made rules, follow the rules or pay the penalty
no, I didn't mean God. I meant "free will". Why would he do something like that, when anything he doesn't sanction, is punishable anyways? That sounds like a twisted joke.
"you have free will, but do as I say or burn in a fire for eternity"

Life is a test? It's deeper than I am and only God knows the answer....but I can't wait until He explains it to me :)

I wish I could be a fly on the Pearly Gates, for when he turns out to be a black Muslim. You'll have some essplaining to do. lol
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

We are spirit. We were made in our Father's image. Spirits are eternal. Satan, for instance, will be restrained, and contained, but Christ never kills him, because spirits are eternal.
When we "die" we merely step out of the terrestrial container and never miss a step. Before Christ died on the cross, the spirits of humans that were committed to God were kept in an area called Abraham's Bosom, because their sins had not been covered in the blood of the Lamb yet. Even in Spirit form, they were recognizable, had voice boxes, lips, tongues....
When Christ died that is where he went. Their sins were paid for and now they were able to ascend with Christ. While Christ was on the cross, an earthquake removed the stones from in front of about 10,000 tombs. Those spirits reclaimed their earthly, now glorified, bodies, and remained on the earth for the forty days Christ remained here. They were the first fruits that Christ honored His Father with upon their arrival in Heaven.

After Christ bore our sins a "waiting room" was no longer necessary. Now we go straight up. As Paul put it, "Absent from the body, is present with the Lord." Before Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, those in spirit form will be reunited with their glorified physical bodies and will be the army that returns with Christ, for the 1st. of 2 showdowns with Satan. Those still in their mortal bodies will be changed to glorified bodies in the twinkling of an eye (11/100 of a second).

The New Jerusalem will fit very nicely in Israel, because Israel's former borders will be restored. Israel is not the sliver we see on a map today. Judging from the base figures, it is probably pyramid shaped. It comes after the Millennial Reign of Christ. After the White Throne Judgement.

The real church will be with Christ. His followers are the church. The NWO Church will follow the anti-christ.

With all due respect, you are eaten up with false doctrines. First off the soul that sins shall die. We all sin and we all die. It is appointed unto man once to die. Secondly, Lazarus and the Rich man is simply one of the Parables of Christ. It was a teaching tool Christ used. Actually it was the final warning to the Jews that if they continued to refuse Him, He would turn to the Gentiles. We are not immortal and have no immortal soul. When Christ died, he went nowhere except to the grave. He was stone cold dead. There is no place in the center of a molten nickel earth that is anything like a Paradise. The thief asked Christ to remember him when Christ came into Hid kingdom. Christ merely told the thief that when He returned and established His earthly kingdom (Paradise), that indeed the thief would be with Him in that kingdom. The Bible is not a fairy tale.
You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

When Jesus returns, it will be at Har-mageddon--He leads Gods armies to the earth, to destroy all wickedness and the wicked--he will capture satan and his angels who are here and throw them into the abyss for 1000 years while Gods kingdom takes control of all creation.
Only the little flock go in the first resurrection( to heaven) Rev 14:3= 144,000 are bought from the earth.
This has partly occurred already--the rest go in the tribulation. The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22)--the resurrection of the rest to judgement is to the earth.

Respectfully, I don't see it that way at all. I don't see the promise of heaven anywhere in the Bible. Christ establishes Hid kingdom upon the earth and reigns for a thousand years. Those who partake of the First Resurrection are said to become kings, priests, and judges. If they are in heaven who are they to be kings, priests, and judges over? Each other? If God destroys all the wicked but only takes 144,000 off to heaven, who is left for Christ's kingdom to rule over for 1,000 years? The way I understand it is that when Christ comes the Tribulation is finished at that time, not sometime later.

If you read the end of revelations--you see Gods kingdom remains in heaven--- what you read into is just symbolism for Gods kingdom rule coming to the earth. Rev 14:3 assuredly shows 144,000 are bought from the earth( to heaven) -- these are promised to sit on thrones alongside Jesus during his 1000, year reign, as kings and priests.
Yes Jesus comes at Har-mageddon--the very end of the tribulation.
Every kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) on earth will be mislead to rise up against Gods true followers on the earth at the end of the Trib--God says his reaction to that is like a poke in the eye( quickly) = Har-mageddon. Every kingdom( Rev 16, Rev 19:17-19) will be mislead to stand against Gods king and his armies--the result= Daniel 2:44
By the time God flooded the earth there were only 8 human beings whose bloodline had not been tainted by demons. The men, women, children and animals that were destroyed were hybrids, and really nasty hybrids at that.
God gave us Eden, a perfect playground for His children, and we screwed it up right from the git go. Even so, He will create it for us again after our free will takes us to the brink of destruction.
God never said you wouldn't experience trouble here on earth, He said He'd get you through it. This vengeful God, just waiting to kill you if you step out of line does not exist. There are no lines where God is concerned. There is no behavior He won't forgive if you ask to be forgiven.
I had a wonderful, really wonderful Daddy, but if I disobeyed, I was punished in some manner. And He loved me more than anyone on earth. Our Heavenly Father not only forgives us, but forgives us while we are in the act. And if you accept his gift of salvation,< (where He came here and took our punishment in our place) then He forgives all of our trespasses at once, and erases them from His memory. To Him, you're perfect. All He wants is to love and spoil His children. Let Him. :)

You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

We are spirit. We were made in our Father's image. Spirits are eternal. Satan, for instance, will be restrained, and contained, but Christ never kills him, because spirits are eternal.
When we "die" we merely step out of the terrestrial container and never miss a step. Before Christ died on the cross, the spirits of humans that were committed to God were kept in an area called Abraham's Bosom, because their sins had not been covered in the blood of the Lamb yet. Even in Spirit form, they were recognizable, had voice boxes, lips, tongues....
When Christ died that is where he went. Their sins were paid for and now they were able to ascend with Christ. While Christ was on the cross, an earthquake removed the stones from in front of about 10,000 tombs. Those spirits reclaimed their earthly, now glorified, bodies, and remained on the earth for the forty days Christ remained here. They were the first fruits that Christ honored His Father with upon their arrival in Heaven.

After Christ bore our sins a "waiting room" was no longer necessary. Now we go straight up. As Paul put it, "Absent from the body, is present with the Lord." Before Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, those in spirit form will be reunited with their glorified physical bodies and will be the army that returns with Christ, for the 1st. of 2 showdowns with Satan. Those still in their mortal bodies will be changed to glorified bodies in the twinkling of an eye (11/100 of a second).

The New Jerusalem will fit very nicely in Israel, because Israel's former borders will be restored. Israel is not the sliver we see on a map today. Judging from the base figures, it is probably pyramid shaped. It comes after the Millennial Reign of Christ. After the White Throne Judgement.

The real church will be with Christ. His followers are the church. The NWO Church will follow the anti-christ.

Let us( Jehovah and his master worker=Jesus-Prov 8--1Cor 1:30) make man in our image= the ability to love and reason.
You are mistaken sir-- Only repented sin is forgiven. Repentence = the stopping of the doing of a sin.
Hebrews 10:26--no sacrifice left( Jesus') for any who practice sin.
Jesus says the same basically--Matt 7:22-23

1John 3-- a mirror--- teaches who are Gods children and who are the devils children, it teaches----Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
So I would say, when Jesus said a few times--GO SIN NO MORE-- he meant it.

I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

We are spirit. We were made in our Father's image. Spirits are eternal. Satan, for instance, will be restrained, and contained, but Christ never kills him, because spirits are eternal.
When we "die" we merely step out of the terrestrial container and never miss a step. Before Christ died on the cross, the spirits of humans that were committed to God were kept in an area called Abraham's Bosom, because their sins had not been covered in the blood of the Lamb yet. Even in Spirit form, they were recognizable, had voice boxes, lips, tongues....
When Christ died that is where he went. Their sins were paid for and now they were able to ascend with Christ. While Christ was on the cross, an earthquake removed the stones from in front of about 10,000 tombs. Those spirits reclaimed their earthly, now glorified, bodies, and remained on the earth for the forty days Christ remained here. They were the first fruits that Christ honored His Father with upon their arrival in Heaven.

After Christ bore our sins a "waiting room" was no longer necessary. Now we go straight up. As Paul put it, "Absent from the body, is present with the Lord." Before Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, those in spirit form will be reunited with their glorified physical bodies and will be the army that returns with Christ, for the 1st. of 2 showdowns with Satan. Those still in their mortal bodies will be changed to glorified bodies in the twinkling of an eye (11/100 of a second).

The New Jerusalem will fit very nicely in Israel, because Israel's former borders will be restored. Israel is not the sliver we see on a map today. Judging from the base figures, it is probably pyramid shaped. It comes after the Millennial Reign of Christ. After the White Throne Judgement.

The real church will be with Christ. His followers are the church. The NWO Church will follow the anti-christ.

With all due respect, you are eaten up with false doctrines. First off the soul that sins shall die. We all sin and we all die. It is appointed unto man once to die. Secondly, Lazarus and the Rich man is simply one of the Parables of Christ. It was a teaching tool Christ used. Actually it was the final warning to the Jews that if they continued to refuse Him, He would turn to the Gentiles. We are not immortal and have no immortal soul. When Christ died, he went nowhere except to the grave. He was stone cold dead. There is no place in the center of a molten nickel earth that is anything like a Paradise. The thief asked Christ to remember him when Christ came into Hid kingdom. Christ merely told the thief that when He returned and established His earthly kingdom (Paradise), that indeed the thief would be with Him in that kingdom. The Bible is not a fairy tale.

Trinity translations are filled with errors, like this one

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise = error

truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise = correct

Like you said--Jesus was in Hades( grave) for 3 days--impossible to be in paradise on the first day.

Paradise will be on earth--Eden translates-paradise.
I just punch like a guy. I'm really a little girl.
To Re-pent means to return to the highest level. As in Penthouse. You are a child of the Most High. That was your highest level. That is where you started out, and where you return. It isn't about behavior modification, but about heart transformation.
Have you ever done something that you wish more than anything you hadn't done? You hate that you did it and would never do it again? THAT is repentance. You have had a change of heart from when you committed the deed, and that leads to a shift in your behavior.

If you look at the Exodus, not only did the Jews not repent, they whined and sinned all the way to Sinai and God forgave them while they were sinning and provided for them without one sorry or thank you being uttered. That is our loving Father.
It is impossible for a child of God not to sin. All have sinned and fallen short, and that includes the sins a Christian will commit tomorrow. We have a sin nature. DaviThroughout the Bible, spirit beings have appeared tod, Moses, Paul, Samson, Peter, you, me. Samson belong to God from birth, but it was his death that awarded him a spot in God's Hall of Faith. His behavior was atrocious. Same with David, the apple of God's eye. He belonged to God from the womb, but committed adultery and murder anyway. It was David's repentant heart that God loved so.

Sin is a blood issue. We caught it from our grandparents, Adam and Eve, and the only thing that removes it is rusalema pure blood transfusion. That was accomplished at the cross.

At 1Cor 6:9-11--it makes the statement--- this is what some of you were= past tense--they repented and stopped doing the sins. that is true repentence. otherwise it says--- those who practice those sins--will not enter Gods kingdom.

Let's look at this logically. God is a spirit. The angels are spirit beings. Even the fallen angels and their offspring the demons, are spirit beings. Christ Himself stated that spirit beings are invisible to humans. Now, if we look at the Kingdom Christ will establish upon this earth with its headquarter in Jerusalem, then we should expect an invisible kingdom. The predestinated saints will be raised as spirit beings in the first resurrection. They will be raised invisible to humans. New Jerusalem is said to be 1500 miles X 1500 miles X 1500 miles. Such a city would crush everything from Jerusalem to Egypt. It is an invisible city. Those not partaking in the First Resurrection and born again as spirit beings, will be born again as human beings. The churches have proclaimed that Christ has failed miserably in the very mission the Father sent Him to accomplish. He was sent to be the Savior of mankind. The church proclaims that it is all over when Christ returns to establish his earthly kingdom. The church is wrong.

When Jesus returns, it will be at Har-mageddon--He leads Gods armies to the earth, to destroy all wickedness and the wicked--he will capture satan and his angels who are here and throw them into the abyss for 1000 years while Gods kingdom takes control of all creation.
Only the little flock go in the first resurrection( to heaven) Rev 14:3= 144,000 are bought from the earth.
This has partly occurred already--the rest go in the tribulation. The great multitude will be brought through Har-mageddon on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22)--the resurrection of the rest to judgement is to the earth.

Respectfully, I don't see it that way at all. I don't see the promise of heaven anywhere in the Bible. Christ establishes Hid kingdom upon the earth and reigns for a thousand years. Those who partake of the First Resurrection are said to become kings, priests, and judges. If they are in heaven who are they to be kings, priests, and judges over? Each other? If God destroys all the wicked but only takes 144,000 off to heaven, who is left for Christ's kingdom to rule over for 1,000 years? The way I understand it is that when Christ comes the Tribulation is finished at that time, not sometime later.

If you read the end of revelations--you see Gods kingdom remains in heaven--- what you read into is just symbolism for Gods kingdom rule coming to the earth. Rev 14:3 assuredly shows 144,000 are bought from the earth( to heaven) -- these are promised to sit on thrones alongside Jesus during his 1000, year reign, as kings and priests.
Yes Jesus comes at Har-mageddon--the very end of the tribulation.
Every kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) on earth will be mislead to rise up against Gods true followers on the earth at the end of the Trib--God says his reaction to that is like a poke in the eye( quickly) = Har-mageddon. Every kingdom( Rev 16, Rev 19:17-19) will be mislead to stand against Gods king and his armies--the result= Daniel 2:44

Isa_2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Isa_12:6 Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.

Isa_24:23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.
Isa_27:13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.

Zec_8:22 Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.

Luk_11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

Isa_35:8 And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.

Isa 35:1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
Isa 35:2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God.
Isa 35:3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
Isa 35:4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.
Isa 35:5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Isa 35:6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.
Isa 35:7 And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.
Isa 35:8 And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
Isa 35:9 No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:
Isa 35:10 And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
How does a 'perfect' being create such an imperfect creation.

Your mind simply builds mental scaffolding to support your belief in the face of ANY evidence that that belief is wholly without merit.

YOUR need to believe overrides reality.

Which is also why we have Isis.
He created perfection with the allowance for rebellion. It sounds like you would have preferred He create mankind as a bunch of robots, programmed to follow Him, with no choice allowed. That's obviously not what He did.

Yeah we hear this 'free will' nonsense all the time, it is THE favorite dodge for 'believers'.

If 'god' is all knowing he knows what every single person will do in the future without error. He knows who will go to hell before he creates them. Yet he creates them anyway.

He creates humans TO go to hell.

The circular illogic it takes to believe in this nonsense is just a Mt Everest of steaming crap. And that goes for all 'religions'.

You've been told this before but you still rave and rage. Everyone goes to hell. Hell is simply the grave. Even a saved person goes to hell (the grave) No one is burning away in a place of fiery punishment and torture. The dead are dead and will stay dead until called forth in resurrection.

Why can't you accept the obvious?
Hey, go to your church and during bible study have everyone do a test, a simple test about the different parts of the bible, Adam and Eve if it was literal, Noah's flood, what original sin is, why there are inconsistencies in the first 2 chapters of Genesis, who are sons of God and daughters of man, was satanism really the snake in the garden , do you go to heaven or hell or the grave as you put it before judgement. I think you will be surprised that none of the answers will be the same. I think you will be surprised what some people believe and what some do not believe. The point I want to show you is that there is no consistency in religion which means it has no merit. And these people supposedly have studied the bible for decades and they all have different answers.

I did this when a long time ago for baptist, Methodists, Lutherans, and Catholics, needless to say I am never welcomed back to any of those churches but everyone in the same religion had different answers and they all got mad at each other. Lol it was quite humorous. Now these people supposedly studied the bible every week, some said everyday and they just had one book to study.

I went to college and studied multiple books in physics for a semester, just a semester and almost everyone had the same answers and and most of us passed the tests.

Religion is not supposed to change but it does every generation. A few hundred years ago most Christians believed in pre destiny, now some say free will. And some today say predestined for god but it is free will for man. It follows a pattern of making it up as you go. Which to me is false and no truths can be gleaned from this type of lazy reasoning or more precisely no reasoning whatsoever.

Somehow, that is God's fault? I agree there is an awful lot of false doctrine preached in the churches. Religion is man made but Christianity is Christ made. No church or man can save you. Most of them will lead you astray. You must seek out your own salvation. The best way to do that is to study the Bible yourself and see for yourself what it says. Don't depend on me or anyone else to tell you what it says. Be responsible for your own salvation.
I read the bible from front to back. I found so many discrepancies and outright falsehood within its pages. I asked different denominations about the questions I had. Most of them said I was taking it out of context, but from the beginning of the bible which was written for a different audience that believed in different things and whom it was written for the Jews, I countered they had taken it out of context and used the Torah to fit their narrative of Christianity. The second chapter of Genesis is horrible and if this is the word of God then God needs to go back to school. Then some even said some of the stories were not literal which I agreed. Yet I kept finding people of that denomination that believed it was literal. The bible makes no sense and is filled with violence and hate. The worst written book I have ever read.

I did research looked at the gnostic gospels and other early Christianity writings and was just shocked people could be live such things. The New Testament was not any better. I then studied the early Greek philosophers and early church saints. I looked at the archeological evidence that has been gleaned.

I read the New Testament and found that they named Luke John Mathew and Mark to fit the narrative since these stories never had titles and Mark was 16:9-20 was an addition, again to fit the narrative. The beginning of the Old Testament fell apart which means the foundation that Christianity is false. I found no truth within its pages just faith based upon fear.

I don't believe in God because I researched it and read it.
He created perfection with the allowance for rebellion. It sounds like you would have preferred He create mankind as a bunch of robots, programmed to follow Him, with no choice allowed. That's obviously not what He did.

Yeah we hear this 'free will' nonsense all the time, it is THE favorite dodge for 'believers'.

If 'god' is all knowing he knows what every single person will do in the future without error. He knows who will go to hell before he creates them. Yet he creates them anyway.

He creates humans TO go to hell.

The circular illogic it takes to believe in this nonsense is just a Mt Everest of steaming crap. And that goes for all 'religions'.

You've been told this before but you still rave and rage. Everyone goes to hell. Hell is simply the grave. Even a saved person goes to hell (the grave) No one is burning away in a place of fiery punishment and torture. The dead are dead and will stay dead until called forth in resurrection.

Why can't you accept the obvious?
Hey, go to your church and during bible study have everyone do a test, a simple test about the different parts of the bible, Adam and Eve if it was literal, Noah's flood, what original sin is, why there are inconsistencies in the first 2 chapters of Genesis, who are sons of God and daughters of man, was satanism really the snake in the garden , do you go to heaven or hell or the grave as you put it before judgement. I think you will be surprised that none of the answers will be the same. I think you will be surprised what some people believe and what some do not believe. The point I want to show you is that there is no consistency in religion which means it has no merit. And these people supposedly have studied the bible for decades and they all have different answers.

I did this when a long time ago for baptist, Methodists, Lutherans, and Catholics, needless to say I am never welcomed back to any of those churches but everyone in the same religion had different answers and they all got mad at each other. Lol it was quite humorous. Now these people supposedly studied the bible every week, some said everyday and they just had one book to study.

I went to college and studied multiple books in physics for a semester, just a semester and almost everyone had the same answers and and most of us passed the tests.

Religion is not supposed to change but it does every generation. A few hundred years ago most Christians believed in pre destiny, now some say free will. And some today say predestined for god but it is free will for man. It follows a pattern of making it up as you go. Which to me is false and no truths can be gleaned from this type of lazy reasoning or more precisely no reasoning whatsoever.

Somehow, that is God's fault? I agree there is an awful lot of false doctrine preached in the churches. Religion is man made but Christianity is Christ made. No church or man can save you. Most of them will lead you astray. You must seek out your own salvation. The best way to do that is to study the Bible yourself and see for yourself what it says. Don't depend on me or anyone else to tell you what it says. Be responsible for your own salvation.
I read the bible from front to back. I found so many discrepancies and outright falsehood within its pages. I asked different denominations about the questions I had. Most of them said I was taking it out of context, but from the beginning of the bible which was written for a different audience that believed in different things and whom it was written for the Jews, I countered they had taken it out of context and used the Torah to fit their narrative of Christianity. The second chapter of Genesis is horrible and if this is the word of God then God needs to go back to school. Then some even said some of the stories were not literal which I agreed. Yet I kept finding people of that denomination that believed it was literal. The bible makes no sense and is filled with violence and hate. The worst written book I have ever read.

I did research looked at the gnostic gospels and other early Christianity writings and was just shocked people could be live such things. The New Testament was not any better. I then studied the early Greek philosophers and early church saints. I looked at the archeological evidence that has been gleaned.

I read the New Testament and found that they named Luke John Mathew and Mark to fit the narrative since these stories never had titles and Mark was 16:9-20 was an addition, again to fit the narrative. The beginning of the Old Testament fell apart which means the foundation that Christianity is false. I found no truth within its pages just faith based upon fear.

I don't believe in God because I researched it and read it.

Be certain to bring that up with the Christ when you stand before Him.

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