When was the last time you READ the Constitution?

Before or after January 6th?

I am quite familiar with the Constitution
In case you haven’t heard, there is a lot more in there than the Second Amendment
If it’s torture for punishment, no. If it’s torture to get information from the lowlife that COULD save the life of his innocent victim, yes.

Case in point was the ex-felon scumbag who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and then murdered an innocent woman. He refused to give her whereabouts. It was POSSIBLE, though doubtful, that she was still alive, and a few minutes of waterboarding could have given her the 50 years the monster stole from her.

So you hate America. Got it.
Here’s the list:

When an ex-felon who went to prison for a specific crime commits the IDENTICAL crime again, based on DNA evidence, and there is a chance his innocent victim is still alive.

Are you married? Do you have a sister? Or daughter? Or mother? If a rapist who was committed of rape and served 20 years in prison got out, and then your wife….sister…daughter….mother went missing, AND the bastard’s DNA was found on her shoes, AND there was a chance she was still alive but the bastard refused to tell the police where she was, would you support a few minutes of waterboarding if it meant you sister’s life could possible be saved? Or would you be willing to sacrifice your innocent sister because the savage’s comfort is more important than your sister’s life?

The problem we have - well, one of them - is that leftists sympathize with criminals over their innocent victims (if the criminal is not a Republican).

Doesn't move me. Just because there's a rape/kidnapping -- I'm not gonna condone bringing in PREVIOUS "local" felon suspects to torture them. If there's evidence, get a warrant to search all their belongings and home for DNA. If you HAVE DNA/evidence -- boost the charges to the MAX. The difference between LIFE in prison or Death Penalty -- and 15 years is a good incentive to make them disclose. Make the "charge sheet" as long as their criminal record. Throw EVERYTHING at them.

With the current DISREGARD for RELEASING criminals and emptying our jails by DAs and fake prosecutors and elected officials who FLAUNT public safety -- that's the LARGER problem anyways. MOST of these people lately have CAREER LONG rap sheets and have been sprung. If they were STILL serving their rightful sentences -- there wouldn't be so many SUSPECTED repeat felons to torture "on suspicion". Charge people by the BOOK, not on the discretions of DAs and fake prosecutors. That discretion is TOO MUCH POWER for anybody in the the law/justice system that's UNACCOUNTABLE to the people.

If it were a relative -- I'd go after the UNACCOUNTABLE people that let this perp WALK in the 1st place. ---- But that's not possible, because THEY ARE IMMUNE. REMOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!

THEY are reason we are talking about torturing criminals.
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annoying? bastard? You KNOW this guy did it? Has a judge CONFIRMED that? I'd like to see the line-up of annoying bastards. My calendar would be full of requests to line-up for witness identification.
yeah---his DNA and fingerprints are on the ransom note-----sometimes
stuff is KNOWN. Lots of annoying bastards and lots of persons with
acute lead poisoning
yeah---his DNA and fingerprints are on the ransom note-----sometimes
stuff is KNOWN. Lots of annoying bastards and lots of persons with
acute lead poisoning

Who ya got that is AUTHORIZED to PROFESSIONALLY torture this person? Is it a specialist in the Coroner's office or maybe in "animal control? You act like you really haven't thought thru this position. Because the "profession" of "torture" is more complex and demanding than you believe.

Are the proper tools and safeguards in place in Podunk City where you live?
Who ya got that is AUTHORIZED to PROFESSIONALLY torture this person? Is it a specialist in the Coroner's office or maybe in "animal control? You act like you really haven't thought thru this position. Because the "profession" of "torture" is more complex and demanding than you believe.

Are the proper tools and safeguards in place in Podunk City where you live?
I did not do my studies with the GRAND INQUISITOR. I am still seeking
a definition of "TORTURE"
In obvious cases. In the case I am speaking about, the police were dealing with a criminal thug with a long rap sheet dating back to his teens, he had served prison time for a similar crime, and his DNA was found on the victim’s shoes.

I know you libs err on the side of protecting lowlife criminals, even if it means an innocent woman will die, but I err on the side of saving the life the criminal is about to take.

And as far as the woman already being dead, they didn’t know that at the time.
How do you determine an "obvious case"?
Hire these guys.....
I did not do my studies with the GRAND INQUISITOR. I am still seeking
a definition of "TORTURE"

That's one reason that torture is not for amateurs. There are hundreds of ways to encourage people to talk. And if you can't even begin to DEFINE IT -- why are you so certain that it should be regularly used in common criminal cases?

Just the fact the END GOAL of torture is to encourage accused people to talk is a straight violation of the Bill of Rights and your "right to remain silent". SOOOOOO -- come back when you rationalize that little detail away...
Is that your excuse for advocating torture?
wrong again----the term "TORTURE" has not been defined on USMB.
I have heard it OFTEN defined by arrestees and convicts as ----ANYTHING
happening to them during an arrest or in jail (or prison). ANYTHING
Just saying "torture" is utterly meaningless

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