Targeting Trump

Determining a parties actions are racist, doesn't make me a racist. I'm just documenting reality. And the republicans record of electing fewer and fewer blacks over time, contrasted with the democrats record of electing more and more blacks over time.
You seem to think that electing black people is "racist"
While not electing black people isn't racist.
the way youre doing it proves youre a racist,,,

youre wrong again,, I dont think electing black people is racist,,

whats racist is you saying a party is not racist because they have many people of color and the other is racist because they dont have a lot of people of color,,
whats racist is you saying a party is not racist because they have many people of color and the other is racist because they dont have a lot of people of color,,
We aren't just doing a statistical difference. It's almost as clear cut as "black and white"

Republicans over time have effectively purged blacks from their congressional ranks. Going from the party with 100% of the blacks in congress, to under 5%

While the democrats went from 0% to over 95%

Your racism is reflected by ignoring the historical trend.
We aren't just doing a statistical difference. It's almost as clear cut as "black and white"

Republicans over time have effectively purged blacks from their congressional ranks. Going from the party with 100% of the blacks in congress, to under 5%

While the democrats went from 0% to over 95%

Your racism is reflected by ignoring the historical trend.
unless you have proof of them PURGING their ranks youre the biggest racist I have ever seen,,

do you have proof??
No, they didn't have the votes, they needed Republicans to make it happen.
They had far more votes, and the northern and western GOPs knew where their bread was finally buttered.
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90% of black senators and congress critters are Dems.

The black vote will remain overwhelmingly Anti Trump
unless you have proof of them PURGING their ranks youre the biggest racist I have ever seen,,

do you have proof??
Perhaps purging isn't the best word to use. But the only Blacks that like Trump are the ones who are paid to do so. This will become apparent in Tum Scott's efforts to become trumps running mate.
Perhaps purging isn't the best word to use. But the only Blacks that like Trump are the ones who are paid to do so. This will become apparent in Tum Scott's efforts to become trumps running mate.
They paid people to stuff ballot boxes. You got a problem with buying votes? You shouldn't.
And this is exactly what it is in ALL these cases.

Hell, the DoJ admitted a day or so ago that they had NO proof that Trump's co-defendants in the Florida case had moved any boxes with classified documents, but claimed(!) that didn't matter. Can you wrap your head around that?

Back in the good old days when the Brits ruled the roost in the American colonies, the sneaky Brits used a system of their own to lord it over those who looked like them, spoke like them, and worshipped the same God as them, but called themselves American rather than British. It was very simple, really. The bad old Brits recalled an old British law passed by those whose knowledge of democracy was equal to mine of homosexuality, called the Bills of Attainder. If someone had displeased you, and if you belonged to the right party, he or she would be attainted, and they’d never bother you for the duration. Bills of Attainder did wonders for those who were on the side of the state, such as landowners, the rich, members of parliament, aristocrats, females with connections to the landowning aristocracy, and prostitutes whose clients belonged to the Church of England, parliament, and the landowning aristocracy.​
This kangaroo court system has now been revived right here in the good old US of A, and my good friend and editor of The New Criterion, Roger Kimball, was the first to write about it. As Roger pointed out, the Founders of this country, having managed to kick out the Brits, made sure Bills of Attainder became a no-no in the Land of the Free. Along with the hated “bills” came the ex post facto law, which was pretty much the same thing. The Founders said no bills, no post facto, and added a statute of limitations to ensure that if you stole an apple when young, you would not be prosecuted after you were a success fifty years later. (I am simplifying all this for any of you who only read from your telephones.)​
Needless to say, all the above are back with a vengeance, and the target is The Donald—who else?—with a ludicrous statute of limitations trampled by a woman who claims she was raped by The Donald at Bergdorf’s, an impossibility to those of us who know the dressing rooms, unless the rapist and the victim are tiny midgets no circus would employ because they’re simply too small.​
Let’s face it: Trump might not be a gentleman of the old school, but that he’s a victim of the establishment and target of the judiciary under orders from the top is as true as the fact he dyes his hair. Just reading the headlines reminds me of the ones that appeared back in the ’30s in Moscow. That’s when Uncle Joe Stalin purged his rivals by having them admit under torture that they had plotted against the state and had them shot. This the Democrats have not done, and they don’t need to because they’ve got the useful idiots, the media, on their side.
Basically, the state of New York has issued a Bill of Attainder on The Donald, and the governor has admitted as much. When other investors threatened to stop doing business in the state because of the extraordinary fine imposed on Trump, she admitted it was a one-off; in other words, we’re only after Trump, not you, so back to business as usual.​
So, in summing up: The Biden regime is hell-bent on indicting, arresting, bankrupting, and imprisoning Trump. It is a strange universe for American politics. Not exactly Eisenhower versus Stevenson, or Kennedy versus Nixon. A debarred lawyer and a former porn star as star witnesses against the 45th president, the legal system misused as never before in America, grotesque judgments issued by judges like Engoron that would lead to suicide by Oliver Wendell Holmes, and bloated penalties imposed that would make a South American banana republic judge blush in shame. Biden himself is no innocent bystander. He made it clear he wanted Trump prosecuted, and Attorney General Merrick Garland shamefully obeyed. When Trump first won in 2016, the powers that be were unprepared. They soon after invented the Russian connection that took three years to prove totally false. This time they’re not taking any chances.

Trump worshipers' are manipulated by the sexual abuser's constantly whining that there is a vast, nefarious conspiracy against him, as they rave that the former show biz celebrity is above the law.

Induced paranoia aside, in reality, all specific charges in disparate venues are predicated upon substantive evidence and corroborative sworn testimony, mostly from Republicans intimately aware of his transgressions, and recommended by grand juries.

The election denier ran away from his right to speedy trials, desperately contriving delay after delay, to avoid having to actually confront the charges against him in court, instead braying in the media, reviling officers of the court and their families.

He cannot escape the justice system in New York, where he will now be forced to attend his trial like any American without special privileges.

However, disorderly or disruptive defendants can be removed from court during their trial, so if the whiny prima donald throws his habitual tantrums in the court room, he'll be removed.
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And this is exactly what it is in ALL these cases.

Hell, the DoJ admitted a day or so ago that they had NO proof that Trump's co-defendants in the Florida case had moved any boxes with classified documents, but claimed(!) that didn't matter. Can you wrap your head around that?

Back in the good old days when the Brits ruled the roost in the American colonies, the sneaky Brits used a system of their own to lord it over those who looked like them, spoke like them, and worshipped the same God as them, but called themselves American rather than British. It was very simple, really. The bad old Brits recalled an old British law passed by those whose knowledge of democracy was equal to mine of homosexuality, called the Bills of Attainder. If someone had displeased you, and if you belonged to the right party, he or she would be attainted, and they’d never bother you for the duration. Bills of Attainder did wonders for those who were on the side of the state, such as landowners, the rich, members of parliament, aristocrats, females with connections to the landowning aristocracy, and prostitutes whose clients belonged to the Church of England, parliament, and the landowning aristocracy.​
This kangaroo court system has now been revived right here in the good old US of A, and my good friend and editor of The New Criterion, Roger Kimball, was the first to write about it. As Roger pointed out, the Founders of this country, having managed to kick out the Brits, made sure Bills of Attainder became a no-no in the Land of the Free. Along with the hated “bills” came the ex post facto law, which was pretty much the same thing. The Founders said no bills, no post facto, and added a statute of limitations to ensure that if you stole an apple when young, you would not be prosecuted after you were a success fifty years later. (I am simplifying all this for any of you who only read from your telephones.)​
Needless to say, all the above are back with a vengeance, and the target is The Donald—who else?—with a ludicrous statute of limitations trampled by a woman who claims she was raped by The Donald at Bergdorf’s, an impossibility to those of us who know the dressing rooms, unless the rapist and the victim are tiny midgets no circus would employ because they’re simply too small.​
Let’s face it: Trump might not be a gentleman of the old school, but that he’s a victim of the establishment and target of the judiciary under orders from the top is as true as the fact he dyes his hair. Just reading the headlines reminds me of the ones that appeared back in the ’30s in Moscow. That’s when Uncle Joe Stalin purged his rivals by having them admit under torture that they had plotted against the state and had them shot. This the Democrats have not done, and they don’t need to because they’ve got the useful idiots, the media, on their side.
Basically, the state of New York has issued a Bill of Attainder on The Donald, and the governor has admitted as much. When other investors threatened to stop doing business in the state because of the extraordinary fine imposed on Trump, she admitted it was a one-off; in other words, we’re only after Trump, not you, so back to business as usual.​
So, in summing up: The Biden regime is hell-bent on indicting, arresting, bankrupting, and imprisoning Trump. It is a strange universe for American politics. Not exactly Eisenhower versus Stevenson, or Kennedy versus Nixon. A debarred lawyer and a former porn star as star witnesses against the 45th president, the legal system misused as never before in America, grotesque judgments issued by judges like Engoron that would lead to suicide by Oliver Wendell Holmes, and bloated penalties imposed that would make a South American banana republic judge blush in shame. Biden himself is no innocent bystander. He made it clear he wanted Trump prosecuted, and Attorney General Merrick Garland shamefully obeyed. When Trump first won in 2016, the powers that be were unprepared. They soon after invented the Russian connection that took three years to prove totally false. This time they’re not taking any chances.




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