
It doesn't matter ... The suspect has not been indicted, nor proven guilty in a court of law.
It is not their burden to prove they are innocent or answer the questions from law enforcement.

I’m not saying he‘s going to prison. That’s for a jury to decide. But when the evidence is so ironclad against him, and there’s a chance his victim’s life can be saved, I’m for aggressive police actions to save the life.
I know better than to compare innocent, law-abiding Jews killed for no reason other than than religion to savage thug murderers.

Torture doesn't get useful information. Do most Mormons agree with you?

Cheney was a big advocate for torture.

Torture doesn't get useful information. Do most Mormons agree with you?

Cheney was a big advocate for torture.

How would I know if most Mormons would agree with me? Do most people from Indiana agree with you? Do most people who rent apartments that have a window in the kitchen agree with you? Do most people who drive Malibus agree with you?
I’m not saying he‘s going to prison. That’s for a jury to decide. But when the evidence is so ironclad against him, and there’s a chance his victim’s life can be saved, I’m for aggressive police actions to save the life.

The suspect doesn't have to answer any of law enforcement's questions.
It doesn't matter what you have in evidence.

The suspect's Individual Rights are protected in the US Constitution.
They are supported in our Miranda Rights, which are read to the suspect when they are arrested.

The Miranda Rights start with the Phrase ... "You have the Right to Remain Silent".
The Miranda Rights don't start with ... "We can beat the shit out you until you tell us what we want to know."

So, 8 pages in and it comes down to the self-proclaimed Conservative wanting to shit on the Constitution when she feels it is warranted.

Is it okay if the cops come beat your ass because someone kidnapped your neighbor's baby ...
And the cops would like to think you're the annoying person who did it, and who refuses to divulge the location?

try to get REAL ---for a salubrious change

The suspect doesn't have to answer any of law enforcement's questions.
It doesn't matter what you have in evidence.

The suspect's Individual Rights are protected in the US Constitution.
They are supported in our Miranda Rights, which are read to the suspect when they are arrested.

The Miranda Rights start with the Phrase ... "You have the Right to Remain Silent".
The Miranda Rights don't start with ... "We can beat the shit out you until you tell us what we want to know."

what makes you IMAGINE that "torture" means "beating the shit out of" Long ago----when I was EMPLOYED in my usual profession----it fell to me to
deal with claims of TORTURE by arrestees and persons in jail. So far no one in this thread has ventured to tell me what THEY imagine is torture? ----how
about having to eat prison food? how about SOLITARY CONFINEMENT----
I was so impressed with claims of "SOLITARY CONFINEMENT" when I was
in the Navy that I insisted on VISITING the BRIG------well----to cut to the chase-----there really wasn't any-----just stay behind bars in the OPENED
PRISON WARD and play checkers and talk thru------NOT A HOLE IN THE
try to get REAL ---for a salubrious change

You get real.

When Mirandized the suspect is informed they have the Right to Remain Silent.
That doesn't mean you get to start making up situations where that means something it doesn't.

That's a fact, and you cannot debate it.

what makes you IMAGINE that "torture" means "beating the shit out of" Long ago----when I was EMPLOYED in my usual profession----it fell to me to
deal with claims of TORTURE by arrestees and persons in jail. So far no one in this thread has ventured to tell me what THEY imagine is torture? ----how
about having to eat prison food? how about SOLITARY CONFINEMENT----
I was so impressed with claims of "SOLITARY CONFINEMENT" when I was
in the Navy that I insisted on VISITING the BRIG------well----to cut to the chase-----there really wasn't any-----just stay behind bars in the OPENED
PRISON WARD and play checkers and talk thru------NOT A HOLE IN THE

It doesn't matter what you want to do to torture them ... They have the Right to Remain Silent.
They don't have to answer whatever questions Law Enforcement wants to ask them.

You cannot twist that into meaning something it doesn't.

LOL she claims it is torture to eat prison food and wants be taken seriously,

The only instance where I have heard of prison food being an issue was at Gitmo and involving captured combatants.

Which in any case ... They weren't American Citizens, weren't in America ...
And even if they wanted to suggest they had Constitutionally Protected Rights, which they didn't ...
The Fifth Amendment does not apply to military, or militia personnel during a time of War ... And specifically states so in the exceptions.


It doesn't matter what you want to do to torture them ... They have the Right to Remain Silent.
They don't have to answer whatever questions Law Enforcement wants to ask them.

You cannot twist that into meaning something it doesn't.

you create your own parameters for your OWN CONVENIENCE-----you have not defined "torture" and you ASSUME that the 'suspect' has not been
legally PROCESSED----ie arraigned and convicted YET. Try to open
your mind ---a little

You get real.

When Mirandized the suspect is informed they have the Right to Remain Silent.
That doesn't mean you get to start making up situations where that means something it doesn't.

That's a fact, and you cannot debate it.

where did I debate it? A person can be arrested and arraigned on PROBABLE CAUSE -----even if he remains silent
How would I know if most Mormons would agree with me? Do most people from Indiana agree with you? Do most people who rent apartments that have a window in the kitchen agree with you? Do most people who drive Malibus agree with you?
I hate Malibus

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