I Am a Genius


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
At first glance, many folks would think I must be some kind of narcisstic, conceited loon, to make such a proclamation. With a deeper examination of the word "genius" however, a different scenario begins to unfold.

For years, Thomas Edison, the holder of 1,000 patents for various inventions, including, in 1879, the first really practical electric light bulb, was often referred to as a "genius" by his contemporaries. Edison, a lifelong workaholic, responded to these well-meaning admirers by saying "Genius is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration."

IOW, if you put in the time and effort, to enough of a quantity degree, you also could attain genius level at something. With 36 items in my art gallery (mostly paintings) people look at these and say "Oh, I could never do that. I can't draw". But they never stopped to think that just writing words with pen or pencil is drawing. You don't make the letters and words appear by magic. You draw them. Both printing writing, and writing in script, is drawing.

Some of those people who say "I can't draw", have very elaborate and downright grandiose signatures. If they can do that, they could do a lot with a paint brush and a canvas. The only difference as far as painting is concerned, is that I do it, and they don't. Almost everybody could do what I've done (over 100 paintings & drawings), they just don't put in the time & effort. And they may not have lived as long as me (77 years), or have been retired for 15 years with plenty of free time on my hands.

About the same thing applies to poetry & songwriting, I have over 100 of these in my collection, but again, it's not that hard, it's more a matter of just doing it, Like Woody Allen once said > "90% of life is just showing up."

In music, I get the genius label sometimes at parties when people hear me play the 5 musical instruments I play (10 videos of these in my YouTube channel). But just as in art and poetry, it's a matter of "perspiration" (consistent hard work), more so than "inspiration" (being a special person"

There are many geniuses in life beside inventors, artists and musicians. People who do scientific research and come up with cures for diseases. People who design and build tall buildings, with all the complexities and work that involves. etc etc. Baseball players like Ty Cobb and Stan Musial were well known in their time, for spending extraordinary amounts of time doing batting practice. The result were an incredible number of batting championships, and amazingly high lifetime batting averages.

So I may get the moniker "genius", for my music playing, poems, and artwork, but it's primarily just from a long time of DOING IT, and I welcome others to join me, and for whatever it may be that you like, just DO IT, and keep doing it, and don't give up on it.
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So I may get the moniker "genius", for my music playing, poems, and artwork, but it's primarily just from a long time of DOING IT, and I welcome others to join me, and for whatever it may be that you like, just DO IT, and keep doing it, and don't give up on it.
Top marks in so many areas for effort and application and my sincere congratulations .
But to earn the label , Genius , you need a jury to give you that vote .
And essentially the jury are your specialists and experts where, over time , a consensus arises .
Alas, you have only so far convinced yourself of that very special status .

I am fairly certain that in order to be called a genius, you must first find 1001 ways to kill yourself while trying to capture a roadrunner.
Top marks in so many areas for effort and application and my sincere congratulations .
But to earn the label , Genius , you need a jury to give you that vote .
And essentially the jury are your specialists and experts where, over time , a consensus arises .
Alas, you have only so far convinced yourself of that very special status .
Maybe you missed the part in the OP (if you read it) where I said "In music, I get the genius label sometimes at parties when people hear me play the 5 musical instruments I play.."

And I also said >> "So I may get the moniker "genius", for my music playing, poems, and artwork, but it's primarily just from a long time of DOING IT. This refers to FROM OTHERS. The fact is I have been getting called a genius from classmates in school during the 1950s, 60's, & 70s. From coworkers in the 1970s and up until 2009, when I retired, and from friends and neighbors in New York, Tennessee, California, and Florida.

But you miss the point of the whole thread. The term genius is NOT a special status, at least not the way you are describing it, As I said in the OP, you become genius from consistent HARD WORK over a long period of time, not from anything much innate within you.
I don't know about you being a genius, but you are undoubtedly a braggart.
You undoubtedly did not read the OP, or if you did, you have a distinct reading comprehension problem.

Or maybe you're jealous that you don't do art or music very well. (simply because you've been too lazy to put in the time & work)
Everybody/Anybody - look at your signature. It could be telling you how much artistic potential you have. A flamboyent signature is a sure indicator that there is a real artist in you, waiting to be sprung out.
Hossfly's nickname tells me nobody could have more of a sense of humor, and he is loved and respected wherever he goes.
Protectionist nickname tells he'd make a great executive because he would first provide defense for his team.
Senses of humor and caring for others are excellent strategies and imho, as good as it gets. :thup:
At first glance, many folks would think I must be some kind of narcisstic, conceited loon, to make such a proclamation. With a deeper examination of the word "genius" however, a different scenario begins to unfold.

For years, Thomas Edison, the holder of 1,000 patents for various inventions, including, in 1879, the first really practical electric light bulb, was often referred to as a "genius" by his contemporaries. Edison, a lifelong workaholic, responded to these well-meaning admirers by saying "Genius is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration."

IOW, if you put in the time and effort, to enough of a quantity degree, you also could attain genius level at something. With 36 items in my art gallery (mostly paintings) people look at these and say "Oh, I could never do that. I can't draw". But they never stopped to think that just writing words with pen or pencil is drawing. You don't make the letters and words appear by magic. You draw them. Both printing writing, and writing in script, is drawing.

Some of those people who say "I can't draw", have very elaborate and downright grandiose signatures. If they can do that, they could do a lot with a paint brush and a canvas. The only difference as far as painting is concerned, is that I do it, and they don't. Almost everybody could do what I've done (over 100 paintings & drawings), they just don't put in the time & effort. And they may not have lived as long as me (77 years), or have been retired for 15 years with plenty of free time on my hands.

About the same thing applies to poetry & songwriting, I have over 100 of these in my collection, but again, it's not that hard, it's more a matter of just doing it, Like Woody Allen once said > "90% of life is just showing up."

In music, I get the genius label sometimes at parties when people hear me play the 5 musical instruments I play (10 videos of these in my YouTube channel). But just as in art and poetry, it's a matter of "perspiration" (consistent hard work), more so than "inspiration" (being a special person"

There are many geniuses in life beside inventors, artists and musicians. People who do scientific research and come up with cures for diseases. People who design and build tall buildings, with all the complexities and work that involves. etc etc. Baseball players like Ty Cobb and Stan Musial were well known in their time, for spending extraordinary amounts of time doing batting practice. The result were an incredible number of batting championships, and amazingly high lifetime batting averages.

So I may get the moniker "genius", for my music playing, poems, and artwork, but it's primarily just from a long time of DOING IT, and I welcome others to join me, and for whatever it may be that you like, just DO IT, and keep doing it, and don't give up on it.
Maybe. But you haven’t shown us any peer reviewed work and I see no general consensus.

Jocularity aside, have you given any thought to maybe showing us mere mortals some examples of your art?

(I’m not sure I’m a genius. But folks at school used to say that I’m “special.” )
Maybe. But you haven’t shown us any peer reviewed work and I see no general consensus.

Jocularity aside, have you given any thought to maybe showing us mere mortals some examples of your art?

(I’m not sure I’m a genius. But folks at school used to say that I’m “special.” )
I've read Protectionist for at least a dozen years. Geniuses have a trait in common. They do not lie. Because of that, I know he is a very, very bright man, and many people who post here on both sides of the political aisle share that little tell-tale trait. Some here are so bright, their IQs and maturity tests are off the charts. In my humble opinion, Protectionist is worthy of being defended for his honesty by me.
I've read Protectionist for at least a dozen years. Geniuses have a trait in common. They do not lie. Because of that, I know he is a very, very bright man, and many people who post here on both sides of the political aisle share that little tell-tale trait. Some here are so bright, their IQs and maturity tests are off the charts. In my humble opinion, Protectionist is worthy of being defended for his honesty by me.
I don’t think I’ve challenged his intellect.

Heck. I’m not that intelligent, myself. 😎
I envy the OP -- and all geniuses.

Personally, I am as stupid as they come.

I have always lacked presence of mind. As a result, I cannot make intelligent decisions in an emergency.

That's why my beloved brother prematurely passed away when he had a medical emergency, and I had to make some decisions regarding his treatment.

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