Hunter Biden Escorted by Secret Service Motorcade to Deposition in Child Support Case Against Baby Mama Lunden Roberts


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Hunter Biden Escorted by Secret Service Motorcade to Deposition in Child Support Case Against Baby Mama Lunden Roberts

16 Jun 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Your tax dollars at work.
Joe Biden’s scumbag son Hunter Biden on Friday was escorted by a Secret Service motorcade to his court appearance in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Hunter Biden has to give a deposition in his child support case against his baby mama Lunden Roberts.
A paternity test confirmed Hunter Biden indeed fathered a child with former DC stripper, Lunden Roberts.
Hunter’s daughter, Navy Joan, is now 4 years old and he has yet to meet her.
Joe Biden still hasn’t even acknowledged his own granddaughter.
Hunter will face questions about his finances and art sales.


Hunter will be back in this court next month where the judge will decide if he should be jailed for refusing to be transparent about his finances.
Arkansas Judge Holly Meyer threatened Hunter Biden with jail if he doesn’t appear in court to answer questions about his finances as part of a child support lawsuit filed by his baby mama Lunden Roberts.
Hunter Biden last month appeared in court to lower his $20,000 per month child support payments to the mother of his 4-year-old lovechild.

Hunter took a private jet to a child support hearing while claiming he is too poor to make his monthly payment....
Imagine if you will, a depraved crackhead who sold out America being escorted by people WE PAY to avoid paying for his own kid.
Recap: Hunter and Devon Archer were business partners. Devon is now in jail doing his time and Hunters time.
Bet the $570 million Kerry got from the $1.7 trillion dollar Omni bill will be shared with Devon to keep being quiet?
If I were the judge, I'd raise the support for the child and award Lunden a monthly stipend of $8,000/month.
That should burn Hunter even more.
It is unbelievable how Democratic Party members are willing to ignore their own children. I hope this woman has not had to struggle to feed her child. '

The Biden crime family is filthy rich, why would they not do the right thing and keep this story out of the papers.

The Biden's are very dysfunctional.
Hunted better hope that diseased fuckup of a daddy he's got lives a LOOOOONG time....

Ms. Roberts and her attorneys suspect that Hunter isn't being upfront about all of his income. Time for the boy to come clean about his income from bribery and corruption unless he wants to spend his golden years on an Arkansas chain gang.

After the shabby treatment the libs gave Gov. Sanders in Washington DC, he can forget about a pardon in that state.

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