How Would You Rank Jan 6th In Human History's Worst Events?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination

All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination

All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

The worst event to happen to this country since the Civil War. WW1, WW2, and 9/11/2001, and everything on your list (1991 was Gulf War 1) all came from an exertion of forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th..came from WITHIN this country. Our own citizens participated in an attempted overthrow of our democracy. Why? Because their man lost. A first...well, since 1775 anyway. Hopefully, a last.
Trump gave a speech, goaded them, and got exactly the result he wanted. And instead of marching with them, he retreated back to the WH like the little pussy bitch he is to watch it unfold on TV.
It's his responsibility. He should own it. But..he has no honor or integrity. Not a big surprise. :)
Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination

All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

The worst event to happen to this country since the Civil War. WW1, WW2, and 9/11/2001, and everything on your list (1991 was Gulf War 1) all came from an exertion of forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th..came from WITHIN this country. Our own citizens participated in an attempted overthrow of our democracy. Why? Because their man lost. A first...well, since 1775 anyway. Hopefully, a last.
Trump gave a speech, goaded them, and got exactly the result he wanted. And instead of marching with them, he retreated back to the WH like the little pussy bitch he is to watch it unfold on TV.
It's his responsibility. He should own it. But..he has no honor or integrity. Not a big surprise. :)



Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination

All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

The worst event to happen to this country since the Civil War. WW1, WW2, and 9/11/2001, and everything on your list (1991 was Gulf War 1) all came from an exertion of forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th..came from WITHIN this country. Our own citizens participated in an attempted overthrow of our democracy. Why? Because their man lost. A first...well, since 1775 anyway. Hopefully, a last.
Trump gave a speech, goaded them, and got exactly the result he wanted. And instead of marching with them, he retreated back to the WH like the little pussy bitch he is to watch it unfold on TV.
It's his responsibility. He should own it. But..he has no honor or integrity. Not a big surprise. :)

Yep.....Jan 6th was worse than the day Kennedy was assassinated.....worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor.....worse than 911......worse than the atomic bomb destroying Hiroshima.......worse than the Rape of Nanking when the Japanese attacked the Capital of China and massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children. Yep......January 6th was a day that will be remembered as the worst day in the history of the world.

The Ten Worst Disasters in human history are as follows:

  1. Jan 6th (The worst event in human history)
  2. The Black Plague
  3. The Attack On Pearl Harbor
  4. The Sinking Of The Titanic
  5. Sept 11th 1991
  6. WWII
  7. WWI
  8. The Bombing Of Hiroshima
  9. Rwanda Genocide
  10. The Kennedy Assassination

All Trump did was give a speech.
Peers to me somebody else did something bad.
Reading the text you can pretty much tell that you folks are reading alot into what he said.
But the strange thing is......everything that wasn't in the speech WAS in the coverage of MSNBC and CNN which seems to have given everyone the false impression that Trump instigated a riot. Clearly that's not the case. After all....MSNBC news anchors started spreading the rumors that an insurrection was going on even before it supposedly started.

I can show you the coverage videos quite easily. THEY STARTED SPREADING THE LIE THAT TRUMP WAS RESPONSIBLE....EVEN BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Wolf Blitzer was saying how dangerous the situation was while showing Trump supporters who where peacefully filing through a roped off area in the Capital. They even said Trump likes violence during this fucked up broadcast. 'Just terrifying' they were saying....while unarmed peaceful moms and pops were walking thru.....the horror.....the horror......the horror. These same fuckers said that the burning buildings behind them were due to mostly peaceful protesters. *face-palm*

The worst event to happen to this country since the Civil War. WW1, WW2, and 9/11/2001, and everything on your list (1991 was Gulf War 1) all came from an exertion of forces OUTSIDE of this country.
January 6th..came from WITHIN this country. Our own citizens participated in an attempted overthrow of our democracy. Why? Because their man lost. A first...well, since 1775 anyway. Hopefully, a last.
Trump gave a speech, goaded them, and got exactly the result he wanted. And instead of marching with them, he retreated back to the WH like the little pussy bitch he is to watch it unfold on TV.
It's his responsibility. He should own it. But..he has no honor or integrity. Not a big surprise. :)



OK, didn't see the Kennedy assassination. My bad. That also came from within.
But..when was the last time our own citizens attempted to overthrow the government just because they didn't like the results of an election?

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