How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

Have any of the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates promised reparations yet?
Who would have to pay it.
Who would get the reparations payments?
Castro is making it part of his platform.

For those that say don’t pay reparations, then why are we paying reparations to billionaires? I thought they were supposed to make more jobs with all that extra money? But they’re not. They use the money for buybacks so they have even more.
Letting people keep their earnigs is paying them reperations?! Isn't this "entitlement" mentality gone mental?

WTF is wrong with you?
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.
I swear the Left are better at mocking themselves than I could ever accomplish.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
That’s a so called conservative doing the double speak and misdirection as I clearly pointed out. So you incorrectly added a LIB in your last statement.
Lol! Classic double speak with a Goebbels twist!
Ok smart guy, let’s hear you explain yourself. Where is the doublespeak?
It's in the first quote of yours I commented on. However, you can relax and go back to hating this country. I won't even attempt to tell you what your DS is, because we know all that does is make your kind twist spew and spin even more. Now this is where remark about how I've ran, or had nothing or some such classic regressive and oft repeated cry.
You won’t even attempt to back up your BS claims. Yeah, that was the type of response I expected from you. Thanks.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

I sort of agree that if there is one area where money can be spent on it is in bringing black kids up to speed in school and making sure they all have a chance to go to college. The cost of housing them in jail and prison in both money and the damage to society is higher.
However, it would take a lot more than money to fix this. First of all is the massive waste and taking of resources by the teachers' Union and Top heavy school system.... if that could be seriously remedied than it might be worth pumping more money into the system to save these kids.
Secondly, a big part of the problem is when your talking about inner city kids, your dealing often with bad, un-receptive attitudes from the kids and parents as well. Free education would also have to include discipline and if they don't want to listen, they are out.
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
There is nothing touchy feely about supporting our schools and the education of our next generation. You can talk about poor parenting or problems in the black community all you want but that is changing the subject from supporting schools. You don’t seem able to stay on that subject because your arguments are weak which is why I assume you keep kicking the can to something else
I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
There is nothing touchy feely about supporting our schools and the education of our next generation. You can talk about poor parenting or problems in the black community all you want but that is changing the subject from supporting schools. You don’t seem able to stay on that subject because your arguments are weak which is why I assume you keep kicking the can to something else

You're the one who wants to change the subject to funding "impoverished" (doublespeak for black) schools in a thread about reparations for slavery. I'm not kicking the can. If the subject is now low performance in inner city schools then maybe you should do some research about the unique problems educators face in majority black districts that just aren't nearly as widespread as they are in schools with a white majority.
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
Reparations is not happening. If it did, it would only set race relations further back.
Didn’t she just make a comment about improving schools? How is your response relevant to that at all?!

She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
There is nothing touchy feely about supporting our schools and the education of our next generation. You can talk about poor parenting or problems in the black community all you want but that is changing the subject from supporting schools. You don’t seem able to stay on that subject because your arguments are weak which is why I assume you keep kicking the can to something else

You're the one who wants to change the subject to funding "impoverished" (doublespeak for black) schools in a thread about reparations for slavery. I'm not kicking the can. If the subject is now low performance in inner city schools then maybe you should do some research about the unique problems educators face in majority black districts that just aren't nearly as widespread as they are in schools with a white majority.
Are you slow? I’ve already recounted this discussion when you tried accuse me of changing the subject. Care4all brought up funding impoverished schools. You’ve been on a disaster course of random, off topic and plain bad ideas ever since. I’ve stayed on that subject from the beginning. If you didn’t want to talk about the idea of funding schools then you shouldn’t have responded to her comment. A response where you brought up kids addicted to phones, getting in fights, and bad parenting. You engaged, now your running because you can’t back up your own words. Do better!
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
Didn’t she just make a comment about improving schools? How is your response relevant to that at all?!

She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
Yes, why?
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
Yes, why?

The OP talks about investing in black schools as a form of reparations. The thought was careful was piggybacking on what was said in the OP
Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
There is nothing touchy feely about supporting our schools and the education of our next generation. You can talk about poor parenting or problems in the black community all you want but that is changing the subject from supporting schools. You don’t seem able to stay on that subject because your arguments are weak which is why I assume you keep kicking the can to something else

You're the one who wants to change the subject to funding "impoverished" (doublespeak for black) schools in a thread about reparations for slavery. I'm not kicking the can. If the subject is now low performance in inner city schools then maybe you should do some research about the unique problems educators face in majority black districts that just aren't nearly as widespread as they are in schools with a white majority.
Are you slow? I’ve already recounted this discussion when you tried accuse me of changing the subject. Care4all brought up funding impoverished schools. You’ve been on a disaster course of random, off topic and plain bad ideas ever since. I’ve stayed on that subject from the beginning. If you didn’t want to talk about the idea of funding schools then you shouldn’t have responded to her comment. A response where you brought up kids addicted to phones, getting in fights, and bad parenting. You engaged, now your running because you can’t back up your own words. Do better!

The left routinely mocks rural white America for their supposed anti-intellectualism but they won't even mention the much more virulent strain present in inner city black communities where even the fundamentals of education are left to wilt on the vine because teachers will get hauled in front of the school board accused of racism for trying to correct a black kid's grammar.
If you're still confused about what my point is, it's this. Black communities won't ever improve until we as a society hold them to the same standards that we hold whites. Stop giving them a free pass every time they fuck up, stop shifting the blame. But that will never happen unless the left stops being such scared little pussies who cry uncontrollably whenever the magic word "racism" is invoked.
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Again, we are already investing in our over-bloated over funded school systems. Those investments only go towards over-bloated benefits for The Teachers and Administrators.

Tie all benefits, compensation, retirement, etc. to performance. Like I said, Education needs Cuts in Funding, not increases, and they need to base their compensation and benefits on performance.

And based on the performance of such an over-bloated over-funded system, I'd say teachers only deserve minimum wage.

But we can give them $15 an hour to be nice, since they are part time workers, and probably have no other skills.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

None are deserved.

Slavery ended seven generations ago.

No one can point to even a great-grandparent who was a slave, and the only cotton any living American can say they picked was out of an aspirin bottle.
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
Yes, why?

The OP talks about investing in black schools as a form of reparations. The thought was careful was piggybacking on what was said in the OP
So what’s your issue? Investing in “black” schools or calling it reparations? Or both?
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
Yes, why?

The OP talks about investing in black schools as a form of reparations. The thought was careful was piggybacking on what was said in the OP
So what’s your issue? Investing in “black” schools or calling it reparations? Or both?

I’m against any type of preferential treatmen towards anyone on the basis of skin color, gender, religion, etc..
I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements

Your "argument" is a bunch of stock standard touchy feely nonsense that avoids the root of the problem because honest criticism of black society is off-limits.
There is nothing touchy feely about supporting our schools and the education of our next generation. You can talk about poor parenting or problems in the black community all you want but that is changing the subject from supporting schools. You don’t seem able to stay on that subject because your arguments are weak which is why I assume you keep kicking the can to something else

No, I dont think it is kicking the can down the road either. I think we can all agree that African american kids need help.... and so do poor white kids but thats another subject... Anyway, we can all agree that slavery set African Americans as a 'group' backwards , and further discrimination also has set them backwards as compared to many other people in the US if we choose to use group identity. If reparations meant that every black kid in the US could go to college, get a great education, get a great job or start businesses, I would be all for that. If we are talking about reparations, and trying to right a historical wrong.
However the reality is you just cant throw money at something or it is completely wasted. Teachers need to be empowered to have disciplinary power over many of these kids.. (and this is not just black kids I'm talking about)
Our public school system is a joke... the kids have more power than the beaten down teachers do in many cases.
I have an African friend who told me of this teacher who came from Kenya and tried to teach at one of the Berkeley High schools here in California. She said the guy only lasted 2 weeks before he quit... because of the mostly African American students there. The girls wouldn't look up from polishing their nails or texting on their phones and the boys would continuously disrespect him outwardly in class. I guess you could call it culture shock, because in Africa most schools vastly out perform our sad sack public school system when it comes to discipline and respect.
This by the way has been caused by Liberal leadership, but enough about that.... what can be done to correct the problem before we start throwing vast amounts of money at something like this?
How about this; everyone who wants to pay reparations
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying

Did u read the OP?
Yes, why?

The OP talks about investing in black schools as a form of reparations. The thought was careful was piggybacking on what was said in the OP
So what’s your issue? Investing in “black” schools or calling it reparations? Or both?

I’m against any type of preferential treatmen towards anyone on the basis of skin color, gender, religion, etc..
That’s great but we are talking about investing in impoverished schools. I’d think this would be a good middle ground effort for you to support. It benefits minority groups without specifically targeting or qualifying them for funds.

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