How to kill a nation.


Nov 7, 2012
How to kill a nation. America we love

I am a 30yr. Old that has seen a lot done a lot and have a keen seance of judgment of ppl.

I was setting at home one day just thinking of our great county and of how lucky we've been to live hear and how some ppl. Take it for granted (like poor me and ppl that just set around and let life pass them by or don't band together and stand up for this great county. They set around and wine feel sorry for there self). But enuf with that for now!!!

Back to that day I asked my self how would you destroy a nation as big as us.

First you would need to destroy the economy. How u say? Well u wouldn't just do it over night, we was to strong for that. no it would have to be a 20yr. or so, well as every one know war is a good way to spend a lot of money and a extended war would bankrupted any nation, and why they was down you pay the right ppl. To rase gas prices up to where ppl cant keep paying for it by doing that the cost of food and house hold stuff would rase in price as well now u would try to remove the ability to protect there self , by trying to remove guns from the ppl (like when national guard was in Louisiana after the hurricane they was aloud to come in ur home and take ur guns and said it was for ur protection think about it ) . And u make sure you keep the right ppl in office to keep the plan on track. Now u brake the ppl. So that they will not band together. Tell them lies and what yon want to hear and keep there real plan a secret.

Look around, look what's taking place and what has happen over the yr. we had a war that has taken so much from us and have u drove around ur town or out in the country and see how ppl are living there house are not keep up or the grass is little tall it's probably b/c they can't afford to keep it up and feed there family's, And when u talk to ppl. Any more u can tell there sprit is braking an there will is almost gone, Why do we just set around and do nothing to help each other and or self We have the power to stop it all if we stand together again as one nation like a rope that can not be broken We need to have a reset in our leaders We don't need the rich and the deal makers that line there pocket why we beryl make it thou the yrs. We need ppl. That is look out for us and not just the bank roll. I don't care if the one in power smoked weed when he was younger or if he had affairs he human no one is perfect but how care what they do on there free time As long as he is looking out for us. And making a differences to help the ppl. That put him there or in that fact all them there. We need a reset take them all out of office an start new fresh and not rich. We need a old farmer that know how to spend our money and how to bring us back up to power. Most of all they need good family values that a old timer know and has one that don't lie and will stand up for us!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading hope it's wasn't to long winded and makes seance I'm not a writer I'm just a lone guy probably venting
How to kill a nation? Well you can start by allowing a private banking cartel to issue your currency and pay them the interest through the iilegal IRS. This will insure that nation will be one of enslaved debtors for generations and eventually be run by corporations in a have, have nots society.
How to kill a nation. America we love

I am a 30yr. Old that has seen a lot done a lot and have a keen seance of judgment of ppl.

I was setting at home one day just thinking of our great county and of how lucky we've been to live hear and how some ppl. Take it for granted (like poor me and ppl that just set around and let life pass them by or don't band together and stand up for this great county. They set around and wine feel sorry for there self). But enuf with that for now!!!

Back to that day I asked my self how would you destroy a nation as big as us.

First you would need to destroy the economy. How u say? Well u wouldn't just do it over night, we was to strong for that. no it would have to be a 20yr. or so, well as every one know war is a good way to spend a lot of money and a extended war would bankrupted any nation, and why they was down you pay the right ppl. To rase gas prices up to where ppl cant keep paying for it by doing that the cost of food and house hold stuff would rase in price as well now u would try to remove the ability to protect there self , by trying to remove guns from the ppl (like when national guard was in Louisiana after the hurricane they was aloud to come in ur home and take ur guns and said it was for ur protection think about it ) . And u make sure you keep the right ppl in office to keep the plan on track. Now u brake the ppl. So that they will not band together. Tell them lies and what yon want to hear and keep there real plan a secret.

Look around, look what's taking place and what has happen over the yr. we had a war that has taken so much from us and have u drove around ur town or out in the country and see how ppl are living there house are not keep up or the grass is little tall it's probably b/c they can't afford to keep it up and feed there family's, And when u talk to ppl. Any more u can tell there sprit is braking an there will is almost gone, Why do we just set around and do nothing to help each other and or self We have the power to stop it all if we stand together again as one nation like a rope that can not be broken We need to have a reset in our leaders We don't need the rich and the deal makers that line there pocket why we beryl make it thou the yrs. We need ppl. That is look out for us and not just the bank roll. I don't care if the one in power smoked weed when he was younger or if he had affairs he human no one is perfect but how care what they do on there free time As long as he is looking out for us. And making a differences to help the ppl. That put him there or in that fact all them there. We need a reset take them all out of office an start new fresh and not rich. We need a old farmer that know how to spend our money and how to bring us back up to power. Most of all they need good family values that a old timer know and has one that don't lie and will stand up for us!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading hope it's wasn't to long winded and makes seance I'm not a writer I'm just a lone guy probably venting

Your spelling is atrocious.
How to kill a nation. America we love

I am a 30yr. Old that has seen a lot done a lot and have a keen seance of judgment of ppl.

I was setting at home one day just thinking of our great county and of how lucky we've been to live hear and how some ppl. Take it for granted (like poor me and ppl that just set around and let life pass them by or don't band together and stand up for this great county. They set around and wine feel sorry for there self). But enuf with that for now!!!

Back to that day I asked my self how would you destroy a nation as big as us.

First you would need to destroy the economy. How u say? Well u wouldn't just do it over night, we was to strong for that. no it would have to be a 20yr. or so, well as every one know war is a good way to spend a lot of money and a extended war would bankrupted any nation, and why they was down you pay the right ppl. To rase gas prices up to where ppl cant keep paying for it by doing that the cost of food and house hold stuff would rase in price as well now u would try to remove the ability to protect there self , by trying to remove guns from the ppl (like when national guard was in Louisiana after the hurricane they was aloud to come in ur home and take ur guns and said it was for ur protection think about it ) . And u make sure you keep the right ppl in office to keep the plan on track. Now u brake the ppl. So that they will not band together. Tell them lies and what yon want to hear and keep there real plan a secret.

Look around, look what's taking place and what has happen over the yr. we had a war that has taken so much from us and have u drove around ur town or out in the country and see how ppl are living there house are not keep up or the grass is little tall it's probably b/c they can't afford to keep it up and feed there family's, And when u talk to ppl. Any more u can tell there sprit is braking an there will is almost gone, Why do we just set around and do nothing to help each other and or self We have the power to stop it all if we stand together again as one nation like a rope that can not be broken We need to have a reset in our leaders We don't need the rich and the deal makers that line there pocket why we beryl make it thou the yrs. We need ppl. That is look out for us and not just the bank roll. I don't care if the one in power smoked weed when he was younger or if he had affairs he human no one is perfect but how care what they do on there free time As long as he is looking out for us. And making a differences to help the ppl. That put him there or in that fact all them there. We need a reset take them all out of office an start new fresh and not rich. We need a old farmer that know how to spend our money and how to bring us back up to power. Most of all they need good family values that a old timer know and has one that don't lie and will stand up for us!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading hope it's wasn't to long winded and makes seance I'm not a writer I'm just a lone guy probably venting

keep posting, i admire your pluck.

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