How to Improve Washington

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
and get it working again..

1) Somehow require that both House and Senate Reps & Senators are allowed to vote their conscience for a period of at least one year.

2) Weekly required interviews of the President and the top leadership of both parties.

3) For the most part cameras taken out of the House and Senate but citizens given full access to deliberations..

BTW.. Did you know that The House, The Senate and The President work for the American people?

Eh.. just a start
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Institute a lottery, with regards to the 23rd amd to replace elections

the noobs go through an indoctrination of how it all works, and serve only one term

loobyists are outlawed , post-federal jobs after term tenure is up are also

renumeration follows GDP %, bennies are the average of what we get

too Buffettesqe?.....

and get it working again..

1) Somehow require that both House and Senate Reps & Senators are allowed to vote their conscience for a period of at least one year.

2) Weekly required interviews of the President and the top leadership of both parties.

3) For the most part cameras taken out of the House and Senate but citizens given full access to deliberations..

BTW.. Did you know that The House, The Senate and The President work for the American people?

Eh.. just a start

BTW.. Did you know that The House, The Senate and The President work for the American people?

The problem is as I see it.We know this.

I don't think they do or care.
Once in office they could give two shits how they got there.
Until it's campaign time all over again.
I don't see how adding more politicians to the mix is going to improve things, if we're still going to allow them to be bought by the highest bidder. My vote is for public financing of elections, and, NO, that doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills. IMO, it'll cost us less in the long run.
They should have to wear "NASCAR" jackets so we know who they will serve when elected.
Term one can serve more than 2 terms in Congress. And it goes without saying there should be no more lifetime paychecks nor cadillac insurance bennies for those who served in the WH or Congress......those in the WH and Congress, no matter how long they served, get significantly better healthcare benefits (and medical care) that none of the rest of us could ever dream of! Lobbyists should be more special interest groups (no matter who they are) invading the top levels of government, elections should be paid for by public more Super PACs, get rid of the "professional politicians"....they are what keeps the system corrupt, prosecute any and all cases of is no longer allowed to protect the criminals in high levels of government, protect our election process by enforcing voter ID more of this ridiculous outcry of "disenfranchisement" of minorities or anyone else because they "can't" get an acceptable ID card (everyone knows this is nonsense!), just to name a few.
Little to nothing will change until we give a voice to the Constitution and have it regulate the House and the Senate.

No Labels has some recommendations:

I highlighted the ones I agree with:

No Budget, No Pay
If Congress can't pass a budget and all annual spending bills on time, members of Congress should not get paid.

Up or Down Vote on Presidential Appointments
All presidential nominations should be confirmed or rejected within 90 days of the nomination.

Fix the Filibuster
Require real (not virtual) filibusters and end filibusters on motions to proceed.

Empower the Sensible Majority
Allow a bipartisan majority of members to override a leader or committee chair’s refusal to bring a bill to the floor.
Make Members Come to Work
Make Congress work on coordinated schedules with three five-day work weeks a month in DC and one week in their home district.

Question Time for the President
Provide a monthly forum for members of Congress to ask the president questions to force leaders to debate one another and defend their ideas.

Fiscal Report to Congress: Hear it. Read it. Sign it.
A nonpartisan leader should deliver an annual, televised fiscal update in-person to a joint session of Congress to ensure everyone is working off the same facts.

No Pledge but the Oath of Office
Members should make no pledge but the pledge of allegiance and their formal oath of office.

Monthly Bipartisan Gatherings
The House and Senate should institute monthly, off-the-record and bipartisan gatherings to get members talking across party lines.
Bipartisan Seating
At all joint meetings or sessions of Congress, each member should be seated next to at least one member of the other party.
Bipartisan Leadership Committee
Congressional party leaders should form a bipartisan congressional leadership committee to discuss legislative agendas and substantive solutions.
No Negative Campaigns Against Incumbents
Incumbents from one party should not conduct negative campaigns against sitting members of the opposing party.


Some good stuff there. But the idea that you want to instill bipartisanship is all at once a panacea and insulting. It's not something that can be legislated and the idea that two teams are the only ones on the field is incredibly silly.

Here is what I think should happen:
  1. Every bill passed by one house gets an up or down vote in the other house within 60-90 days. If passed, have a standing conference committee chaired by the VP to hammer out the differences within one week.
  2. Expand representation to DC, Puerto Rico and other US controlled lands (i.e. protectorates). We haven't added a state in over 50 years. It's time to do so.
  3. Tie spending to a percentage of the GDP. Romney had this idea and it was a good one I fee.
  4. Every 10 years start from scratch--zero out the budget. Do not say, "Well, the VA got $XXX million last year, so you get $XXX+X this year. Go over the expenditures with a fine toothed comb; any program/system/expenditure that will cost over $10M lets say, you have to vote on that separately.
  5. Institute a "sunset" commission like they have in Texas. The Sunset Commission looks at laws/regulations that are no longer needed and gets rid of them.
  6. Expand election day every 2 years to an election week. Standardize and crate uniform rules for all federal elections. It shouldn't take Florida 4 days to count their votes. When there are irregularities, they can be investigated while the election is still going on.
No Labels: Stop Fighting. Start Fixing.

Also...real election reform as to where all campaigning for federal offices is on the Taxpayer dime and the FCC forces radio/TV/print to yield free air time to all candidates who get X number of signatures on a petition and/or are on the ballot in enough states to give them a chance at and electoral college win.
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Term one can serve more than 2 terms in Congress. And it goes without saying there should be no more lifetime paychecks nor cadillac insurance bennies for those who served in the WH or Congress......those in the WH and Congress, no matter how long they served, get significantly better healthcare benefits (and medical care) that none of the rest of us could ever dream of! Lobbyists should be more special interest groups (no matter who they are) invading the top levels of government, elections should be paid for by public more Super PACs, get rid of the "professional politicians"....they are what keeps the system corrupt, prosecute any and all cases of is no longer allowed to protect the criminals in high levels of government, protect our election process by enforcing voter ID more of this ridiculous outcry of "disenfranchisement" of minorities or anyone else because they "can't" get an acceptable ID card (everyone knows this is nonsense!), just to name a few.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And ‘voter ID laws’ is a solution in search of a problem.
Term one can serve more than 2 terms in Congress. And it goes without saying there should be no more lifetime paychecks nor cadillac insurance bennies for those who served in the WH or Congress......those in the WH and Congress, no matter how long they served, get significantly better healthcare benefits (and medical care) that none of the rest of us could ever dream of! Lobbyists should be more special interest groups (no matter who they are) invading the top levels of government, elections should be paid for by public more Super PACs, get rid of the "professional politicians"....they are what keeps the system corrupt, prosecute any and all cases of is no longer allowed to protect the criminals in high levels of government, protect our election process by enforcing voter ID more of this ridiculous outcry of "disenfranchisement" of minorities or anyone else because they "can't" get an acceptable ID card (everyone knows this is nonsense!), just to name a few.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And ‘voter ID laws’ is a solution in search of a problem.

I agree with you on term limits. I think we should not have term limits for the President. I would have liked 4 more years (at least) of Clinton and judging from both--yes I mean GWB and BHO--of his successors, I think most would agree with me on that.

As for voter ID laws, again, I'll use the argument of better.

We no longer walk everywere or take covered wagons pulled by horses. Technology allows us to use the automobile.

We no longer bleed patients with leeches or perform amputations for most local wounds or infections. Technology allows us to treat the illness directly without involving the entire body.

We no longer wait days to hear news reports. Technology allows an almost second-by-second updating of events anywhere in the world.

Why then are some so resistant to appliance of technology to one of the foundations of our Republic; voting? I agree that requiring IDs for some will cause that population to stay home on election day. You know what? Tough tacos. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to do what is required by society to acquire a proper voting ID, you don't get a voice. I firmly believe that all states should make the voter registration card a picture ID that is free of charge. That would mean you have one document to show--something you should have to show anyway; I don't think that many think you shouldn't have to register to vote.

We have the technology available to make the voting process as sterile as possible. Why not use it?
Term one can serve more than 2 terms in Congress. And it goes without saying there should be no more lifetime paychecks nor cadillac insurance bennies for those who served in the WH or Congress......those in the WH and Congress, no matter how long they served, get significantly better healthcare benefits (and medical care) that none of the rest of us could ever dream of! Lobbyists should be more special interest groups (no matter who they are) invading the top levels of government, elections should be paid for by public more Super PACs, get rid of the "professional politicians"....they are what keeps the system corrupt, prosecute any and all cases of is no longer allowed to protect the criminals in high levels of government, protect our election process by enforcing voter ID more of this ridiculous outcry of "disenfranchisement" of minorities or anyone else because they "can't" get an acceptable ID card (everyone knows this is nonsense!), just to name a few.

We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And ‘voter ID laws’ is a solution in search of a problem.

I agree with you on term limits. I think we should not have term limits for the President. I would have liked 4 more years (at least) of Clinton and judging from both--yes I mean GWB and BHO--of his successors, I think most would agree with me on that.

As for voter ID laws, again, I'll use the argument of better.

We no longer walk everywere or take covered wagons pulled by horses. Technology allows us to use the automobile.

We no longer bleed patients with leeches or perform amputations for most local wounds or infections. Technology allows us to treat the illness directly without involving the entire body.

We no longer wait days to hear news reports. Technology allows an almost second-by-second updating of events anywhere in the world.

Why then are some so resistant to appliance of technology to one of the foundations of our Republic; voting? I agree that requiring IDs for some will cause that population to stay home on election day. You know what? Tough tacos. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to do what is required by society to acquire a proper voting ID, you don't get a voice. I firmly believe that all states should make the voter registration card a picture ID that is free of charge. That would mean you have one document to show--something you should have to show anyway; I don't think that many think you shouldn't have to register to vote.

We have the technology available to make the voting process as sterile as possible. Why not use it?

I kinda think a one time Presidential term of 6 years would be better.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And ‘voter ID laws’ is a solution in search of a problem.

I agree with you on term limits. I think we should not have term limits for the President. I would have liked 4 more years (at least) of Clinton and judging from both--yes I mean GWB and BHO--of his successors, I think most would agree with me on that.

As for voter ID laws, again, I'll use the argument of better.

We no longer walk everywere or take covered wagons pulled by horses. Technology allows us to use the automobile.

We no longer bleed patients with leeches or perform amputations for most local wounds or infections. Technology allows us to treat the illness directly without involving the entire body.

We no longer wait days to hear news reports. Technology allows an almost second-by-second updating of events anywhere in the world.

Why then are some so resistant to appliance of technology to one of the foundations of our Republic; voting? I agree that requiring IDs for some will cause that population to stay home on election day. You know what? Tough tacos. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to do what is required by society to acquire a proper voting ID, you don't get a voice. I firmly believe that all states should make the voter registration card a picture ID that is free of charge. That would mean you have one document to show--something you should have to show anyway; I don't think that many think you shouldn't have to register to vote.

We have the technology available to make the voting process as sterile as possible. Why not use it?

I kinda think a one time Presidential term of 6 years would be better.

Why would you want to restrict your right to vote for the person you wish to see as President? If we were to elect Bozo the Clown as President, that should be the people's choice. I wouldn't want Bozo as President but I have a stronger passion to allow whomever wants to vote for Bozo to do so (insert cheap one-liner here).
I don't see how adding more politicians to the mix is going to improve things, if we're still going to allow them to be bought by the highest bidder. My vote is for public financing of elections, and, NO, that doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills. IMO, it'll cost us less in the long run.

I agree!
Look at the results of having elected officials represent the "people". It doesn't work and it hasn't in a very long time. If you want the people to be represented then let them represent themselves. Take the representative out of the way and let people vote on the issues directly.
There is only one reason that won't work - people are too lazy to govern themselves.
Those who stay informed of the issues and the costs will vote and we will live in a much different country. There won't be any lobbyists because it is not cost effective to try to bribe 50% of the voting public. There will be fewer laws passed because only the issues that affect everyone in the contry have a chance to get by all the people. We won't have the huge federal deficit - or the retirement fund for them or their "perks". We will be able to do away with most of the government structure because the people will control everything from military actions to infrastructure. The president will have no power and the supreme court can decide if a law is constitutional before it is enacted - which will cut down on the number of cases they have each year.
Other than getting the people to self govern where is the downside?
A Constitutional amendment that limits 50% of Congress to have law degrees.

Where are the Bakers, Doctors, Mechanics, Scientists, Nurses, Farmers....?

Nothing else will work.

I agree with you on term limits. I think we should not have term limits for the President. I would have liked 4 more years (at least) of Clinton and judging from both--yes I mean GWB and BHO--of his successors, I think most would agree with me on that.

As for voter ID laws, again, I'll use the argument of better.

We no longer walk everywere or take covered wagons pulled by horses. Technology allows us to use the automobile.

We no longer bleed patients with leeches or perform amputations for most local wounds or infections. Technology allows us to treat the illness directly without involving the entire body.

We no longer wait days to hear news reports. Technology allows an almost second-by-second updating of events anywhere in the world.

Why then are some so resistant to appliance of technology to one of the foundations of our Republic; voting? I agree that requiring IDs for some will cause that population to stay home on election day. You know what? Tough tacos. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to do what is required by society to acquire a proper voting ID, you don't get a voice. I firmly believe that all states should make the voter registration card a picture ID that is free of charge. That would mean you have one document to show--something you should have to show anyway; I don't think that many think you shouldn't have to register to vote.

We have the technology available to make the voting process as sterile as possible. Why not use it?

I kinda think a one time Presidential term of 6 years would be better.

Why would you want to restrict your right to vote for the person you wish to see as President? If we were to elect Bozo the Clown as President, that should be the people's choice. I wouldn't want Bozo as President but I have a stronger passion to allow whomever wants to vote for Bozo to do so (insert cheap one-liner here).

(((Okay..))) When too many Americans realized they could vote themselves a free ride, they voted the Obama/Democrat ticket to ruin...:wink_2:
Educate and inform the public. If the press really did their job Washington would be better off.
Half of the Congressional lawyers, and all the lawyers on their staff, have to go on food stamps as their only sustenence.

Nothing else will work.


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