How to get rid of a Supreme Ct. Justice


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Ruth bader Ginsburg should be removed from the court...too old and too stupid...her biased attack against Donald Trump is further evidence she is a worthless piece of crap.

How to get rid of her?

The Constitution grants Supreme Court justices a lifetime appointment if they choose to stay by not specifying a time or age limit of service. The purpose of a lifetime appointment was to give them freedom to make decisions without interference from the executive or legislative branches of government.

But the Constitution leaves open the possibility of impeachment and removal by Congress. In U.S. history, one justice was impeached, but not convicted, and one justice resigned under the threat of impeachment.
The Reaper will remove this one soon enough.

But, yeah, partisan hackery has made it to the court and it's more obvious every day....
Ruth bader Ginsburg should be removed from the court...too old and too stupid...her biased attack against Donald Trump is further evidence she is a worthless piece of crap.

How to get rid of her?

The Constitution grants Supreme Court justices a lifetime appointment if they choose to stay by not specifying a time or age limit of service. The purpose of a lifetime appointment was to give them freedom to make decisions without interference from the executive or legislative branches of government.

But the Constitution leaves open the possibility of impeachment and removal by Congress. In U.S. history, one justice was impeached, but not convicted, and one justice resigned under the threat of impeachment.

Yeah dickless, bring it on!!!
Ginsburg needs to be forced out by retirement or impeachment. She supposed to stay out of politics and just interpret the Constitution in an unbiased manner. Her comments make her unfit for the position. Surely this would be obvious to anybody.

Fastest way to get rid of Ginsburg?

Just hold on. We fucked up selecting Trump, meaning Hildabeast will be the next President and likely with a Democrat majority in the Senate. Look for Ginsburg to retire soon after the new Dem President and Dem Senate are installed so they she can be replaced with another liberal.

We screwed the pooch on this one and in refusing to take action on Garland as Scalia's replacement. Now we'll end up with two full blown liberal leaning justices on the SCOTUS replacing 1 Liberal and 1 Conservative with 2 Liberals.

Blind Justice is the theory that law should be viewed objectively with the determination of innocence or guilt made without bias or prejudice. It is the idea behind the United States Supreme Court motto “Equal Justice Under Law” and is symbolized by the blindfolded statue of Lady Justice which is the symbol of the judiciary.

Justice, under the Obama administration, is no longer blind. Impeach Ginsburg - she's not worthy of her position. Neither is Loretta Lynch.
The old bitch is senile with dementia setting in. Supreme Court Justices should have a mandatory retirement.
Age of 70, maybe even 65.
When Trump wins she, like many libs, will have their lives shortened by hate.

Ya, good luck with that. Larry Sabato, very well respected at the University of Virginia current analysis shows about 347 Clinton and 191 Trump in terms of the Electoral College.

2016 Election: Clinton vs. Trump
(Select Sabato Crystal Ball Map)

Only fools believe polls, especially this far out. Hillary has had very little negative campaign ads against her, it hasn't even started and Trump has had it all.
Ruth bader Ginsburg should be removed from the court...too old and too stupid...her biased attack against Donald Trump is further evidence she is a worthless piece of crap.

How to get rid of her?

On Obergefell, while Ginsburg and Kagan were performing gay weddings, indicating a bias towards gay marriage publicly, as federal representatives, while the question of "should the fed preside over states on the question of gay marriage" was actively pending in their Court, Caperton v Massey Coal (2009 USSC) mandated that both Ginsburg and Kagan recuse themselves from Obergefell. No jurist or judge is above the findings of Caperton. The US Supreme Court Justices are not supercitizens free from the binding of law and order. Ergo, on that alone, both Ginsburg and Kagan could be impeached. At the very least, Congress could declare Obergefell a mistrial and order a new hearing.

Caperton found that if a person had reason to suspect bias in a judge or jurist, that judge or jurist must recuse themself from presiding over the case. Clearly, performing gay weddings publicly as embodiment of the federal government, while the question of "should the federal government preside over states on gay marriage" is a radical and blatant advertisement to the public that their last stop of Justice in the US legal system is weighed against them.
Ginsburg and Lunch are an absolute disgrace. Think of what Clinton would do to the Supreme Court if elected. Bye bye Republic.
Imagine a "Justice" having a massive stroke and turning veggie - yet clinging to life and to that "lifetime" appointment. Brain-dead but breathing, so alive.

But with Ruthie, how would one tell the difference?
When Trump wins she, like many libs, will have their lives shortened by hate.

Ya, good luck with that. Larry Sabato, very well respected at the University of Virginia current analysis shows about 347 Clinton and 191 Trump in terms of the Electoral College.

2016 Election: Clinton vs. Trump
(Select Sabato Crystal Ball Map)

well if larry sabato says that we might as well just call off the election....who the fuck is larry sabato?....

Fastest way to get rid of Ginsburg?

Just hold on. We fucked up selecting Trump, meaning Hildabeast will be the next President and likely with a Democrat majority in the Senate. Look for Ginsburg to retire soon after the new Dem President and Dem Senate are installed so they she can be replaced with another liberal.

We screwed the pooch on this one and in refusing to take action on Garland as Scalia's replacement. Now we'll end up with two full blown liberal leaning justices on the SCOTUS replacing 1 Liberal and 1 Conservative with 2 Liberals.

Not necessarily.

Unless the DEM's get a super majority in the Senate they cannot block a filibuster.

Ted Cruz is not good for much but he is good at filibustering. As is Rand Paul the other infamous filibuster-er.

These two loose cannons could for once do some good and make sure Hillary never gets a SCOTUS nomination approved.

Ginsberg will retire, but then there will be 7 justices and Kennedy would go back to being the swing voter.
Ruth bader Ginsburg should be removed from the court...too old and too stupid...her biased attack against Donald Trump is further evidence she is a worthless piece of crap.

How to get rid of her?

The Constitution grants Supreme Court justices a lifetime appointment if they choose to stay by not specifying a time or age limit of service. The purpose of a lifetime appointment was to give them freedom to make decisions without interference from the executive or legislative branches of government.

But the Constitution leaves open the possibility of impeachment and removal by Congress. In U.S. history, one justice was impeached, but not convicted, and one justice resigned under the threat of impeachment.
Study up on how many Senators it takes to convict in an impeachment.

Then get back to us with a new plan of yours.

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