Can anyone think of a reason why we’d fund Ukraine

So we see that you have been taken in by Russian Propaganda...

Ukraine interests are a shared interest...

Putin is fucking scum who finds Democracy a threat. If Democracy works then he might have to let it happen in Russia.

He also thinks that more than one NATO countries should be part of Russia or under Russian influence...

Well he can fuck off there... We aren't going back to the Cold War... We already won one...

Thing with scumbag Dictator, best stop them early or next you have a major later...

Ikraine is the bargin of the Century when it comes to wars and the Pro Russian like you are quite upset about that...

that is why you have to play the false narrative about Ukraine.

Did you not understand the OP?

I'll draw a picture for you and g5000

$ > Ukraine > American weapons, or

$ > American weapons > Ukraine.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
We don’t want you Russian shills to win. WOLVERINES!!!
"Three decades ago, the newly independent country of Ukraine was briefly the third-largest nuclear power in the world.

Thousands of nuclear arms had been left on Ukrainian soil by Moscow after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But in the years that followed, Ukraine made the decision to completely denuclearize.

In exchange, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia would guarantee Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum."

"It is clear that Ukrainians knew they weren't getting the exactly legally binding, really robust security guarantees they sought.

But they were told at the time that the United States and Western powers — so certainly at least the United States and Great Britain — take their political commitments really seriously. This is a document signed at the highest level by the heads of state. So the implication was Ukraine would not be left to stand alone and face a threat should it come under one.

So they had this faith that the West would stand by them, or certainly the United States, the signatories, and Great Britain, would stand up for Ukraine should it come under threat."
"Three decades ago, the newly independent country of Ukraine was briefly the third-largest nuclear power in the world.

Thousands of nuclear arms had been left on Ukrainian soil by Moscow after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But in the years that followed, Ukraine made the decision to completely denuclearize.

In exchange, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia would guarantee Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum."

"It is clear that Ukrainians knew they weren't getting the exactly legally binding, really robust security guarantees they sought.

But they were told at the time that the United States and Western powers — so certainly at least the United States and Great Britain — take their political commitments really seriously. This is a document signed at the highest level by the heads of state. So the implication was Ukraine would not be left to stand alone and face a threat should it come under one.

So they had this faith that the West would stand by them, or certainly the United States, the signatories, and Great Britain, would stand up for Ukraine should it come under threat."

Don't forget America's promise to Russia that Nato would not attempt to expand Nato eastward to Russia's borders.

Had that attempt by Nato not been made then there would be no war. Even as early as March of 22, there was a satisfactory peace agreed upon by both Russia and the Ukraine. America and Britain wouldn't have it!

Now we can look forward to the conclusion and it doesn't look good for either America or Russia. and the rest of humanity.
Don't forget America's promise to Russia that Nato would not attempt to expand Nato eastward to Russia's borders.

Had that attempt by Nato not been made then there would be no war. Even as early as March of 22, there was a satisfactory peace agreed upon by both Russia and the Ukraine. America and Britain wouldn't have it!

Now we can look forward to the conclusion and it doesn't look good for either America or Russia. and the rest of humanity.

"Such an agreement was never made. NATO’s door has been open to new members since it was founded in 1949. This has never changed. No treaty signed by NATO Allies and Russia included provisions on NATO membership. Decisions on NATO membership are taken by consensus among all Allies. Russia does not have a veto.

Individual Allies cannot make agreements on NATO’s behalf. President Clinton consistently refused Boris Yeltsin's offer to commit that no former Soviet Republics would join NATO: "I can't make commitments on behalf of NATO, and I'm not going to be in the position myself of vetoing NATO expansion with respect to any country, much less letting you or anyone else do so… NATO operates by consensus," he said.

The wording “NATO expansion” is already part of the myth. NATO did not hunt for new members or want to “expand eastward.” NATO respects every nation’s right to choose its own path. NATO membership is a decision for NATO Allies and those countries who wish to join alone."
Capitalism. The US government doesn't build the weapons.
Capitalism's first priority is not in keeping up with Russia's weapons industry.
Russia's priority is survival against a very large foreign threat.

America has the potential to compete on weapons and ammunition production, but has no incentive, considering that nuclear war with Russia is always going to be a 'spoiler'.

Don't you think so?

"Such an agreement was never made. NATO’s door has been open to new members since it was founded in 1949. This has never changed. No treaty signed by NATO Allies and Russia included provisions on NATO membership. Decisions on NATO membership are taken by consensus among all Allies. Russia does not have a veto.

Individual Allies cannot make agreements on NATO’s behalf. President Clinton consistently refused Boris Yeltsin's offer to commit that no former Soviet Republics would join NATO: "I can't make commitments on behalf of NATO, and I'm not going to be in the position myself of vetoing NATO expansion with respect to any country, much less letting you or anyone else do so… NATO operates by consensus," he said.

The wording “NATO expansion” is already part of the myth. NATO did not hunt for new members or want to “expand eastward.” NATO respects every nation’s right to choose its own path. NATO membership is a decision for NATO Allies and those countries who wish to join alone."
No treaty was 'signed' between Nato and Russia.
I have none of your interest on playing to the audience. We both know the facts.

And unfortunately, the facts are of little importance anyway. America never had any intention of stopping.
Russia's priority is survival against a very large foreign threat.
NATO has never threatened to invade Russia.

America has the potential to compete on weapons and ammunition production

considering that nuclear war with Russia is always going to be a 'spoiler'.

It's MAD.
"Three decades ago, the newly independent country of Ukraine was briefly the third-largest nuclear power in the world.

Thousands of nuclear arms had been left on Ukrainian soil by Moscow after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But in the years that followed, Ukraine made the decision to completely denuclearize.

In exchange, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia would guarantee Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum."

"It is clear that Ukrainians knew they weren't getting the exactly legally binding, really robust security guarantees they sought.

But they were told at the time that the United States and Western powers — so certainly at least the United States and Great Britain — take their political commitments really seriously. This is a document signed at the highest level by the heads of state. So the implication was Ukraine would not be left to stand alone and face a threat should it come under one.

So they had this faith that the West would stand by them, or certainly the United States, the signatories, and Great Britain, would stand up for Ukraine should it come under threat."

The first time the Russians invaded Ukraine, in 2014, the Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis sent the Ukes Blankets and MRE's. True fact.

Then when President of the United States of America, Donald Trump attained Office, he sent them the weapons they used to fight the Russians in Kyiv, etc.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants is only interested in keeping America's minds off of what a terrible, horrible, piece of shit president he is. LBJ escalated Viet Nam so he could get his BULLSHIT Great Society packages through.

Iran, North Korea, Cuba for the longest time and many, many, many more countries keep their populace under control by over-stating the threat of foreign powers.

We did it in the 60's and 70's ourselves. Russia has never stopped doing it.

And Sponge Brains Shits Pants along with his total scumbag filth in the DNC are doing it again, today. dimocrap FILTH could not give a shit less about Ukraine, otherwise, Sponge Brains Shits Pants wouldn't have told Russia to "Go ahead, invade Ukraine" we don't care as long as it's a "MINOR INCURSION"!!!

IMO, it was NOT a mistake. It was planned all along. The Kung Flu AND a War?? dimocrap scum nirvana.

That said, Russia sucks. Russia has sucked for the last 500 years. In the last 100 years, virtually ALL of the World's problems can be traced directly to Russia. Yes, Virginia, even WW2. They were allies of the National Socialists ("Nazis'' to uneducated dimocrap scum) for the first 2 years of the War. FACT.

So Russia can suck on it, AFAIC. Let their men die by the bushel. They can send us their women. They might be good for something; not sure what, exactly but we'll figure something out.

Any questions?
No treaty was 'signed' between Nato and Russia.
I have none of your interest on playing to the audience. We both know the facts.

And unfortunately, the facts are of little importance anyway. America never had any intention of stopping.
Never said NATO sign any treaty did I?

And we are not sending in troops to protect Ukraine or to decimate Russians either.
Never said NATO sign any treaty did I?

And we are not sending in troops to protect Ukraine or to decimate Russians either.
You don't make the cut.
You were doing quite well but................................
I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Capitalism. The US government doesn't build the weapons.
That's idiotic. The goobermint itself may not 'build' the weapons but they are built at the behest of the goobermint and the weapons are paid for with tax money.

WTF are you babbling about?? NO 'goobermint' builds its own weapons. PEOPLE do.

Now go back to Das Kapital re-read chapter III
The first time the Russians invaded Ukraine, in 2014....sent the Ukes Blankets and MRE's.
Ukraine was still swamped with corrupt Russians and Obama didn't want to send offensive weapons in case they folded and Russia got a hold of them. Obama sent more none lethal aid than blankets and meals.
Ukraine was still swamped with corrupt Russians and Obama didn't want to send offensive weapons in case they folded and Russia got a hold of them. Obama sent more none lethal aid than blankets and meals.

Good thing putting Hunter on the Board of Burisma and hiring Pelosi, Kerry and Romney's kids cleared up the corruption

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