How to avoid taxes and bite the hand that cared for you.....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

EDUARDO Saverin, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook who fled to the US as a teenager to escape the threat of kidnapping, has renounced American citizenship to avoid millions of dollars in taxes when the company goes public this week.

The Brazilian-born Mr Saverin, 30, who has lived in Singapore since 2009, joins a growing number of people giving up US citizenship before a possible increase in tax rates for top earners, putting fresh pressure on President Obama to extend expiring tax breaks for the wealthy.

Mr Saverin appeared in a document published by the Internal Revenue Service on Friday listing Americans who had renounced their citizenship. His spokesman said that he made the move last September.

Mr Saverin is one of several students who helped Mark Zuckerberg to start Facebook at Harvard University ten years ago, putting up the cash to launch the fledgling social network. He acted as its first chief financial officer but was squeezed out of the company after an escalating fallout with Mr Zuckerberg.

His original wealth came from his father, an industrialist who fled to Miami with his family in 1993 after discovering that his son's name had appeared on a list of targets for gangs specialising in kidnap for ransom. Eduardo was granted US citizenship at the age of 18.

Facebook's offering values the company at $US96 billion. Mr Saverin's stake stands at 4 per cent, making it worth nearly $US4 billion and leaving him liable for as much as $US600 million in capital gains tax were he to remain a US citizen.

Mr Saverin's spokesman played down the timing of the move, suggesting that it had more to do with geography than any efforts to dodge taxes. Singapore has no capital gains tax, although US citizens are liable for the levy wherever they live.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

EDUARDO Saverin, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook who fled to the US as a teenager to escape the threat of kidnapping, has renounced American citizenship to avoid millions of dollars in taxes when the company goes public this week.

The Brazilian-born Mr Saverin, 30, who has lived in Singapore since 2009, joins a growing number of people giving up US citizenship before a possible increase in tax rates for top earners, putting fresh pressure on President Obama to extend expiring tax breaks for the wealthy.

Mr Saverin appeared in a document published by the Internal Revenue Service on Friday listing Americans who had renounced their citizenship. His spokesman said that he made the move last September.

Mr Saverin is one of several students who helped Mark Zuckerberg to start Facebook at Harvard University ten years ago, putting up the cash to launch the fledgling social network. He acted as its first chief financial officer but was squeezed out of the company after an escalating fallout with Mr Zuckerberg.

His original wealth came from his father, an industrialist who fled to Miami with his family in 1993 after discovering that his son's name had appeared on a list of targets for gangs specialising in kidnap for ransom. Eduardo was granted US citizenship at the age of 18.

Facebook's offering values the company at $US96 billion. Mr Saverin's stake stands at 4 per cent, making it worth nearly $US4 billion and leaving him liable for as much as $US600 million in capital gains tax were he to remain a US citizen.

Mr Saverin's spokesman played down the timing of the move, suggesting that it had more to do with geography than any efforts to dodge taxes. Singapore has no capital gains tax, although US citizens are liable for the levy wherever they live.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.

yep.... the evil 1%..... who the 99% adore! Facebook
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[Just another snapshot of a nation of equals where some are more equal than others. Here's more!]

"Only in Obama’s new America can:

1. Politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund raising event.

2. People claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black and only 12% of the population is black.

3. Could we have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4. We have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

5. We make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just become American citizens.

6. The people who believe in balancing the federal budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

7. You vote without any Identification, but need an ID to cash a check, buy alcohol or cigarettes, gain access to government buildings etc.

8. Politicians demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike)

9. Could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, and still spend over a trillion dollars more than it took in every year since a President has been in office and still have the nerve to complain that the government still doesn’t have enough money.

10. The rich people who pay 86% of all income taxes be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

11. The President whose party constantly champions the separation of church and state, and therefore protests against such things as manger scenes in public, only in that America could that president then sign a law forcing churches to pay for things which are totally against their teachings, such as birth control.

12. A President whose core constituency used the phrase “Keep the government out of my uterus” in the pro-choice debate now sign a law that forces tax payers to pay for the government to implant birth control devices in those same uterus’.

13.We have a government that purposefully kills job creating enterprises such as the Keystone pipeline, then demagogues the issue by calling on those from the other party to "play fair" and extend unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks.

14. We have politicians claim that extending unemployment benefits, stimulate job creation.

15. The President bemoan the fact that he too is wealthy and that his taxes should be raised and yet he takes every deduction he possibly can on his tax return."

Obama's America
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

EDUARDO Saverin, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook who fled to the US as a teenager to escape the threat of kidnapping, has renounced American citizenship to avoid millions of dollars in taxes when the company goes public this week.

The Brazilian-born Mr Saverin, 30, who has lived in Singapore since 2009, joins a growing number of people giving up US citizenship before a possible increase in tax rates for top earners, putting fresh pressure on President Obama to extend expiring tax breaks for the wealthy.

Mr Saverin appeared in a document published by the Internal Revenue Service on Friday listing Americans who had renounced their citizenship. His spokesman said that he made the move last September.

Mr Saverin is one of several students who helped Mark Zuckerberg to start Facebook at Harvard University ten years ago, putting up the cash to launch the fledgling social network. He acted as its first chief financial officer but was squeezed out of the company after an escalating fallout with Mr Zuckerberg.

His original wealth came from his father, an industrialist who fled to Miami with his family in 1993 after discovering that his son's name had appeared on a list of targets for gangs specialising in kidnap for ransom. Eduardo was granted US citizenship at the age of 18.

Facebook's offering values the company at $US96 billion. Mr Saverin's stake stands at 4 per cent, making it worth nearly $US4 billion and leaving him liable for as much as $US600 million in capital gains tax were he to remain a US citizen.

Mr Saverin's spokesman played down the timing of the move, suggesting that it had more to do with geography than any efforts to dodge taxes. Singapore has no capital gains tax, although US citizens are liable for the levy wherever they live.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.

You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

EDUARDO Saverin, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook who fled to the US as a teenager to escape the threat of kidnapping, has renounced American citizenship to avoid millions of dollars in taxes when the company goes public this week.

The Brazilian-born Mr Saverin, 30, who has lived in Singapore since 2009, joins a growing number of people giving up US citizenship before a possible increase in tax rates for top earners, putting fresh pressure on President Obama to extend expiring tax breaks for the wealthy.

Mr Saverin appeared in a document published by the Internal Revenue Service on Friday listing Americans who had renounced their citizenship. His spokesman said that he made the move last September.

Mr Saverin is one of several students who helped Mark Zuckerberg to start Facebook at Harvard University ten years ago, putting up the cash to launch the fledgling social network. He acted as its first chief financial officer but was squeezed out of the company after an escalating fallout with Mr Zuckerberg.

His original wealth came from his father, an industrialist who fled to Miami with his family in 1993 after discovering that his son's name had appeared on a list of targets for gangs specialising in kidnap for ransom. Eduardo was granted US citizenship at the age of 18.

Facebook's offering values the company at $US96 billion. Mr Saverin's stake stands at 4 per cent, making it worth nearly $US4 billion and leaving him liable for as much as $US600 million in capital gains tax were he to remain a US citizen.

Mr Saverin's spokesman played down the timing of the move, suggesting that it had more to do with geography than any efforts to dodge taxes. Singapore has no capital gains tax, although US citizens are liable for the levy wherever they live.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.

You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?

Actually, no...........................................

I just hate those that have benefited from this country who later refuse to pay their fair share.

I mean fuck dude....................we bailed this asshole out of his own country because he was being targeted, gave the fucker U.S. Citizenship, and now that he's made a lot of money from an idea DEVELOPED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES, he decides that he doesn't want to pay taxes, so he moves to Singapore and renounces his citizenship.

I mean fuck dude.........................would YOU allow someone to use the resouces of this country, only to run out on the check when it came due?

Saverin is a perfect example what's wrong with the world, today.

These people want the benefits of a free society, but object to paying their share for it.

Hang em all.
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.

You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?

Actually, no...........................................

I just hate those that have benefited from this country who later refuse to pay their fair share.

I mean fuck dude....................we bailed this asshole out of his own country because he was being targeted, gave the fucker U.S. Citizenship, and now that he's made a lot of money from an idea DEVELOPED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES, he decides that he doesn't want to pay taxes, so he moves to Singapore and renounces his citizenship.

I mean fuck dude.........................would YOU allow someone to use the resouces of this country, only to run out on the check when it came due?

I wouldn't write the laws that way. That was my point.
Using the internet to reach 900 million people is not using the resources of the US. If democrats weren't so damn greedy and envious you could maybe convince more rich people to stay,, but since you won't I suggest you develop a contingency plan.
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.

You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?

Actually, no...........................................

I just hate those that have benefited from this country who later refuse to pay their fair share.

I mean fuck dude....................we bailed this asshole out of his own country because he was being targeted, gave the fucker U.S. Citizenship, and now that he's made a lot of money from an idea DEVELOPED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES, he decides that he doesn't want to pay taxes, so he moves to Singapore and renounces his citizenship.

I mean fuck dude.........................would YOU allow someone to use the resouces of this country, only to run out on the check when it came due?

You guys and this "Their Fair Share" BS. Man you make me sick. Simply by Helping Create Face book the man is responsible for More Tax income to the Government, and Economic Activity. Then you would be in a 1000 years. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The Rich are not leaving because they don't want to pay their fair share. You fucking ingrate liberal asshole. They are leaving because they already pay the FUCKING LIONS share of all Taxes, and you FUCKING ASSHOLES say it's not enough.

If I had that much money, I would get the Fuck out of here too. Not to save money, But to escape the Coming Slaughter when you fucking Left wing Loons rise up and start taking heads in your Obama Induced Class Warfare Rage.

Seriously I mean I usually try and Remain Calm and Civil, and I am NOT Rich. But you people make me want to fucking Puke. You Demonize, and Lie about the Very People who have Created the Wealth that made this Nation the Richest and most Powerful nation on Earth. Innovators like Face Book. They don't take something from others. They Create Wealth. When Their IPO hit BILLIONS of Dollars came into Existence. Share of Stock that Millions Bought and Own and will all PAY FUCKING Taxes on. All Because of People like this guy.

You people have Destroyed the American Dream. You have Destroyed the Engine that Created it. You have made it a shameful thing to succeed, and become Rich. The very thing that Made us.

Frankly I hope you enjoy the Broke ass, Shell of a Country that's left once you get your way. I assure you I wont be here anymore to see it. I rather go hang with my Canadian Friends than watch this Great Nations succumb to Your Failed Ideas like so many Before it.
You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?

Actually, no...........................................

I just hate those that have benefited from this country who later refuse to pay their fair share.

I mean fuck dude....................we bailed this asshole out of his own country because he was being targeted, gave the fucker U.S. Citizenship, and now that he's made a lot of money from an idea DEVELOPED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES, he decides that he doesn't want to pay taxes, so he moves to Singapore and renounces his citizenship.

I mean fuck dude.........................would YOU allow someone to use the resouces of this country, only to run out on the check when it came due?

You guys and this "Their Fair Share" BS. Man you make me sick. Simply by Helping Create Face book the man is responsible for More Tax income to the Government, and Economic Activity. Then you would be in a 1000 years. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The Rich are not leaving because they don't want to pay their fair share. You fucking ingrate liberal asshole. They are leaving because they already pay the FUCKING LIONS share of all Taxes, and you FUCKING ASSHOLES say it's not enough.

If I had that much money, I would get the Fuck out of here too. Not to save money, But to escape the Coming Slaughter when you fucking Left wing Loons rise up and start taking heads in your Obama Induced Class Warfare Rage.

Seriously I mean I usually try and Remain Calm and Civil, and I am NOT Rich. But you people make me want to fucking Puke. You Demonize, and Lie about the Very People who have Created the Wealth that made this Nation the Richest and most Powerful nation on Earth. Innovators like Face Book. They don't take something from others. They Create Wealth. When Their IPO hit BILLIONS of Dollars came into Existence. Share of Stock that Millions Bought and Own and will all PAY FUCKING Taxes on. All Because of People like this guy.

You people have Destroyed the American Dream. You have Destroyed the Engine that Created it. You have made it a shameful thing to succeed, and become Rich. The very thing that Made us.

Frankly I hope you enjoy the Broke ass, Shell of a Country that's left once you get your way. I assure you I wont be here anymore to see it. I rather go hang with my Canadian Friends than watch this Great Nations succumb to Your Failed Ideas like so many Before it. might really wanna check out the link.

He's renounced his citizenship because he's going to make money and the only way they can avoid taxes is to renounce their citizenship.

Quick question...........................would YOU give up your citizenship as a member of the United States if it would benefit you financially (i.e. avoiding taxes)?
I simply amazed at this stupidity...

How many Hollywood actors said they would move if George Bush got reelected?

but this guy leaves and takes the money he made here he is DEMONIZED?
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Frankly I hope you enjoy the Broke ass, Shell of a Country that's left once you get your way. I assure you I wont be here anymore to see it. I rather go hang with my Canadian Friends than watch this Great Nations succumb to Your Failed Ideas like so many Before it.

LMAO. ZGonna go hang out with those socialist Canadians. Carefull, they will take your money and let other people have health care with it.

And are you promising you won't be here anymore? Promise?

And just how much "wealth" is Facebook creating for the average American. What product does Facebook produce that I need to go out and buy? You know, that wealth creating product that I gotta have. (btw I live just fine without a FB account.)

Weird rant.
Step 1: Seek political asylum in the US, and be granted citizenship when you're 18.

Step 2: Go to Ivy league school and invent a computer social network and call it Facebook.

Step 3: Move to Singapore (because they don't charge capital gains taxes).

Step 4: After finding out that you're going to be fabulously wealthy from your internet endeavor, renounce your citizenship and remain in Singapore.

Not to mention, the other co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is already working out a way to ALSO avoid paying his fair share of taxes.

And all this is happening just before Facebook goes public with it's IPO.
I understand where you coming from Biker but he actually does think differently. Let me explain:

You and I were born in the USA. We served in the Military. We are proud to be Americans and we believe our History, Constitution and Rule of Law makes us great. Border. Language. Culture.

The is guy is a Globalist. He's believes in none of that.

All he knows is that there should be no borders. Corporations should be free to travel anywhere and everywhere whenever they want and pay no taxes while being subsidized by nations. In fact, people like him want no National Gov'ts, they want the World under UN Global Gov't Control.

Why would they want that? Because they think they're so much smarter than us and they know what's best for the world. We don't.

Borders and National and State gov'ts are firewalls against Global Governance, but people like him want that torn down and removed. Just imagine the entire world under a NAFTA Style Free Trade Agreement run by the UN. Terrifying isn't it?

Who are the Globalists? Anyone who belongs to:

The TRi-Lateral Commission
The Bilderberg group

The Bilderberg group is meeting in Chantilly VA at the end of this month and if you believe to story surrounding it, they're gonna' pick Romney's V.P. They've already saud they want a say in who he chooses so it's not a conspiracy theory.
You should boycott any and every entity that uses legal measures to avoid paying more taxes than what they owe then.

So why are you using a computer?

Actually, no...........................................

I just hate those that have benefited from this country who later refuse to pay their fair share.

I mean fuck dude....................we bailed this asshole out of his own country because he was being targeted, gave the fucker U.S. Citizenship, and now that he's made a lot of money from an idea DEVELOPED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES, he decides that he doesn't want to pay taxes, so he moves to Singapore and renounces his citizenship.

I mean fuck dude.........................would YOU allow someone to use the resouces of this country, only to run out on the check when it came due?

You guys and this "Their Fair Share" BS. Man you make me sick. Simply by Helping Create Face book the man is responsible for More Tax income to the Government, and Economic Activity. Then you would be in a 1000 years. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The Rich are not leaving because they don't want to pay their fair share. You fucking ingrate liberal asshole. They are leaving because they already pay the FUCKING LIONS share of all Taxes, and you FUCKING ASSHOLES say it's not enough.

If I had that much money, I would get the Fuck out of here too. Not to save money, But to escape the Coming Slaughter when you fucking Left wing Loons rise up and start taking heads in your Obama Induced Class Warfare Rage.

Seriously I mean I usually try and Remain Calm and Civil, and I am NOT Rich. But you people make me want to fucking Puke. You Demonize, and Lie about the Very People who have Created the Wealth that made this Nation the Richest and most Powerful nation on Earth. Innovators like Face Book. They don't take something from others. They Create Wealth. When Their IPO hit BILLIONS of Dollars came into Existence. Share of Stock that Millions Bought and Own and will all PAY FUCKING Taxes on. All Because of People like this guy.

You people have Destroyed the American Dream. You have Destroyed the Engine that Created it. You have made it a shameful thing to succeed, and become Rich. The very thing that Made us.

Frankly I hope you enjoy the Broke ass, Shell of a Country that's left once you get your way. I assure you I wont be here anymore to see it. I rather go hang with my Canadian Friends than watch this Great Nations succumb to Your Failed Ideas like so many Before it.

You're an idiot.

The guy is renouncing his citizenship, to the extent it's because of taxes, because he wants to pay ZERO in taxes.

The only way the US could compete with that is to let him pay ZERO in taxes.

Now tell me, what would we gain by doing that?

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