How I Went From Far-Left Socialist to Conservative Republican


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
When I first started voting in 1967, my main thought was to stay out of the Vietnam War, which I hated (and still do). It was a Democrat then who was waging that war (Lyndon Johnson), and a Republican (Richard Nixon) who said he had a secret plan to end the war. Lots of leftists, including me, stunned by the Tet Offensive in 1968, desperate for an end to the war, believed him and voted for him, just on that alone. Then, after getting elected, in 1969, he escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam.

For the next 40 years, I never voted for a Republican again. I voted for every Democrat or Green presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008.
Although I always did have reservations about the Democratic party's positions on illegal immigration and affirmative action, I still retained my strong Marxist beginnings, and viewed the Democrats as being for the poor, the middle class, and the Republicans as being for the rich.

I looked with disgust at the gay pride perverted spectacles that Democrats seemed to support, and always thought >> What is there to be proud of ?

After the turn of the century, and 9/11, terrorism and Islamization becoming major factors, and having that become part of the scenario, I began to look closer at the differences between the 2 major parties. I found the Democrats to be disturbingly friendly to radical Islam, and less and less a friend of lower income Americans, with each passing year. The shocking blow that knocked me right out of my Democrat shoes, in 2009 was the Fort Hood shooting. Being an Army veteran myself, I couldn't help thinking the 13 soldiers shot dead by terrorist Nidal Hasan could have been me. Couldn't deny that a lot of the blame for the massacre was with Obama (commander in chief of all US military) who, for months, refused to eject Hasan from the Army with a dishonorable discharge, despite official requests for that, from almost every Fort Hood officer of the rank of major and higher.

Then I saw Obama, pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, created a vacuum, that was sure to be filled by jihadists. Sure enough, along came ISIS, and Obama mostly ignored them, while their convoys were on open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes. Obama's pitifully few airstrikes were called "pin pricks" by ex-Generals.

In 2012, I voted for Virgil Goode, rather than the RINO Romney. In 2016, when the Democrats had lost their connection to the low income classes, with Hillary Clinton's campaign heavily donated by rich, Wall St interests, and greatly outspent Trump, I knew I couldn't vote for that. Clinton also was a pure globalist with a strong connection to outsourcing, having voted for it in the Senate, and being a member of pro outsourcing organizations (Trilateral Commission & Council on Foreign Relations).

Trump was just the opposite. Was not in cahoots with Wall St., wasn't throwing US workers under the bus with illegal immigration, wasn't cool with the Islamic seditionists, was not a globalist and was a nationalist, supporting US businesses and workers, and wasn't an enemy of most of the US population on the affirmative action issue. I became a registered Republican in 2016, and voted for Trump in the primary and general election. He came through big, giving us a good economy, low unemployment (lowest ever for minorities) and the highest median wage in US history, along with many other things good for poor, and working class people.

All this was now in addition to the Democrats gone completely insane with riots, induced by media false reporting, and insane ideas like Critical Race Theory, police defunding, tran men competing with women in womens' sports, excessive gun control, immorally loose abortion ideas, and wrecking our democracy by election stealing and the shameful Biden Afghanistan fiasco, leaving Americans and tens of Billions of US equipment to the Taliban.

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes |

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing' (
When I first started voting in 1967, my main thought was to stay out of the Vietnam War, which I hated (and still do). It was a Democrat then who was waging that war (Lyndon Johnson), and a Republican (Richard Nixon) who said he had a secret plan to end the war. Lots of leftists, including me, stunned by the Tet Offensive in 1968, desperate for an end to the war, believed him and voted for him, just on that alone. Then, after getting elected, in 1969, he escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam.

For the next 40 years, I never voted for a Republican again. I voted for every Democrat or Green presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008.
Although I always did have reservations about the Democratic party's positions on illegal immigration and affirmative action, I still retained my strong Marxist beginnings, and viewed the Democrats as being for the poor, the middle class, and the Republicans as being for the rich.

I looked with disgust at the gay pride perverted spectacles that Democrats seemed to support, and always thought >> What is there to be proud of ?

After the turn of the century, and 9/11, terrorism and Islamization becoming major factors, and having that become part of the scenario, I began to look closer at the differences between the 2 major parties. I found the Democrats to be disturbingly friendly to radical Islam, and less and less a friend of lower income Americans, with each passing year. The shocking blow that knocked me right out of my Democrat shoes, in 2009 was the Fort Hood shooting. Being an Army veteran myself, I couldn't help thinking the 13 soldiers shot dead by terrorist Nidal Hasan could have been me. Couldn't deny that a lot of the blame for the massacre was with Obama (commander in chief of all US military) who, for months, refused to eject Hasan from the Army with a dishonorable discharge, despite official requests for that, from almost every Fort Hood officer of the rank of major and higher.

Then I saw Obama, pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, created a vacuum, that was sure to be filled by jihadists. Sure enough, along came ISIS, and Obama mostly ignored them, while their convoys were on open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes. Obama's pitifully few airstrikes were called "pin pricks" by ex-Generals.

In 2012, I voted for Virgil Goode, rather than the RINO Romney. In 2016, when the Democrats had lost their connection to the low income classes, with Hillary Clinton's campaign heavily donated by rich, Wall St interests, and greatly outspent Trump, I knew I couldn't vote for that. Clinton also was a pure globalist with a strong connection to outsourcing, having voted for it in the Senate, and being a member of pro outsourcing organizations (Trilateral Commission & Council on Foreign Relations).

Trump was just the opposite. Was not in cahoots with Wall St., wasn't throwing US workers under the bus with illegal immigration, wasn't cool with the Islamic seditionists, was not a globalist and was a nationalist, supporting US businesses and workers, and wasn't an enemy of most of the US population on the affirmative action issue. I became a registered Republican in 2016, and voted for Trump in the primary and general election. He came through big, giving us a good economy, low unemployment (lowest ever for minorities) and the highest median wage in US history, along with many other things good for poor, and working class people.

All this was now in addition to the Democrats gone completely insane with riots, induced by media false reporting, and insane ideas like Critical Race Theory, police defunding, tran men competing with women in womens' sports, excessive gun control, immorally loose abortion ideas, and wrecking our democracy by election stealing and the shameful Biden Afghanistan fiasco, leaving Americans and tens of Billions of US equipment to the Taliban.

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes |

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing' (

You were a strong Marxist?

BTW, ISIS was born in Camp Brucca prison, Iraq in 2004.
When I first started voting in 1967, my main thought was to stay out of the Vietnam War, which I hated (and still do). It was a Democrat then who was waging that war (Lyndon Johnson), and a Republican (Richard Nixon) who said he had a secret plan to end the war. Lots of leftists, including me, stunned by the Tet Offensive in 1968, desperate for an end to the war, believed him and voted for him, just on that alone. Then, after getting elected, in 1969, he escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam.

For the next 40 years, I never voted for a Republican again. I voted for every Democrat or Green presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008.
Although I always did have reservations about the Democratic party's positions on illegal immigration and affirmative action, I still retained my strong Marxist beginnings, and viewed the Democrats as being for the poor, the middle class, and the Republicans as being for the rich.

I looked with disgust at the gay pride perverted spectacles that Democrats seemed to support, and always thought >> What is there to be proud of ?

After the turn of the century, and 9/11, terrorism and Islamization becoming major factors, and having that become part of the scenario, I began to look closer at the differences between the 2 major parties. I found the Democrats to be disturbingly friendly to radical Islam, and less and less a friend of lower income Americans, with each passing year. The shocking blow that knocked me right out of my Democrat shoes, in 2009 was the Fort Hood shooting. Being an Army veteran myself, I couldn't help thinking the 13 soldiers shot dead by terrorist Nidal Hasan could have been me. Couldn't deny that a lot of the blame for the massacre was with Obama (commander in chief of all US military) who, for months, refused to eject Hasan from the Army with a dishonorable discharge, despite official requests for that, from almost every Fort Hood officer of the rank of major and higher.

Then I saw Obama, pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, created a vacuum, that was sure to be filled by jihadists. Sure enough, along came ISIS, and Obama mostly ignored them, while their convoys were on open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes. Obama's pitifully few airstrikes were called "pin pricks" by ex-Generals.

In 2012, I voted for Virgil Goode, rather than the RINO Romney. In 2016, when the Democrats had lost their connection to the low income classes, with Hillary Clinton's campaign heavily donated by rich, Wall St interests, and greatly outspent Trump, I knew I couldn't vote for that. Clinton also was a pure globalist with a strong connection to outsourcing, having voted for it in the Senate, and being a member of pro outsourcing organizations (Trilateral Commission & Council on Foreign Relations).

Trump was just the opposite. Was not in cahoots with Wall St., wasn't throwing US workers under the bus with illegal immigration, wasn't cool with the Islamic seditionists, was not a globalist and was a nationalist, supporting US businesses and workers, and wasn't an enemy of most of the US population on the affirmative action issue. I became a registered Republican in 2016, and voted for Trump in the primary and general election. He came through big, giving us a good economy, low unemployment (lowest ever for minorities) and the highest median wage in US history, along with many other things good for poor, and working class people.

All this was now in addition to the Democrats gone completely insane with riots, induced by media false reporting, and insane ideas like Critical Race Theory, police defunding, tran men competing with women in womens' sports, excessive gun control, immorally loose abortion ideas, and wrecking our democracy by election stealing and the shameful Biden Afghanistan fiasco, leaving Americans and tens of Billions of US equipment to the Taliban.

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes |

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing' (
It's just a good thing that democrats no longer need your vote to win elections, as well as anyone else in the US for that matter.
Both Parties have their Patriots. The extremes on both sides are completely out of touch with America and frankly aren't what they voted for. They often receive such policies nonetheless.

However, out of all of the quirks in your political system which I have been exposed, nothing shocked me more than seeing the Establishment across all sectors work tirelessly to destroy a man who put America First. These efforts will probably go down in history as the period in which America lost the global war on influence and projection of strength which Western citizens relied on.

There might be a great deal of details as to the "why" which we aren't privy to today, still, none of it makes sense to me at this moment in time.
Both Parties have their Patriots. The extremes on both sides are completely out of touch with America and frankly aren't what they voted for. They often receive such policies nonetheless.

However, out of all of the quirks in your political system which I have been exposed, nothing shocked me more than seeing the Establishment across all sectors work tirelessly to destroy a man who put America First. These efforts will probably go down in history as the period in which America lost the global war on influence and projection of strength which Western citizens relied on.

There might be a great deal of details as to the "why" which we aren't privy to today, still, none of it makes sense to me at this moment in time.

America first was a political jingle.
I have long wondered what "conservatives" think that they are "conserving." What I have seen of them is an exaltation of gross racism, gross misogyny, gross homophobia, gross ethnic discrimination, gross religious bias, and a desire to impose a social caste system on the U.S. They need to explain specifically what it is that they stand for.
America first was a political jingle.

It's politics WWE style. Doesn't mean the policies enacted weren't good for America and the Western World. They were poiicies which were very popular, helping return your Middle Class while stifling America largest competitors.

There is a reason Trump received the second most votes ever. Losing only to the historic results of President Biden.
I am interested in tales like OPs. My brother as young man was popular and fairly satisfied with his life. Then he became a truck driver and rode around the country listening to talk radio for thirty years. By the time he died 2 years ago he was utterly friendless because no one wanted to hear his non-stop griping. His long-time girlfriend just grabbed everything of value and split. I had to pay for his cremation even though I hadn't spoken to him in years because there was no one else. He embraced extreme right wing politics and never had another happy moment in his life. I still wonder why anyone would do that to themselves.
So you grew old and became a war loving curmudgeon. No one really cares outside of the kids you chase off your lawn.
When I first started voting in 1967, my main thought was to stay out of the Vietnam War, which I hated (and still do). It was a Democrat then who was waging that war (Lyndon Johnson), and a Republican (Richard Nixon) who said he had a secret plan to end the war. Lots of leftists, including me, stunned by the Tet Offensive in 1968, desperate for an end to the war, believed him and voted for him, just on that alone. Then, after getting elected, in 1969, he escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam.

For the next 40 years, I never voted for a Republican again. I voted for every Democrat or Green presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008.
Although I always did have reservations about the Democratic party's positions on illegal immigration and affirmative action, I still retained my strong Marxist beginnings, and viewed the Democrats as being for the poor, the middle class, and the Republicans as being for the rich.

I looked with disgust at the gay pride perverted spectacles that Democrats seemed to support, and always thought >> What is there to be proud of ?

After the turn of the century, and 9/11, terrorism and Islamization becoming major factors, and having that become part of the scenario, I began to look closer at the differences between the 2 major parties. I found the Democrats to be disturbingly friendly to radical Islam, and less and less a friend of lower income Americans, with each passing year. The shocking blow that knocked me right out of my Democrat shoes, in 2009 was the Fort Hood shooting. Being an Army veteran myself, I couldn't help thinking the 13 soldiers shot dead by terrorist Nidal Hasan could have been me. Couldn't deny that a lot of the blame for the massacre was with Obama (commander in chief of all US military) who, for months, refused to eject Hasan from the Army with a dishonorable discharge, despite official requests for that, from almost every Fort Hood officer of the rank of major and higher.

Then I saw Obama, pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, created a vacuum, that was sure to be filled by jihadists. Sure enough, along came ISIS, and Obama mostly ignored them, while their convoys were on open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes. Obama's pitifully few airstrikes were called "pin pricks" by ex-Generals.

In 2012, I voted for Virgil Goode, rather than the RINO Romney. In 2016, when the Democrats had lost their connection to the low income classes, with Hillary Clinton's campaign heavily donated by rich, Wall St interests, and greatly outspent Trump, I knew I couldn't vote for that. Clinton also was a pure globalist with a strong connection to outsourcing, having voted for it in the Senate, and being a member of pro outsourcing organizations (Trilateral Commission & Council on Foreign Relations).

Trump was just the opposite. Was not in cahoots with Wall St., wasn't throwing US workers under the bus with illegal immigration, wasn't cool with the Islamic seditionists, was not a globalist and was a nationalist, supporting US businesses and workers, and wasn't an enemy of most of the US population on the affirmative action issue. I became a registered Republican in 2016, and voted for Trump in the primary and general election. He came through big, giving us a good economy, low unemployment (lowest ever for minorities) and the highest median wage in US history, along with many other things good for poor, and working class people.

All this was now in addition to the Democrats gone completely insane with riots, induced by media false reporting, and insane ideas like Critical Race Theory, police defunding, tran men competing with women in womens' sports, excessive gun control, immorally loose abortion ideas, and wrecking our democracy by election stealing and the shameful Biden Afghanistan fiasco, leaving Americans and tens of Billions of US equipment to the Taliban.

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes |

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing' (

I went from being a Democrat (ish) to non-political party when the evil Clintons got in office.
I saw what they were doing, even though I wasn't really into politics at that time.

Since then, I vote for what my common sense tells me to. And sometimes I vote with a write-in, and not who is listed on the ballot, as a write-in can be anyone you want or anyTHING you want.....LOL.

I don't believe the rhetoric, the lies, or the promises anybody running spews out to get elected. I look at their backgrounds/history, and that tells me all I really need to know.

Research is not only a lost art, it's a powerful tool.
I went from being a Democrat (ish) to non-political party when the evil Clintons got in office.
I saw what they were doing, even though I wasn't really into politics at that time.

Since then, I vote for what my common sense tells me to. And sometimes I vote with a write-in, and not who is listed on the ballot, as a write-in can be anyone you want or anyTHING you want.....LOL.

I don't believe the rhetoric, the lies, or the promises anybody running spews out to get elected. I look at their backgrounds/history, and that tells me all I really need to know.

Research is not only a lost art, it's a powerful tool.

I got a chuckle from the local news lady when I wrote in Vermin Supreme in 2012.

She was announcing election results and said X amount for Romney, X amount for Obama, a few votes for third party candidates and (chuckling) one write in for Vermin Supreme.
Both Parties have their Patriots. The extremes on both sides are completely out of touch with America and frankly aren't what they voted for. They often receive such policies nonetheless.

However, out of all of the quirks in your political system which I have been exposed, nothing shocked me more than seeing the Establishment across all sectors work tirelessly to destroy a man who put America First. These efforts will probably go down in history as the period in which America lost the global war on influence and projection of strength which Western citizens relied on.

There might be a great deal of details as to the "why" which we aren't privy to today, still, none of it makes sense to me at this moment in time.
You are correct about the extremes in both parties. But it our electoral system that is to blame. Candidates are required to court the crazies at the edges to win in the primaries, then it is a race to the middle during the general election. Compounding the problem is the intense gerrymandering going on at the state level, Texas a clear example and North Carolina a demonstration of how effective gerrymandering can be in destroying vast blocks of voters. Something is going to have to change, the system is at it's breaking point.
Sounds like you allowed yourself to become old, bitter and easily frightened, the target audience for right wing bullshit. Now that you are fully indoctrinated are you happy or does your fear and loathing get in the way?
What something "sounds like" to a current day leftist, is about as relevant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. I have no interest in the thoughts of raving lunatics, who are also too dumb to realize that THEY are "fully indoctrinated" DUPES, as proven by the idiocies that they support (tran loons et al perverts, defunding police, hating America, illegal immigration + covid spreading, CRT insanity, ad infinitum, ad nauseum)
It's just a good thing that democrats no longer need your vote to win elections, as well as anyone else in the US for that matter.
Today's Democrats don't need anybody's "vote". They just STEAL what they want.

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